Thoughts on the Server RP

100 Human Rogue
I will preface this by stating these are my feelings, disagree or not please at least respect the fact that I have the right to them. I've been on CC for years, played on both sides of the fence and did a lot of both front end and behind the scenes driving of RP plots. I may be one of the quieter members of the server but that does not mean I do not try to make things better for the whole.

When you come into this thread all I really ask is try to look at what I am saying in regards to the server as a whole, if something strikes you as close to home then think about why that is instead of jumping to being defensive. I suppose most importantly, if you are going to argue a point, keep it civil. No overtly alluding to particular people, incidents or guilds.


We used to have over-arcing storylines, plots that would get the whole server involved be they horde or alliance. In all honesty our population was not that much bigger then it is now. What's changed? Inclusiveness, will to get involved, the ability to get involved. We went from being one big family who had our little spats but still managed to come together to tell a story to...a fragmented group who barely tolerates each other anymore. It's depressing.

It feels like in the end there were only a small handful of people who actively drove storylines and pushed them to stay open, many have trickled off now. Those left feel like it's an impossible task due to how many people will grab a story and only share it with guild members anymore simply because they feel it falls in their Guild's jurisdiction. So what if it does? It's selfish behavior, the story isn't just for you or your guild, it's for everyone to enjoy.

The other off putting part at least for me is how frustrating it is to use what I have at hand, mostly my own characters, and then constantly being hounded by the same old jokes. I'm sorry I tried to make a story for people to enjoy, I do not enjoy constantly having the same comments flung in my face. Sorry I don't have the ability to express exactly how frustrated and tired I am of being hounded or having my characters hounded day in and day out by it. I've all but stopped RPing because it's all people ever seem to bring up no matter how many times I ask them to stop.

Is it really too much to ask to be allowed to enjoy a plot too without having to know every little detail of it before hand so we can help get people involved? Is it too much to ask for people to appreciate that people are willing to throw their own characters at a plot to jump-start it so others can go solve it? Everyone wants to be the hero of a story, very few want to be the victim of it, we give you that please stop making it a joke every time we turn around.

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100 Worgen Warlock
I expressed the opinion when you mentioned this to me that another problem that has eaten away at the RP scene is the number of people who have quit the game for whatever reason. The ones I mentioned specifically were those who, after getting all that they wanted out of Hellfire Citadel or wherever, unsubbed and said "bye, see you in Legion". I would also add that there are those who quit in protest for this thing or another (the whole flight-no flight debate leading up to when Tanaan opened springs readily to mind), or that they simply "didn't find it enjoyable anymore". Of course, there is also the voracious beast we call "real life", but I find "RL reasons" is a rare explanation for exits nowadays.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
I'll try to be as brief as I can.

There is a reason I stopped coming to events and RPing with the server community as a whole. Based on a lot of things that have been said in the chat, and my failed attempt to engage in a storyline that seemed to regard my contribution as inconvenient, I've just never felt all that welcome. So I've stayed where I do feel welcome. The style of my RP makes it so that I have to bend over backwards to find reasons for being in the east, but I'm still willing to find those reasons if I feel like I should want to.
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100 Undead Death Knight
Alot of the problem that currently exists is that the people who used to be close to one another cross guild or the large story lines that existed cross guilds from way back in the day, no longer play for what ever reason. I DON'T agree the server pop is the same from way back then, for mostly the activity of some of the older guilds that I've seen has been dwindling over the recent years (again for what ever reason). Any newer roleplayers gained hasn't had the same connections, quality, or even style of rp as some of the 'old guard' so they never really feel welcomed. I definitely see some stuff that goes down that was generally frowned upon back towards vanilla and TBC rp wise.
Edited by Davlen on 12/8/2015 7:37 PM PST
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100 Draenei Warrior
Regardless there are many of us that keep trying to spur RP on Horde and Alliance. Some stories don't work (but at least an attempt was made), there is always an open invitation. If we want RP to work then we need to take steps to actually do it.

