I will preface this by stating these are my feelings, disagree or not please at least respect the fact that I have the right to them. I've been on CC for years, played on both sides of the fence and did a lot of both front end and behind the scenes driving of RP plots. I may be one of the quieter members of the server but that does not mean I do not try to make things better for the whole.
When you come into this thread all I really ask is try to look at what I am saying in regards to the server as a whole, if something strikes you as close to home then think about why that is instead of jumping to being defensive. I suppose most importantly, if you are going to argue a point, keep it civil. No overtly alluding to particular people, incidents or guilds.
We used to have over-arcing storylines, plots that would get the whole server involved be they horde or alliance. In all honesty our population was not that much bigger then it is now. What's changed? Inclusiveness, will to get involved, the ability to get involved. We went from being one big family who had our little spats but still managed to come together to tell a story to...a fragmented group who barely tolerates each other anymore. It's depressing.
It feels like in the end there were only a small handful of people who actively drove storylines and pushed them to stay open, many have trickled off now. Those left feel like it's an impossible task due to how many people will grab a story and only share it with guild members anymore simply because they feel it falls in their Guild's jurisdiction. So what if it does? It's selfish behavior, the story isn't just for you or your guild, it's for everyone to enjoy.
The other off putting part at least for me is how frustrating it is to use what I have at hand, mostly my own characters, and then constantly being hounded by the same old jokes. I'm sorry I tried to make a story for people to enjoy, I do not enjoy constantly having the same comments flung in my face. Sorry I don't have the ability to express exactly how frustrated and tired I am of being hounded or having my characters hounded day in and day out by it. I've all but stopped RPing because it's all people ever seem to bring up no matter how many times I ask them to stop.
Is it really too much to ask to be allowed to enjoy a plot too without having to know every little detail of it before hand so we can help get people involved? Is it too much to ask for people to appreciate that people are willing to throw their own characters at a plot to jump-start it so others can go solve it? Everyone wants to be the hero of a story, very few want to be the victim of it, we give you that chance...so please stop making it a joke every time we turn around.
When you come into this thread all I really ask is try to look at what I am saying in regards to the server as a whole, if something strikes you as close to home then think about why that is instead of jumping to being defensive. I suppose most importantly, if you are going to argue a point, keep it civil. No overtly alluding to particular people, incidents or guilds.
We used to have over-arcing storylines, plots that would get the whole server involved be they horde or alliance. In all honesty our population was not that much bigger then it is now. What's changed? Inclusiveness, will to get involved, the ability to get involved. We went from being one big family who had our little spats but still managed to come together to tell a story to...a fragmented group who barely tolerates each other anymore. It's depressing.
It feels like in the end there were only a small handful of people who actively drove storylines and pushed them to stay open, many have trickled off now. Those left feel like it's an impossible task due to how many people will grab a story and only share it with guild members anymore simply because they feel it falls in their Guild's jurisdiction. So what if it does? It's selfish behavior, the story isn't just for you or your guild, it's for everyone to enjoy.
The other off putting part at least for me is how frustrating it is to use what I have at hand, mostly my own characters, and then constantly being hounded by the same old jokes. I'm sorry I tried to make a story for people to enjoy, I do not enjoy constantly having the same comments flung in my face. Sorry I don't have the ability to express exactly how frustrated and tired I am of being hounded or having my characters hounded day in and day out by it. I've all but stopped RPing because it's all people ever seem to bring up no matter how many times I ask them to stop.
Is it really too much to ask to be allowed to enjoy a plot too without having to know every little detail of it before hand so we can help get people involved? Is it too much to ask for people to appreciate that people are willing to throw their own characters at a plot to jump-start it so others can go solve it? Everyone wants to be the hero of a story, very few want to be the victim of it, we give you that chance...so please stop making it a joke every time we turn around.