KME Looking for new "NEW" members...

100 Dwarf Warrior
The KME is in the middle of a theme adjustment. That's right boys and girls your friendly dwarven (and gnomish) explorers are getting into smuggling... and other shady dealings. We are looking for more members to help up in our "gray" dealings and to annoy those ever fun killing stick in the muds of the Stormwind Guard. (That's right Orwyn I'm talking about you.) So if you are interested in partaking in some petty crime (sorry no serial killers or such) and want to rp as such come on and give us a look.

Crimes expected to be committed include smuggling, gambling rings, bare knuckle pit fights, rigging of said fights, and cow tipping... yes I said cow tipping. It's part of Breetie's training regiment to fight Tauren.

Sorry Humans, Worgen, Night Elf, and Draenei, we are still only a dwarf/gnome guild... though Breetie would be willing to talk with and flirt with any Draenei females... he's got a thing for the tails.
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100 Draenei Warrior
Yes, keep the Union occupied, so I can get some real work accomplished. I approve of this.
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100 Gnome Rogue
The voiceless gnome chuckles silently as word of KME's recruitment makes it's way through her cell block. She claps excitedly, if rather quietly, at the prospect of steady work for a burglar when she's finally released from the stockades.
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