Okay we just said there were issues. Lets do something about it. Get involved, sure your plot might fall flat on its face (its happened to me several times), but you will never know unless you try. I see effort by many, don't always give a flat out no, think of compromises, sometimes a small sacrifice on your part may be an awesome opportunity for someone else or maybe even an alt that has been collecting dust.

We do RP for the fun in it. Guidelines can be followed but how you get to milestones is dynamic. Above all we do this for the entertainment. RP is dynamic, its not a script or a play. Suspense, IC drama, and the unknown are what drive excellent RP.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
I will say the same thing as I have said every expansion or whenever a thread like this makes the rounds.

Cliques. World RP. These are things we have, and don't have, and with and without them RP will fail.

CC never used to be big into World RP, and IMO, that was one of the biggest failures of the server. But yes, we would have those over-arcing story lines. But look back at who made them, look back at the major names of Vanilla, and BC, and even Wrath and they are all gone. A majority of them left to WrA, some of them simply quit the game altogether. Horde-side, I can list a crap ton of players who have gone on to either another server or quit the game. And guilds are the same way. I remember when one of the number one RAIDING guilds on our server would RP (Eternal Sorrow), with the arc line with Selima and the Doctas.

Right now I can only name four actual RP guilds on horde-side and only two of them has more than 5 active members. Modas, Doctas, Doomguard and AAMS.

Everyone was so excited when SoE joined with CC, but I haven't seen any differences at all. No more RP then I did before..All the SoE people I see are simply CC mainers wiht SoE alts..

What I would like to see Blizzard do, and I know people will hate it, dislike the idea or whatever because they like the "cliqueness" of CC, is merge CC with WrA utterly and completely. There are dead servers everywhere, and Blizzard just needs to end them and give free transfers off to other servers or force you to go onto the one they list. I think the only real active RP server now a days is WrA.

But the point I'm trying to make is that, CC is dead. Not just RP, but PVE and PVP too.

In our PVE scene, we have THREE guilds that have fully cleared heroic HFC and none of them have even cleared one boss on Mythic. Salvation itself is having a hard time getting people to come on the days we do Mythic and are recruiting heavily; but without the population we are having a hard time and usually have to PUG from other servers. You would think with being the only Horde-guild that's downed Heroic Archie we'd have a lot of people interested but for some reason we don't.

I remember the days of battling for the #1 spot on our server back in Vanilla, BC, Wrath, Cata... Fruit of Elune, Eternal Sorrow, Infusion, Nephilim, Guild of Guilds, Northrend Commonwealth, Warcraftier, Playin Dirty, Darkside, Eye of the Tiger, After Dark, Salvation, etc... These guilds are (mostly) just a shell of their former self, some of them have disappeared completely. Most people from these guilds have moved on to more "hardcore" raiding servers that actually have the population to down Mythic and some have just quit because they are done with WoW.

And then that brings us to PVP. Do we even have any active PVP guilds? I know someone said it was a 2 hour wait for Ashran horde-side the other day. I remember the days of TM vs Southshore. I remember we had a decent amount of arena players and BG players. I remember people being in Orgrimmar and forming new arena groups daily, and doing rated BGs and now I don't see any of that. Even standing in Warspear I don't see a bunch of people. I remember Kod annoying someone somewhere with some raid on some city. Trade chat is mostly a mix of guild recruitment and troll chat now instead of looking for BG/Arena partners and grouping up to raid a city. I don't really see many people from Cereal Killerz around anymore either which used to be Horde-side's "premier" PVP guild.

So is the RP scene dying? Yes. But it has been, and it's not just the RP scene. It's our entire server. For every new member we get, we appear to lose about 5.

