Fall of the Fel RP (OOC)

100 Gnome Priest

I have fallen prey yet again to [Murphy's Law]... meaning that the RP event I had planned on holding Oct.15 of this week is cancelled due to RL family related "things & stuff".

I'd like to apologize to and also thank all of those who signed up.


This part of Raven's story will still be told and wrapped up. Since the in-game event is no longer an option for me I'm thinking I'll start up an RP thread. This way all of those who would like to be involved in this story may do so. Hosting an RP thread here, at CCSOE.org, and on related guild site forums would allow the most opportunities for involvement... at least that's my thought.

Any thoughts, ideas, advice on hosting such a thread is welcomed. :) I've posted my own stories before but haven't really participated in nor hosted an actual open rp thread... so by and large I'll be wingin' it. ^.^
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100 Worgen Warlock
If in-game organization is difficult (and often times it is, whether it be time zones, unable to get into the game for whatever RL reason, etc.), forums would be a good bet. It's somewhat unwieldy, since you need to wait for people to post replies, but it can work.
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100 Human Paladin
I was really looking forward to this in game but TOTALLY understand Cail. I'll do whatever you need me to do to help support you with this!
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