Some questions from a beginner.

85 Blood Elf Mage
Hello everyone. I'm planning on moving to Cenarion Circle in a week or so. I've been pretty curious about roleplay within the WoW universe and decided to finally give it a try. I've already typed up a backstory, which I will be plugging in below, so I have some questions.

1.) Is there anything wrong with having roleplays that take place during a different time period? As you will see in my backstory, the events seem to take place Pre-Burning Crusade. Is it considered lore bending?

2.) Is it impossible for a mage to become a Demon Hunter? I ask because I do plan on having a Demon Hunter as my main character once Legion is released due to my love that I have had for the class when I first played Warcraft 3. I thought if I created a good enough story as to how and why, it would be okay, but I want to be sure first.

Thank you in advance for any assistance and I hope you enjoy my little story.

Desdeyn Furybrand is a young Sin'dorei, an adept in the magics of fire, and works as an assistant professor to a high ranking mage in Silvermoon City. His personality is patient, reserved, resourceful, and loyal. However, the elf can be inhibited, distrusting, and conceited at times. Desdeyn was born 200 years before the First War in the wondrous elven city of Quel'thalas. His free time is normally spent taking a stroll through the streets of Silvermoon, studying historical text, exploring the far reaches of his homeland, practicing his skills in arcane magic, and going into deep thought while staring off into the fountain in the Court of the Sun. His youth was calm, not having a care in the world concerning things like politics and the like. At the age 195, Desdeyn had decided to enroll in the schools in Dalaran and become a mage. Desdeyn's family was a noble lineage consisting of politicians, spellcasters, scholars, and heroes. His father, Salothos Furybrand, was a great paladin who had married a skilled ranger, Laina Leafshadow, and raised two boys, Velkes and Desdeyn.

In the Year 612 on the King's Calendar. Arthas and his undead forces have begun their sacking of Quel'thalas. Unfortunately, Desdeyn is tied up with his duties in aiding his mentor, Bemarus Sunspell, as his assistant professor in the far off jungles of Stranglethorn Vale. It was not until his return to Lordaeron that he had learned his father died bravely in defending the homeland. Fortunately, Laina and Velkes had survived the attack. Heartbroken over the loss of his father, Desdeyn had grown to become more distant and reclusive. Two years have passed and Kael'thas is now leading the survivors. Laina chose to follow the wizard into Outland to find the cure to their peoples addiction to magic, leaving her two sons to help rebuild whatever was left of their once great kingdom.

Three long years have passed since Laina had departed for the broken world. Silvermoon City is slowly returning to its former glory. As Velkes begins his training to join the order of the Blood Knights, Desdeyn, now 225 years old, is sent by Bemarus to journey to the ancient continent of Kalimdor. His quest is to explore the land, become better acquainted with the cultures there, and assist anyone in need of help. Where will his journey take him?
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100 Draenei Shaman
11/01/2015 08:24 PMPosted by Desdeyn

1.) Is there anything wrong with having roleplays that take place during a different time period? As you will see in my backstory, the events seem to take place Pre-Burning Crusade. Is it considered lore bending?

Not entirely sure what you mean by this. I imagine if you were doing a dedicated plot line that was entirely set in the past, that would be fine. However, if you are just hanging out, doing some open world RP or attending one of many weekly events, it would be really confusing and kinda weird to have it be pre-BC era.

11/01/2015 08:24 PMPosted by Desdeyn
2.) Is it impossible for a mage to become a Demon Hunter? I ask because I do plan on having a Demon Hunter as my main character once Legion is released due to my love that I have had for the class when I first played Warcraft 3. I thought if I created a good enough story as to how and why, it would be okay, but I want to be sure first.

As for this, while not entirely implausible, I'm always wary of doing the changing class thing. Historically, it's kinda difficult to pull off successfully. I'd say going from Warlock to Demon Hunter would make more sense lore-wise (Though that really only applies to Blood elves since Night Elves can't be warlocks and no non elf classes can be Demon hunters). I don't know much about Demon Hunter lore, however, if I'm understanding correctly, most of the demon hunters aren't currently active on Azeroth, they are all imprisoned/frozen or something in that Warden Prison on the Lost Isles. So, I mean, if you want to try it, go for it, just be careful in the execution, cause it could end up coming off poorly otherwise.
Edited by Belpha on 11/1/2015 9:15 PM PST
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100 Blood Elf Mage
Hi there! Welcome to Cenarion Circle! :) Glad to have you here. I'll start off by saying that while the RP community here is small, we're all very close and loving. Horde-side, join the hordeooc channel! Chat some people up!

As for your first question, it's totally fine to have stuff in your backstory from pre-BC era. Heck, if you feel like getting a group together to RP a designated point in the past, you can go for it. I've done it, and it can be a lot of fun. I know people on servers like WrA, MG, and ED sometimes follow the rule of "You quested in X zone, which means that's where your character was, and they couldn't have been there for Y event."
Like you can't be a Tauren who was raised in, say, Stranglethorn, because you didn't do your actual, in-game starting quests there. I don't agree with this for many reasons. Seriously, do what makes your character fun for YOU. Your backstory checks out really well lore-wise. No one really has a strictly stated idea of how long it's actually been in-game since WC3, so your descriptor of "Three years since" that character went through the Dark Portal is fine, in my opinion.

Concerning the possibility of a mage turned demon hunter...Hey, no one said you couldn't! Some sources state that fel magic is a form of arcane magic. Even then, I'm sure any elf that decided to make the sacrifice to become a demon hunter would be allowed to. We'll be needing to bolster our numbers against the Legion, and the current number of demon hunters that exist would be nowhere near enough. We'll know more once Legion actually hits, I'm sure. With the little knowledge we have right now, I'd say it would be okay. He would need a lot of justification and reason for willingly becoming a demon hunter, though. Most elves would look at him weird. He might lose friends. He's essentially becoming a partial demon. What would push him to the point that he would make that leap? It's something to think about.

Anyway, welcome! Make sure to check out the posts about weekly events and chat channels, otherwise you'll feel very lonely here.
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100 Gnome Monk
Welcome soon to our community. Those of us that put forth our stories truly look forward to yours!
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100 Draenei Warrior
Can I have this one as my minion? Please

Okay off to a serious note:

I don't see a problem with this. Just remember, the more complex you make your character, may require more OOC explanation (I've learned the hard way).

RP is for putting out new ideas and having fun with them.
Edited by Noikona on 11/3/2015 11:44 AM PST
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