I would love CC to get an influx of members... maybe instead of closing CC they close WrA and force WrA to join us or move to another server - but either way, I don't think there's anything we can do as a server anymore. I think it's all up to Blizzard.
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100 Night Elf Druid
I have to ask, in what ways do guilds let other guilds know about their internal events? For example in FOI, we hold tavern evenings and open offices (looking for work since we are a merc guild), but to my knowledge, and unless its a communication from my guild leader directly to other guild leaders or old player connections to old player connections if you will, I dont know of any other way to communicate these things.

I know one time I was asked to start one of our open offices and I was told to just use the AllianceOOC chat channel. "OK" i said and opened it up. I joined the channel and can you guess approximately how many characters were in it? About 12...12 people who may or may not be even paying attention to the channel. I sent the message anyway that we would be hosting the open office in Astranaars inn (I do get tired of everything seeming to take place in the Eastern Kingdoms) and we had a grand total of 2 non-guild members show up that evening to interact with, and I cant say we seemed to get any Merc Jobs out of it.

Personally I left the AllianceOOC channel because it seems most of the time people talk nonsense or are just arguing in the channel.

As a relatively new member to the community then and from my perspective I have to say that communication of events is awful, and feel free to correct me if I just don't have the experience or connections. My Guild Leader lets us know every week about the clinic in Ironforge, and the Sermon, wherever it may be taking place, but that is all I know about. Occasionally I will go explore the world looking for RPer's in different settings, as I currently find that one of the most interesting things at the moment. I have visited all the Night Elf settings most often as it seems there are always the full night elf guilds doing things, or even going over to Gilneas and just watching other people RP (inlcuding horde).

And it may be as I believe the original poster said that most RP now is done between the 5-ish active guild members of a single guild and everyone else is left to do the same. I would love for my calendar in game to show any public events for all the guilds that are out there (i do understand the reason for some in guild things of course to not be public), but to appeal to a mass audience it would need to not be an addon that someone has to go to CURSE and install. I am probably one of the least technically challenged people when it comes to modding a game etc..., but many people that RP dont have a version of MRP/TRP installed even and that its actually great! you should not need an addon where someone can read your characters life story (and many put this in it) and know that character without even talking to them ICly.

Some may say this forum should be the ideal place to post public RP events, or one of the other sites for CC/SOE, but again it is like the AllianceOOC channel. I have been to sites like these, and when I log in how many others show up as signed in? approx. 3 signed in as guests at best and maybe 1 or two others? This leads me to beleive that even if these forums were used to post this information, who would all see it? As a relatively new RPer I myself seek out this kind of information actively, but I cant blame someone else for not wanting to go through all these searches looking for events.

TLDR: Communication IMO as a New RPer to be a major limiter to RP events.

If Blizzard were to implement an Interactive book that sat inside of Inns that guildmasters could post their events/locations/etc... and a player could walk in, select the choices of things they wanted to attend and have it placed on their calendar and then give that feedback to the original poster so they could know what numbers to expect I think that would be a much welcome feature, and feel free to elaborate on functionality of something like this. Even someone without a bag-load of addons could do this!

My little aside:

I should make it clear that organizing any sort of thing "server-wide" is a large task, and anyone who condemns something or someone for not making this happen must never have participated in a group project in any form of schooling (which is probably 10^999th power easier). The fear of spending so much time to create and organize an event that may still fail I feel keeps so many of the creative folks on this server group from doing these things, me included. Many of us like to say "oh I remember the good old days when 40 man raids could happen." Wow just had its 11th year anniversary now and what people never seem to grasp is that 11 years ago...much of the player base was in High school-college and had a lot more free time. Now many of us veterans and even new players alike have come 11 years forward and have Full time jobs/families etc. that takes up much of that free time.
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100 Night Elf Druid
Edit to above by me:

Just found Zaranae's thread a few rows down (CRZ Reach Out Thread) which makes me very happy

I would have never known to go under WOW > Forums > Community > World's End Tavern: Role-Play and Fan Fiction by myself

Thank you Zaranae
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100 Worgen Druid
I might as well start out by saying this, I'm one of those people who have grown bored of WoW and the RP within it. I used to RP quite a bit between Wrath and MoP, but I've started to find it less and less interesting. One other big part of why I don't RP much anymore is because of work. I end up sleeping through the "optimal" time of RPing, since I work the graveyard shift. Not to mention trying to get back into school. However, these aren't the only issues...

