Interested in Starting RP with my sig other

100 Night Elf Druid
All of the stickies seem to be out of date though. A lot of the chat channels seem abandoned except allianceOOC.

I have read some guides and am excited to start this thing with my significant other, but even guild listings seem to be way out of date. Our characters are on Sisters of Elune (posting here as the Sisters of Elune forum seems....dead (possible character transfer here or wyrmrest accord in the future)), and we decided to start from level one again after our previous time playing wow via recruit a friend and powerleveling our way to 100 and not really having that much fun.

We have been hanging out in astranaar and have noticed two or 3 guilds who constantly roam/guard/etc... the city. I followed a whole group one night just watching and listening to them and had more fun that night then all the time spent on my lvl 100 paladin just watching people call each other names and arguing over mindless matters in trade, general etc...

I have read through Alanaris' 2011 RP 101-102 posts and am now trying to really form my character now so that I can interact with others in a proper manner and really get back into the game, and for the first time, really get into and enjoy my character and their travels.

Anyway TLDR summation: The Guild posts seem out of date, and the system for searching for a guild in game is the worst (if only they would put a min and max guild population filter to remove all the 1 person guilds). I we need some help finding a getting started point, and some friendly folks who can help us in this task :)

thank you so much! This server group has already been a much better and less toxic gaming experience in the last week of play then the last years have been. Something seemed to have happened once burning crusade was released that turned many players into very angry people. Perhapse the burning legions true intent...
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100 Draenei Shaman
Generally, I've found that asking about guilds in AllianceOOC is a fairly simple way to get pointed in the direction of guilds that would best suit your Character's background/personality.
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100 Night Elf Druid
Is it typical to wait till level 100 these days as well or better to get in as your character has a chance to grow during your play throughout the world?

Most of the groups i have seen are 90-100% lvl 100. Probably they have just been on that character for a while but i was unsure if it would be considered rude, as at our current level we can only got so so much of the world with non-epic ground mounts.
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100 Draenei Mage
It is absolutely not rude to RP with lower level characters. -Most- RPers don't consider level with RP. You can RP at any level.

Guilds are also not necessary for RP, as on CC/SoE there is a lot of cross guild roleplay, and much of it is event based. We have a lot of events. You can find an events calendar here

And I would recommend checking out the site in general, lots of good stuff there, like character profiles.

Here's the main weekly events:
Mondays alternate between Troubadour, where people share songs, stories, poems and the like, and Clinic, which is basically a clinic for healing the injured. Both are in Ironforge and start around 6 server.

Tuesdays are Feather's tavern in Booty Bay. My guild, Feathers of Iron hosts a tavern in Booty Bay with a dinner special and lots of booze.

Wednesdays are Conclave's "the Light and you" sermon and it alternates between being in Stormwind behind the Cathedral or in Shadowmoon Valley. Always well done. :)

Every other Thursday Feathers hosts an open office in Ironforge for potential jobs.

Onto guilds

If you two are playing elves and will be hanging around Kalimdor, you could check out The Chimaera who are Kalimdor based. I don't know too much about them, so you'd have to talk to Kyalin.

Feathers of Iron is a mercenary type guild, but we take a lot non-combat jobs,so it really isn't your typical mercenary guild. It's really flexible on the kind of character who can join, and we sort of think of it as a home for those who don't typically "belong."

Conclave is a scholarly guild, but a lot of different characters can fit in there as helping out those Light-loving nerds.

Terra Incognita is sort of like a special forces type guild. They fight bad guys and doesn't afraid of anything.

Stormwind Union contains the Stormwind City Watch and related concerned citizens, like prosecuting attorneys. If your character lives in Stormwind and does any kind of public service, SWU would be a good fit.

Pia Presidium is a Light aligned guild of mostly paladins and priests, known for their knighting ceremonies and also fighting bad guys.

If I missed any guilds, I am very sorry, please give them a shout out. I just woke up so my brain isn't quite on right :P
Edited by Zaranae on 10/10/2015 7:01 AM PDT
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100 Human Warrior
Welcome to CC/SoE roleplay!

I see my friends here have already made some good commentary. I would like to mention my favorite aspect of the RP community here. It is an actual community. It is not necessary for you to join a guild in order to roleplay. The community itself is more like one huge roleplay guild, made up of several smaller specialized guilds. This means that you are free to experience the best of what this server has to offer, no matter which guild you align yourselves with. You are free to choose the guild that suits your individual character's personality and history the best.

Zaranae mentioned several awesome guilds, they are all filled with wonderful people. What I would suggest is to ask in allianceooc about which ones might suit your character best, perhaps describe the characters to the folks in channel. We'd all be happy to help you find a home :)
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100 Undead Priest
Yes a home... my mouth.
Edited by Clottia on 10/10/2015 12:28 PM PDT
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100 Dwarf Warrior
Always glad to see more/new people wishing to get into the local rp. From what I have seen in the previous post you have gotten some good advice, and if you ever decide you are tired of playing tree hugging tuskless troll aka Night Elf. Try rolling a dwarf or gnome. The KME is always looking for new lads and lass's who are interested in exploration, drinking, and such. Level don't much matter as we just (as with most of these guilds) are just looking for friendly and active players interested in role play and having a good time.
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100 Undead Warlock
10/10/2015 12:28 PMPosted by Clottia
Yes a home... my mouth.

Clottia, you can't eat everybody. We have to have some people to periodically maim, otherwise it would get boring.
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100 Night Elf Druid

Thanks everyone, I beleive we have our characters somewhat developed and on now and have began looking into guilds

Hope to see y'all out in the world!
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100 Draenei Warrior
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