Lounge Night - Hallow's End Party

100 Goblin Shaman
Forgive me as I'm feeling a bit too frazzled to do a proper IC post.

Next Saturday is Halloween so I know a lot of people will be busy will real life stuff, but for those of you who are in game, this upcoming Lounge night will be a Hallow's End costume party. Swizelle has generously offered to help with entertainment :D

So come with your best costumes! Winner will get.... hrm...

*rumages through the AAMS vault*

How 'bout a free year's Subscription to the Anything But the Kitchen Sink Subscription, plus a set of
four Hexweave bags to hold it all? ~.0
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100 Gnome Monk
My husband and I will be quite busy next weekend (especially since I'm Wicca).
But I hope all those that are there and participate have a great time...

Oh, and watch out for your heads!
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92 Human Death Knight
10/25/2015 11:39 AMPosted by Gnojin
Oh, and watch out for your heads!

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100 Orc Warlock
10/25/2015 10:59 AMPosted by Kezrin
this upcoming Lounge night will be a Hallow's End costume party

Sounds like fun! ^.^
What are the deets on the costume par-tay?
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100 Goblin Shaman
10/27/2015 05:06 PMPosted by Gorehand

Sounds like fun! ^.^
What are the deets on the costume par-tay?

Ooops. Told you I was frazzled.

It'll be at the regular Lounge time, which is Saturday at 7pm server time at Hardwrench Hideaway, Cape of Stranglethorn. Usually ends around 9pm server depending on the whim of the attendees :D

Then everyone can wake up with a proper hangover for the Armistice Day Ball >>
Edited by Kezrin on 10/27/2015 8:57 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
looking forward to winning those bags *challenging smirk*
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