<The Criminal Underworld>1 year anniversary!

Hey guys!

I'm very excited to announce the first official guild anniversary of <The Criminal Underworld>!

To celebrate, I'll be hosting a party for the guild, our allies on the realm, and, by extension, any RP whose supported us and would be interested in attending! We want this thing big, after all!

WHO: You, your friends, our friends, and their friends!

WHAT: Partay!

WHEN: Saturday, November 21, 10:00 PM (Add btag Hedonist#1451 so we can discuss time differences if necessary)

WHY: To celebrate the 1st birthday of the guild!

Unfortunately, cross realmers won't be able to score many of the prizes that'll be gifted at the game, although I'd be willing to make alts on your realm and mail pets as compensation.


Drinking game: Test your stomach in a trial of luck and alcohol poisoning! (CRZers, please bring your own Triple-Distilled Brews. They can be purchased from Auntie Stormstout in the Stormstout Brewery instance).

Pet battle tournament: Test the prowess of your critters in a bloody, miniature 3v3 fight to the death!

Scavenger hunt: Find three grey items before your rival scavengers to claim your prize! Scour the zone and kill the prey withholding your bounty, and the game shall be yours!

Costume contest:
Who is the snazziest? Whether you're packing stylish dresses, form-altering potions, or both, your taste and style will be measured by three judges to determine the duke/duchess of dress!

DUEL TOURNAMENT: Last but not least, we have the duel tournament, a grand melee between all willing participants. Duels will be conducted in several different arenas, spread across the frigid continent of Northrend, with opponents paired together by rolls. The winner of the dueling tournament will receive a 50K GOLD PRIZE, so be prepared!

Again, if anyone has any questions, or would like to attend, please add Hedonist#1451

Hope to see you there!
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100 Night Elf Monk
I'd love to do that. If only you were on MG, that sounds pretty awesome. Fluck it, I'll see if I can join. Add me: Kris#1906

...by the way..

..I'm gonna win that costume contest. I'm pretty certain of it.
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Will do, man! I'll add you when I get home tonight.
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100 Dwarf Warrior
Although my toon ended up leaving the guild, I had a great time hanging with you guys and will continue to show my support for TCU.
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100 Draenei Mage
Sounds fantastic! And thank you so much for opening it to all RPers, from any server. One question though, where is this going to be located?
Edited by Zaranae on 11/19/2015 7:10 PM PST
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11/19/2015 07:10 PMPosted by Zaranae
Sounds fantastic! And thank you so much for opening it to all RPers, from any server. One question though, where is this going to be located?

Really at the moment, we're still contemplating this.

Leaaaning on Highmaul.
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100 Human Warrior
This event sounds like a blast, Luthen. If I can't make it on one character or another, please post an update to let us know how it went!
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Sent you the request, Talades!
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Event in 3 hours!
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Thank you to everyone who made this night spectacular!
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100 Night Elf Monk
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