Everyone wants to be the hero of a story, very few want to be the victim of it...

This is one big reason why. It is one of the biggest issues, and people will go on about how, "There are no true villains anymore." "We need bad guys again." Stuff like that, but the issue is, no one will LET the bad guys be bad guys. All they are allowed to do is be talk, I witnessed this first hand with Ettinjandy, my assassin. People have told me how I need to play her more, and while I do think she CAN be fun, the issue is I can't let her be fun. I'm restricted to coming up with stories of my own, of things she's done to npcs. In the end, when it came to actions, she was no more a bad guy as Orwyn. She ended up being this cute little person that people LOVED, rather than feared. Not to mention that when people did try to hire her, they did no communication with the other person, so I had to back down from it because I didn't want to start any sort of drama when the other person didn't want any part of it. I understand people don't wish to have their character killed off, but it turned more into a chore than enjoying RP.

CC never used to be big into World RP...

Sadly, this is true. It is also a topic that is brought up a lot when we get started talking about the RP situation on the server. I would absolutely love it if there were more, so we weren't stuck sitting there in Stormwind or Ironforge for different events. Another big one is random RP, people are obsessed with saying we need random RP. However, how would be able to do something like that? What are the chances of you running into another CC rper out in the world? Quite slim, unless someone announced in allianceooc about what they are doing. I've attempted several times with doing both that, and simply doing an event away from Stormwind and Ironforge, however people always seem to say, "That's a long trip." or "Stormwind would be far easier." I'd get this when I would attempt to do things up in Lordaeron, even when I offered to fly people up there.

12/09/2015 12:27 PMPosted by Araceli
What I would like to see Blizzard do, and I know people will hate it, dislike the idea or whatever because they like the "cliqueness" of CC, is merge CC with WrA utterly and completely.

While I loathe to say it, I do agree with you. I hate the idea of being merged with a larger realm simply because of this, CC has been, and will always be my home in WoW. And I think many of those here would agree with me, being merged would disrupt the norm that has settled in, and people don't like change. People in general like what they are familiar to, rather than having to deal with the unknown. I've attempted to play on other servers, such as Emerald Dream, but I could never stick to it, because I begin to feel homesick and come back.

12/09/2015 12:27 PMPosted by Araceli
But the point I'm trying to make is that, CC is dead. Not just RP, but PVE and PVP too.

I've agree with some of the stuff you mentioned here, other than Kord, Belpha, and myself, I rarely hear of anyone ever doing arenas. People stick to people they know and rarely, if ever, mention in trade chat about what they are doing. Not to even mention RBGs, the only place I really see anything about them is the Custom Groups tab in LFG. In terms of raiders, I don't hear much news on anyone BUT Salvation (I keep wanting to type Salvage, sorry) and even then... My group advertises in Allianceooc from time to time, but rarely get any bites, so we almost always pull in PuGs from off server.

12/09/2015 01:37 PMPosted by Arleath
This leads me to beleive that even if these forums were used to post this information, who would all see it?

I know I rarely go on any of the forums unless something is brought to my attention, and even then I sometimes don't even bother. I log onto these forums maybe once, or twice a month? If that. My biggest source of information is from allianceooc, but that can be somewhat limited at times.

It would be loads easier if we happened to all be in the same guild, just so we can post the events on the calendar, but ooooh boy. I'm sure the drama would be extremely terrible, not to mention who would even lead the darned thing. Certainly not me.
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100 Draenei Warrior
The tools are here.

