The Kaldorei Project-[Night Elf-RP Platform]

92 Night Elf Druid
The Moon draws over the blackened visage of the night’s sky, dotted with spectacles of silvered stars. Her light exudes brilliantly, shimmering down in translucent figments upon the land of her devotion. Kalimdor stands adamantly, breathed of new life that rumbled from the farthest point South and the deepest of the North. The wildlands of Feralas groan within verdant ambiance, Ashenvale hums loftily through violet canopies, Nordrassil cries out within lowest boughs and the highest peaks, Winterspring calls through the tumultuous snowfall, as Teldrassil sings atop the world. All amidst Kalimdor do Her children draw from their homes, out into the open to embrace her openly.

Their faces; some brazen with the scars of ancient wars long past, and others pristine awaiting fate to impress their features, seemed to align with looks of pure starlight. Hands joined, eyes resolved to the sky above, and tacit words were etched in the minds of those She cherished.

A Glaive was drawn within the firm grip of a Sentinel, her eyes keened on the figure of an Izsera as her crescent-shaped steel cast an umbra of Her will. An arrow remained notched, a Huntress’ resolve honed into the shot aimed towards that of a Felguard as shafts of moonlight danced around her. A circle, that of elder Druids and Druidesses elevated hands high into the heavens as they amended the forests within Her honor. A single Priestess opened a forlorn tome, flitting through the worn pages before her lips traced a note at the end of the page. And from each one of their lips it fell. “For the Kaldorei.”

The Glaive was swung, the arrow was launched, the spell was weaved, and the hymn was raised. Kalimdor called out, words of Her children, eternal symphonies of Her accord. The Kaldorei stood, as one, together, and without hesitance. A unity, they were. Their songs all raised, and sung in a single phrase.

“For the Kaldorei.”

OOC Information
Hello and thank you for reading thus far. It brings me great excitement and honor to announce that The Kaldorei Project is officially launched.

What is the Kaldorei Project?
The Kaldorei Project is a creative platform for the interaction, development, and sharing of ideas in the Kaldorei roleplaying community across World of Warcraft. The Project serves as means to promote and continue Kaldorei roleplay as well to create a community of Kaldorei roleplayers that can exchange information regarding the race they play. The Kaldorei Project is one that seeks to encourage and hopefully alter the state of Kaldorei roleplay across all roleplaying servers for the better.

What are some of the things that the Kaldorei Project does?
The Kaldorei Project is a means to share knowledge, ideas, stories, personal ventures, and awareness for ongoing activities and events. The Kaldorei Project itself is focused at its core: the website. The site offers an enhanced perspective into the state of Kaldorei roleplay with chances to meet others, read relative and informational pages, and be informed on current or ongoing things within the Kaldorei roleplaying community.

What is this website you speak of?
The Kaldorei Project website, located at (, aims to serve as a hub for all Kaldorei roleplayers to gather and pursue engaging and active experiences with one another. The website’s main component is that of its detailed forums, where information, stories, speculations, artwork, and many other concepts can be shared and read by the rest of the community. The website also includes several other facets such as updates of the community, news listing for current events on specific servers, and a Lore section for new or old Kaldorei roleplayers to learn a bit or brush up on their knowledge of Kaldorei-related topics.

Who can join the Kaldorei Project?
The Kaldorei Project is open to ALL Kaldorei roleplayers, of any shape, form, or path. All other races may apply to the site as an Ally and will be permitted access to limited forums that the community can see and comment on. Allies can share information about themselves or inform the Kaldorei community on current events they may be interested in.

For those that may ask about Highborne, they are a social class of the Kaldorei species. Which means that they are indeed Kaldorei and permitted to join the Project. All classes including Demon Hunters and Death Knights are permitted.

How do I get involved in the Kaldorei Project?
To get involved, you may go to ( and submit an application. All Kaldorei roleplayers will be allowed to join the site freely, while allies will have some restrictions. Members of the Project are encouraged to post on the forums and interact with other members!
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92 Night Elf Druid
Another method to get slightly involved is by following @KaldoreiProject on twitter to get updates on the state of the community!

Are there any rules and regulations to the Kaldorei Project?
The Kaldorei Project provides an area of positivity and encouragement to Kaldorei roleplayers to integrate themselves into the community. For this reason, the Kaldorei Project operates entirely on a policy of zero tolerance for negativity, derision, and/or obscenity.

Within the Kaldorei Project, the following will NOT be tolerated:

  • Negative comments, remarks, or actions towards other members
  • Plagiarizing material without giving credit to the original creators of the works
  • Obscene comments, remarks, or actions in regards to personal preferences (religion, culture, sexuality, race, associations,etc.)
  • The Kaldorei Project has a two-tiered reprimanding system for those that disobey the regulations provided. A first time offense will be given a direct warning via the website’s private messaging system. The second offense will result in a full response from the administration team to issue the proper penalties.

    Offenses are to be considered in quantities. A first time offense may be of something different than the second, regardless though, an offense has been made twice. If the offense is extreme enough, the Admin team will review it and skip to the second-tiered action.

    General Information

    Admin Staff

    Lunar Warden [Project Leader]:
    Talfurier of Moon Guard <The Crescent Glaive>

    Moonsworn [Senior Moderators]:
    Sillena of Moon Guard <The Crescent Glaive>
    Saelinn of Moon Guard <The Crescent Glaive>
    Dellaza of Moon Guard <The Crescent Glaive>
    Feyawen of Wyrmrest Accord <Silverwing Sentinels>
    Hazel of Moon Guard <Song of Nightfall>

    Starborne [Junior Moderators]:
    Veyta of Moon Guard/ Wyrmrest Accord <Aparanei>
    Sarade of Moon Guard/Wyrmrest Accord <Aparanei>
    Illsava of Moon Guard <Temple Irregulars>
    Shaureyne of Wyrmrest Accord <Silverwing Sentinels>

    Allied Guilds

    <The Crescent Glaive> of Moon Guard
    <Song of Nightfall> of Moon Guard
    <The Dark Embrace> of Moon Guard
    <Silverwing Sentinels> of Wyrmrest Accord
    <Sentinel> of Wyrmrest Accord
    <Aparanei> of Moon Guard/Wyrmrest Accord
    <Nor Serrar> of Emerald Dream

    [Reserved for further allies]


    The Kaldorei Project site-
    The Kaldorei Project Mail-
    The Kaldorei Project Twitter page- @KaldoreiProject

    Feel free to take a stroll through the site, add us on Twitter, or send us any comments, criticisms, or important remarks via email or direct messaging on the site!

    It brings me great pleasure to say. The Kaldorei Project is now launched!
    Reply Quote
    100 Night Elf Rogue
    This project of course gets the Kyalin Raintree Seal of Approval.
    Reply Quote
    100 Gnome Priest
    Hmm. Interesting idea!
    Thank you for sharing ^.^

    *stealthily makes plans to roll out The Gnomeregan Project...*
    Reply Quote

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