I'm curious...


67 Dwarf Warrior
So, natives to azeroth can probably reproduce? So, I could try to make a... a... gnome night elf?
I don't think you could handle all this troll. ;) .... JK as well.

Edited by Frazz on 1/25/2011 6:16 PM PST
5 Human Priest
Can I? :3
Press, are you directing that to me?
5 Human Priest
Yes, lol
67 Dwarf Warrior
So, I could try different race combinations... Interesting. What would a tauren and an orc make? That's always made me curious.
/watches expectantly
5 Human Priest
You could potentially do it......just....why though? Just inquisitive thinking?
Just making sure, lol.

Since you are the fantastic Press, of course. ;)

jk jk.... :P
85 Orc Rogue
I'm not sure a tauren and an orc would work. Orcs are from draenor, and I was surprised that they could mate with humans or draenei. Considering draenei are from Argus.
01/25/2011 6:17 PMPosted by Meep
/watches expectantly
This made me laugh.
5 Human Priest

Orcs and Draenei. Draenei are hooved creatures from another planet.
Orcs and Tauren. Tauren are hooved creatures from another planet...

I think it's pretty much Blizzard going.

We want a half orc half draenei, so wollah Garona.
We want this and this, so this.

Blizzard picked who could cross-breed and who couldn't.
67 Dwarf Warrior
Ok, folks, we need a tauren and an orc, pronto!

Plus, I think It's possible, but needed to understand, like, you'd need one of the certain gender...
Edited by Grigs on 1/25/2011 6:23 PM PST
85 Orc Rogue
Got the orc part covered. *sharpens knives*
58 Tauren Death Knight
Uh........Im busy. :P
67 Dwarf Warrior
01/25/2011 6:23 PMPosted by Noranx
Uh........Im busy. :P

Drafted! You two, make babies!
/strokes chin.

I've got a website for all your cross-breeding needs...


Nah, I shall not defile our beautiful forum.

- - -

I wonder though as the above poster said...

Sure you could, but why? Writing a Fan Fiction? Making a Character for the Forums/In Game?
01/25/2011 6:21 PMPosted by Pressence
76 Orc Hunter
Tauren and Orc?

Well... It'd look more like a Greek Minotaur, normal body, with Bull head. Green too.
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