  • These forums
  • The AllianceOOC channel
  • The HordeOOC channel

I know has been advertised many times. A lot of work has been done on that site to bring together CC and SoE. It doesn't magically work without interaction from people.

Events are listed and advertised in all these venues.
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100 Human Warrior
Sadly I do agree with a lot of the comments here. I have been on CC since the game launched and many of the things that some would say make CC "unique" are unfortunately bringing us down.

The following are my opinions.

RP Cliques are killing the server. This is how I see it. More and more people refuse to interact outside of their own little circle.

Population is killing it as well. Deny it if you will, but I see it to be truth. A combination of an already steadily declining population, coupled with the end-of-xpac slump is not good for RP.

I do wish people would just get out more. I make my best attempt to attend the weekly events, sometimes they are wonderful with lots of interaction, sometimes they are full of people sitting around talking to themselves (quite literally).

Horde-side is dead. Yep. It isn't close to being a speck of the shadow of its former-self. I main'ed a Horde character for seven years and it used to be extremely lively. Sadly this is the new reality, though I sincerely wish it was otherwise.


Recently Stormwind Union has been reaching across the aisle to some CRZ guilds and groups (Shout outs to Dawnshield Regiment as well as Shrouded Dawn) with great success. We have had some very positive and entertaining interaction with these folks.

I get on my SU alt Delvig and patrol Duskwood almost every day (the last month was very sporadic as I was living out of my car). Half of the time I get zero interaction and see zero RP happening. The other half of the time it is very lively (Sunday/Monday nights in particular). I have had literally no interaction in Duskwood with someone from CC in almost 3 or 4 months.


I am going to try to host more events in the coming months once we're clear of the Holidays to try to drum up support for some guilds, events, storylines, etc.

Stay tuned for the Second Annual Stormwind Union Charity Auction in February. Last year we raised over 100K gold, every copper of which was given back to the community through another event. We intend to do the same again this year.

I am also going to work on a storyline starting tonight that I will need help with from some other guilds, as well as anyone that wants to get involved. (Looking at you Feathers of Iron, AAMS, my own SU boiz, and Conclave, plus some others.)
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100 Blood Elf Mage
(Short bit of background on where I'm coming from: I mainly play Horde-side, and I don't do PvE or PvP. I'm an RPer, through and through. I can't offer thoughts on the PvE or PvP aspects of the server.)

Kord, I shared my sentiments with you about this (much needed) post privately.

That being said...I strongly disagree with the idea that the server is dead. It is not. Just because you don't go through the trouble to talk to people and offer to RP and plot with them, doesn't mean that nobody is doing it. I have active plots going on, and I participate in everything I can, because I honestly want to RP and see others' plots happen. You can't expect people to throw RP at your face. Go out and get it. It's there.

Talk about cliques has come up numerous times, both here and in other conversations I've had. Yes, there are groups of people who clump up for some reason or another. Is this wrong? No. What is wrong is if they don't allow others in. Again, it comes down to interacting with people of your own volition. Ask people what they're doing, if there's anything coming up, if anyone wants to be involved with a plot. The Doomguard is full of great people who are always super eager to help out. Of course, this brings up the "everyone needs to be the hero" point...

The undying need of everyone to have their character perform heroic deeds and save the day has been something that has always bugged me to death around here. Many people need to understand that taking an auxiliary role in a plot does not mean you aren't important. Every plot needs auxiliary people. Your time to shine will come - maybe not in this plot, or the next one, but it will come. Never, ever take the reins on someone else's plot or event. If something is going to happen to further a plot, make sure everyone knows and is in agreement about what is going to happen. If someone is GMing an event, let them do their job. I've been stepped on countless times, and I'm sick of it. Take a back seat for once.

Araceli, I'd sooner quit the game altogether than move to WrA. I moved from there to here for many reasons, one of which being that I wanted a smaller community to be a part of. There's no community on WrA - the most I've seen is people trolling RPers in Silvermoon and posting it on the forums in the hopes that someone will cry about it. Their atmosphere is infinitely different from ours, and I'd hate to be forced into theirs. If you're frustrated about CC/SoE, save up the money for a transfer. It would be sad to see you go.

