I'm curious...


67 Dwarf Warrior
Is it possible for two races to have children? Like gnome and orc, or dwarf and troll? Maybe Worgen and Tauren? I really want to know, thanks.
85 Orc Rogue
Orc and human, orc and draenei, blood/high elf and human, and possibly human and draenei are the only ones I think.
86 Night Elf Death Knight
Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it, don't do it, don't do it, don't do it, don't do it.

Seriously, don't do it.

And just in case my earlier message didn't get through...

81 Human Paladin
Pretty sure it's possible with almost any race combination, but surely not all. Even in those instances, you'll have to keep in mind that sometimes it won't even the physically possible, so there will have to be very important rules (such as: the gnome must be male and the orc female... you get what I mean, surely).

You'll also have to take the societies of both races into account. Lots of the racial societies tend to look down upon interracial relationships... and this carries through many of their people, as they also believe they should keep to their race.
Edited by Firanda on 1/25/2011 6:04 PM PST
67 Dwarf Warrior
You sure? I really need to be sure, because I think It's very possible for this stuff to happen, just, odd. But what does orc and human make?
76 Orc Hunter
Ogre and Orc
67 Dwarf Warrior
Edited by Grigs on 1/25/2011 6:04 PM PST
01/25/2011 5:57 PMPosted by Grigs
Like gnome and orc, or dwarf and troll?
Oh, lord. The thought of a gnome and an orc is quite unpleasing. However, the thought of a dwarf and a troll is even more displeasing! I mean, come on! As if trolls would ever fall for those... ugly things.

Nah, I'm merely kidding around. I would think that it would be possible. However, I doubt a worgen would be able to have children... unless it managed to stay in one form during the entire pregnancy.
76 Orc Hunter
67 Dwarf Warrior
01/25/2011 6:04 PMPosted by Frazz
Oh, lord. The thought of a gnome and an orc is quite unpleasing. However, the thought of a dwarf and a troll is even more displeasing! I mean, come on! As if trolls would ever fall for those... ugly things.

Nah, I'm merely kidding around. I would think that it would be possible. However, I doubt a worgen would be able to have children... unless it managed to stay in one form during the entire pregnancy.

You, me and love, lets see what it makes.

... JK
Edited by Grigs on 1/25/2011 6:05 PM PST
Don't... listen to Skyperion.

Do what you want to do.

What has been said before is right I think, there are some races that can cross. I'm sure you could find the information on wowpedia.

Also, Grigs, you look like you're a Dwarf cross ranintoawall.

That's one big nose.

:D :P

Orc and Human makes Half Orc... Look up Garona Halforcen (or was she part Ogre or something? I can't remember, I think I heard someone tell me that... They're probably stupid.)
81 Human Paladin
01/25/2011 6:04 PMPosted by Zorbak

You just made me spit out my milk, you know that? :/

*still giggling*
67 Dwarf Warrior
It's the helmet, it makes my nose look fat.
81 Human Paladin
01/25/2011 6:06 PMPosted by Meep
Orc and Human makes Half Orc... Look up Garona Halforcen (or was she part Ogre or something? I can't remember, I think I heard someone tell me that... They're probably stupid.)

She was half-Orc, half-Draenei, if I remember correctly.

Yup, just Wowpedia'd it.

Garona Halforcen is a half-orc half-draenei, though most including herself believed she was half-human until the truth was revealed to her
Edited by Firanda on 1/25/2011 6:08 PM PST
81 Orc Death Knight

This is around the hundreth post I have seen about this. There is a search function for a reason.

Slap me upside the head then.

I read a book about her, I should know more.

85 Orc Rogue
Garona was half draenei. But there are half-orc/half-human in WC.

And by that logic, that orc and draenei are compatible, and orc and human are too.... Draenei and human MIGHT be compatable, but not sure. My first post lists the only combos I know. They might be the only combos actually.
85 Blood Elf Mage
Genetics has been all but thrown out the window of the Warcraft universe. So in answer to your question, likely a yes to any mortal race but more obviously a no if it's something like a dragon or demon.
76 Orc Hunter
Garona Halforcen

Subtle...that's like having a thief with the last name of Made-off, that's never happen, no one would trust their money with a guy like that!
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