A note on RP and Spoilers

100 Human Rogue

Good article worth reading, lots of great points on why trying to work spoilers into your RP might not be a good idea not just for yourself but for those you RP with.

As always, remember to be respectful and that not everyone enjoys spoilers, so if you do decide to use it in your RP make sure you do so with care. I know we have quite a few people who go to great lengths to avoid it up to and including leaving our ooc channel, try not to make them have to avoid RP as well!
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100 Gnome Priest
11/28/2015 04:17 PMPosted by Kordrion

Thank you for these articles, Kord! I always do enjoy them and the helpful insights they provide.
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100 Human Rogue
11/30/2015 08:58 AMPosted by Caileanmor
11/28/2015 04:17 PMPosted by Kordrion

Thank you for these articles, Kord! I always do enjoy them and the helpful insights they provide.

You should look through their other stuff, they have a LOT of great RP things there, including lore points that answer many questions!
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100 Goblin Hunter
Glad the only thing I've been spoiling myself with is artwork and a few other things. Prefer not to ruin the story for myself and others. Better to wait till the actual time.

Great articles you found by the way.
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