Another thing...The past is the past. What this server was 11 years ago isn't what it is today, there's no doubt about it. But there's no way of getting back to that. I've seen a lot of reminiscing going on - that's great, but it's not going to suddenly make the past come back. What matters is here and now. What are we going to do to make the server thrive in its current state? What can each of us do to support RP here? is there, and I've been making it a part of my routine to visit it daily and check up on everything, and relay it to people in my guild who aren't on the site.

Personally, I'd like to gauge people's interest in a large, cross-faction plot. My guild (and some others) were a part of one recently across many servers, and we were able to learn what things do and don't work. It would give the chance for players who mainly play one faction (myself included) to work with players from "the other side". We need to patch up the OOC faction schism soon.
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100 Human Paladin
Personally, I know quite a few people who are actively engaged in attempting to keep large overarching stories started/going, as well as those who are open to RP most if not all days, myself being one of them. I play this game for the RP, the rest is just a fun aside for the most part. If you're out there looking for someone to RP with come bug me. I have a slew of toons on both sides of the faction fence and I'll do my best to accommodate the situation.

Need someone to "drag" you to rp things? I can do that too!

12/09/2015 02:45 PMPosted by Noikona
The tools are here.

These forums
The AllianceOOC channel
The HordeOOC channel

I know has been advertised many times. A lot of work has been done on that site to bring together CC and SoE. It doesn't magically work without interaction from people.

Events are listed and advertised in all these venues.

Thank you for that Noikona ^.^

12/09/2015 03:56 PMPosted by Foravin
I am also going to work on a storyline starting tonight that I will need help with from some other guilds, as well as anyone that wants to get involved. (Looking at you Feathers of Iron, AAMS, my own SU boiz, and Conclave, plus some others.)

We are ready, willing, and able to help however we can!

12/09/2015 04:37 PMPosted by Lithliana
Personally, I'd like to gauge people's interest in a large, cross-faction plot. My guild (and some others) were a part of one recently across many servers, and we were able to learn what things do and don't work. It would give the chance for players who mainly play one faction (myself included) to work with players from "the other side". We need to patch up the OOC faction schism soon.

I believe one of my people may or may not have attempted to get in touch with you about this very thing. If not, hit me up when I'm on Tren and we'll get the ball rolling.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
Personally, I'd like to gauge people's interest in a large, cross-faction plot. My guild (and some others) were a part of one recently across many servers, and we were able to learn what things do and don't work. It would give the chance for players who mainly play one faction (myself included) to work with players from "the other side". We need to patch up the OOC faction schism soon.

I guess I could be interested, but it depends on what it is.

I'll keep an eye on the forums, but if you need any assistance with setting such a thing up, let me know.
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100 Draenei Mage
I have lots of thoughts. I will try to organize them.

I'll start by launching off of what Araceli said.

12/09/2015 12:27 PMPosted by Araceli

What I would like to see Blizzard do, and I know people will hate it, dislike the idea or whatever because they like the "cliqueness" of CC, is merge CC with WrA utterly and completely. There are dead servers everywhere, and Blizzard just needs to end them and give free transfers off to other servers or force you to go onto the one they list. I think the only real active RP server now a days is WrA.

First of, the thing that really attracted me to CC was that RP wasn't all in guild, or guild dependent. With the many RP events, you don't need to be in a guild to RP. I've found that half of my RP was in guild, half outside.

However, I've come to realize the cliqueness. People largely RP with people they know, and then only those people. I can see how this comes to be: some don't want to deal with disagreements that inevitably happen between different people. Some people are toxic, some are unreasonable. Still, as I will go into later: the key to RPing with people you don't know is communication. We have to be open and willing to work with people, and willing to forgive. We have to stop assuming the worst in our community and of those entering our community.

