Conclave's Collective Winter FAIL Spectacular

100 Human Paladin
Conclave's Collective Winter FAIL Spectacular

In Lieu of the 12 days of Winter veil Conclave will be holding a Winter FAIL spectacular. The following notices are posted throughout the cities of the Alliance:

Come one! Come All! To Conclave's Collective Winter FAIL Spectacular! Ring in the season of giving with a reckless night of shenanigans and festivities.

On the first night of Winter Veil at 6 bells, join us at Northshire Abbey for a crashin thrashin robot tournament, drinks and other festivities.

This event is open to all who wish to share in the spirit of the season. Dust off that ugly sweater and bring out your Little helpers!


What: Conclave's Collective Winter FAIL Spectacular

When: Wednesday December 16, 2015 6PM

Where: Northshire Abbey

Why: Come RP, celebrate and participate in the tournament, there will be prizes for the first, second, and third place winners of the tournament.

There will be no sermon this evening.
Edited by Genevra on 11/20/2015 5:17 PM PST
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100 Tauren Hunter
I would come and visit, but I'm afraid the last time I tried to pay my respects at the Abbey I got a fairly frigid welcome from the local guards. You'd think seeing an unarmed Shu'halo strolling toward the Abbey and generally looking friendly would be no cause for alarm, but there I was, face down in the dirt with a plated boot on the back of my neck.

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100 Worgen Warlock
Stormwind's authorities don't take good care of their guards, they're starving to death, and you probably showed up at lunch time. Sucks to be you.
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100 Human Paladin
Just a reminder this takes place 1 week from tonight!
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68 Gnome Warlock
((hear this as not screeching, but clearly monotone, Loris has no ear for tunes))

On the first day of Winterfail my true love gave to MEEEEEEE
An Abominus in a fear treeeeeeee!!

And before you ask, NO, I did not join the AAMSwap, so don't waste your time wondering what bow would best suit such a gift. *waggles finger at the listener, then turns to her mech-cat secretary*

Voltuk, be sure to x-ray any and all packages that arrive during the season.
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100 Human Paladin
This is tomorrow! See you all there!
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