Random RP is limited to the Recluse. I've seen a lot of people using AOOC to rally people to head to the Recluse (shout out to Mith) and get activity going. However, tavern RP isn't the whole picture.

That brings me to World RP.

But there's one thing that you should keep in mind about world RP: the world is not Cenarion Circle.

Outside of Stormwind and Orgrimmar, the world is Moon Guard, WrA, Farstriders, Feathermoon, Silver Hand, Thorium Brotherhood, Blackwater Raiders, and Shadow Council.

Araceli said Blizzard should merge all RP servers to WrA, but in a way, we already are.

I'm sure I sound like a broken record to some of you, but CRZ means we can have a larger community, while still having Cenarion Circle. As a side note, thank you Arleath for mentioning the event list. :)

With the exception of Moon Guard, which has an active and strong RP community outside of Goldshire that should not be discounted, the other realms on that list are mostly small.

I think we should reach out to them. If Blizzard won't merge us, we can merge ourselves. I've contacted the community on the Farstriders/Silver Hand/ Thorium Brotherhood server, and they seem to be about the same size community as Cenarion Circle. They are a very tight knit community that tends to RP with a lot of snark and humor.

As Foravin said, Stormwind Union has made contact with a guild, The Shrouded Dawn, from another small realm, Shadow Council, which is merged with Blackwater Raiders.

Feathermoon and Scarlet Crusade seem to be truly dead for RP. I've reached out, but haven't gotten anything back.

Now, I know people are hesitant to RP with people from other realms, just as they are hesitant to RP on people on the server they don't know, or who are outside of their clique. I'm not trying to shame people into Cross Realm RP, but it is out there.

The key to all of this is communication. The key to preserving our community, to running server wide events, and cross realm RP is open communication. A big problem with the server wide plots is that miscommunication happens and people are unhappy with what happens.

Even with everyday RP, communication is essential.

Also, as far as everyone wanting to be the hero and not a victim, I really don't have any heroic characters, so...

Willing victim here :P
Edited by Zaranae on 12/10/2015 10:01 AM PST
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100 Gnome Priest
On the topic I can only say that I agree with most points raised, but disagree with other on some level. I can't really contribute more than this at the moment though, as I feel I'd just be restating things already said. I'd still like to throw my Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat into the ring.
[edit: *finagles with the item coding to make it post correctly*]

12/09/2015 03:56 PMPosted by Foravin
I am also going to work on a storyline starting tonight that I will need help with from some other guilds, as well as anyone that wants to get involved. (Looking at you Feathers of Iron, AAMS, my own SU boiz, and Conclave, plus some others.)

I will keep my ear to the ground for this Foravin! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with and how I might chip in a part.

12/09/2015 04:37 PMPosted by Lithliana
Again, it comes down to interacting with people of your own volition. Ask people what they're doing, if there's anything coming up, if anyone wants to be involved with a plot. The Doomguard is full of great people who are always super eager to help out.

This is a great point you bring up Lithliana, for me personally. I'm always interested in whatever I can be apart of, whenever I'm available, in whatever capacity is relevant to the story. I suppose I need to be a bit more nosy than I am, but at the same time it would help if more people went out of their way to utilize some of the community tools mentioned above by Noikona. Even if the story was conceived in-guild or between-friends a simple mention anyplace might garner a little more interest and a few more participants. No guarantee, but it might.

On the following point Lithliana made about "being the hero", I'm more than happy to ride the back seat if no one else minds one of my various gnome alts hanging about. Not all my alts are gnomes, but most are... or will become once gnome-hunters open. :D Room for plucky gnomish commentary can be discussed oocly. ^.^

12/09/2015 04:37 PMPosted by Lithliana
Personally, I'd like to gauge people's interest in a large, cross-faction plot. My guild (and some others) were a part of one recently across many servers, and we were able to learn what things do and don't work. It would give the chance for players who mainly play one faction (myself included) to work with players from "the other side". We need to patch up the OOC faction schism soon.
12/09/2015 05:46 PMPosted by Genevra
I believe one of my people may or may not have attempted to get in touch with you about this very thing. If not, hit me up when I'm on Tren and we'll get the ball rolling.

One of my many faults, I tend to be a bit scatter-brained. ^.^ I would like to get in touch with you, Lithliana or Doomguard in general, about just this sort of idea. Thank you Gen for putting yourself out there! Be on the look out for a note from me coming soon.

12/10/2015 08:24 AMPosted by Zaranae
Even with everyday RP, communication is essential.

Also, as far as everyone wanting to be the hero and not a victim, I really don't have any heroic characters, so...

Willing victim here :P

*climbs up atop a stack of crates*
*raises hand for high-five with Zaranae*
Edited by Caileanmor on 12/10/2015 4:49 PM PST
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100 Blood Elf Mage
One of my many faults, I tend to be a bit scatter-brained. ^.^ I would like to get in touch with you, Lithliana or Doomguard in general, about just this sort of idea. Thank you Gen for putting yourself out there! Be on the look out for a note from me coming soon.

Oh, no worries! I can be a bit scattered, too. I can send you my btag in an in-game mail message from my Alliance alt, Dakinia. :) I'm super excited to work with you guys.

12/09/2015 07:11 PMPosted by Kyalin
I guess I could be interested, but it depends on what it is.

I'll keep an eye on the forums, but if you need any assistance with setting such a thing up, let me know.

I'll keep you in mind. :)
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100 Draenei Mage

One of my many faults, I tend to be a bit scatter-brained. ^.^
12/10/2015 08:24 AMPosted by Zaranae
Even with everyday RP, communication is essential.

Also, as far as everyone wanting to be the hero and not a victim, I really don't have any heroic characters, so...

Willing victim here :P

*climbs up atop a stack of crates*
*raises hand for high-five with Zaranae*

Scatterbrained crew! *High fives.*
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100 Human Rogue
So, I just thought I would pop in and comment so folks didn't think I had just made this thread and ditched >>

Mostly I would like to thank folks for keeping it civil and actually discussing what they agree with or disagree with, when I made this thread I had told myself that I would take a rather hands off approach and let people give their thoughts and opinions as well. I did not feel like it would serve any purpose for me to bash about and I was honestly a bit sad when folks would upvote but seemed hesitant to add their two cents as well or would speak with me in game but seemed reluctant to share it at large. I was perhaps not quite as patient as I see I should have been.

Anyways I digress, please keep the communication alive. Agree or disagree with what people have said...but please do not be afraid to post your own thoughts. Nobody has a right or wrong answer to the bumps we encounter but that's why we're a community. We'll find a way through this somehow we just need to learn to not sit back and wait for it to happen.

As a side note, even if you're a horrible writer like I am don't be afraid to post your stories and plots on the forums! If anything it gives people names to connect to these ambiguous plots they've heard about Or perhaps not heard about!) and helps keep people on the same page. It also brings this world alive, seeing little glimpses of characters you may only know through reputation or random encounters makes them that much more real and turns this into a more living, breathing world.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
I have lots of thoughts. I will try to organize them.

I'll start by launching off of what Araceli said.


That brings me to World RP.

But there's one thing that you should keep in mind about world RP: the world is not Cenarion Circle.

Outside of Stormwind and Orgrimmar, the world is Moon Guard, WrA, Farstriders, Feathermoon, Silver Hand, Thorium Brotherhood, Blackwater Raiders, and Shadow Council.

Araceli said Blizzard should merge all RP servers to WrA, but in a way, we already are.

This is true, but we can't join WrA guilds (which IMO are pretty damn awesome looking). And I know quite a few people who won't RP with people that aren't on CC/SoE. As in, they will put them on ignore and act like they don't exist because they aren't a part of the server.
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