Modas Rising....

100 Blood Elf Warlock
The moon was rising over the city of Orgrimmar. The city was quiet, people hustled about, closing their stores for the night and doing some last minute bidding on the auction house. Then the clock struck 7 bells. In unison, a group of masked and robed strangers began gathering in the middle of the city, in front of Vol’jin’s command. They gathered in a circle, candles – no, not candles as they had nothing in their hands - magic flames simply hovered above each gloved hand. An orc guard shuffled nervously. “What the fel is this?” His partner didn’t seem too worried in his response: “Eh, leave it be Arag, just some protestors most likely. All upset about Vol’jin being Warchief.””

The words started soft, at first, but with each passing moment they grew louder. “Faith in Modas il Toralar.” It was repeated, over, and over. The guard that spoke earlier knew the name – many did. The stories of what they had done, the rumors that went through of the Toralites…it scared him. And this was bad, this was bad news. “Okay, break it up, move on before you are all arrested.” He stepped forward towards the circle and a simple throwing dagger took him in the neck. His partner yelled out immediately, fear now evident in his voice: “Guard down!” He stepped up, looking around to find the owner of the dagger – but quickly his attention was brought back to the circle. Because the group had finally stopped chanting, and their robes had begun to burn – a sick green and purple flame. More guards showed up, they began throwing water on the robes – but nothing put out the flames that quickly began to burn. With one massive yell they looked up to the sky, in unison: “FAITH IN MODAS IL TORALAR.” And then, the flames consumed them all….

Modas il Toralar
"Order through Atrocity, Peace through Fear, Faith in Modas il Toralar."
[Heavy Role Play Guild on Cenarion Circle-Horde]


Modas il Toralar is one of the oldest roleplaying guilds on the Cenarion Circle server. We are a Villian/Evil role-play guild that attracts the type of characters who enjoy spying, torturing, murdering, soul stealing, demon studying, and all other types of unethical activities.

The Modas is ran by Armaya Shade (The Darkness), with her Right Hand being Trenetir Moradinel (The Light).

At this time I am asking all interested parties visit and fill out an application to join and show interest in the guild.

If you have a character who you aren't sure if they will fit, just talk to one of us and we'd be happy to help you. Want to make a character fit into Modas, or perhaps need some Villians for your current RP? Contact one of us and we will be happy to help.

As for server events, the Modas il Toralar will be starting to host two events every month:

Black Hand Society – 2nd Friday of Every Month
An event hosted for not-so-nice people to chat about without having to care much about who they chat with.

The Undermarket – Last Friday of Every Month
This event will be for anyone to come to. Is your character searching for a love potion? Or maybe a poison of some type? Some hard to get herbs? Maybe a soulstone? Need to hire a guard or an assassin? Come check out our Undermarket and see what we have for fares.

More info on both events, and a post for both events will go up shortly. The events will start running in February (we may host the Undermarket in January, but not the BHS).
Edited by Armaya on 12/20/2015 11:25 PM PST
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100 Orc Warlock
In the shadows of dusk she stood witness to the atrocity of the burning. From the rocky cleft above she watched. Arms folded. Black cape trimmed in gold gathered about her shoulders billowed slightly in an unnatural wind. She grinned openly at the horror the act instilled. The fear engendered in the utterance of the name. It was written so clearly across the faces of the guards and the passers by. Their fear was evident to her in their reactions. Hagra Gorehand smiled to herself and repeated the chant with a grunt, "Faith in Modas il Toralar."


((I've entered my registration but no email was ever sent for confirmation. Can you look into that when you get the chance? -Thanks ^.^))
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
(( Which site did you register on? You need to register on as well as the Two different logins which is weird. I don't see any other registered users since last night. ))
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100 Orc Warlock
12/21/2015 11:42 AMPosted by Armaya
(( Which site did you register on? You need to register on as well as the Two different logins which is weird. I don't see any other registered users since last night. ))

This issue has been fixed for me. thank you Armaya and Tren!
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Just answering a few questions that came to me today:

So the guild chat is OOC now, isn't that going to stop guild RP?:

No. We have an IC chat channel, and still do have ModasOOC for friends of Modas and alts that aren't in the guild. We are moving to an OOC guild chat because we want to sort of force people to get out in the world and RP, instead of just sit in a guild chat and RP.

What did you do to the ranks?!? What happened to the Paragon level? Can I still be in the Fel Hand?

We felt that the ranks were a bit... underused and unnecessary. We have switched to two different ranks for members who pass the initiate stage: Shadowguard (for combatants) and Forgotten (non-combatants). We also have an initiate rank and an OOC rank. The Paragon, Beliar, etc etc ranks are gone. It was hard for newer members to understand them and we as a guild are moving in a different direction and want things to be easier for newer members.

As far as the Fel Hand, The Wormwood, and the Ebon Reavers; those have been done away with as well. Instead you will be placed in the Shadowguard or the Forgotten - whichever rank fits your character better. It is possible we may bring back the Trinity as an elite guard once our numbers increase.

Wait, did you say OOC rank? But I thought you were a RP Guild!!

Yes, I said OOC rank. Yes, we are a RP guild. However, our members enjoy the World of Warcraft which includes dungeons, questing, raiding, and roleplaying. Therefore, if we have people who wish to join the guild OOCly, we are now opening our doors to that. We feel that in the changing times of our server and how our RP population is dwindling, we need to be welcoming to non-roleplayers who are respectful of roleplayers, and maybe even convert them to the Dark Side!

So what are your plans for Modas then? It seems you're changing it a lot from the way it was back in Vanilla.....

Yes, that is true. Change is necessary to thrive and it creates plots and stories and history. As stated above, we want to recruit people who don't mind RP, and maybe one day they'll get into the RP. Maybe they'll go to their friends and tell them of our guild and at the risk of sounding like Trump, make CC great again. (I can't believe I just used that line, I think I may puke... Anyways, moving on..)

It is also very possible that Modas il Toralar will start a 3 day a week raiding group come Legion - with focusing on high end game content, heroic and mythic level. This means that some RPers may not enjoy it as much as others; and another reason why we are opening our door to non-RPers. We may also start a HFC run, once a week after the holidays to test the waters. [Armaya has lots of experience in the raiding area. She has led raids back in BC (As Unrelenting), and from Wrath to current, (minus MoP), has consistently been in one of the top guilds on the server in terms of raiding. Worry not, you will be in capable hands. ;-)]

To focus on the "changing it a lot from the way it was back in Vanilla,", Aziel and Armaya are two completely different people. Modas was a lot like a religion and a cult back then; Armaya wants it to be more a group of like-minded people that aren't very nice. She wants people to fear Modas still, and she wants to cause chaos, havoc, death, etc. She wants to be in charge, and demands the respect deserved, but she does not want to be worshipped (at least not in a major cult way). She has set Trenetir Moradinel as her right handed man; a split of power in Modas which is the first to my knowledge that I can remember. Modas it is called The Darkness (Armaya) and The Light (Trenetir). Perhaps this will cause a riff within Modas, a war, as you may say in the future? Who knows.. join us to see where we go!

Other plot lines include an Alliance vs. Horde war that is still (heavily) in the works. With Legion coming, OOCly we know where things are going, ICly we have no idea. But we are working on some plots that could be Legion-directed (demons, yay!).

We are excited to open our doors to new members who may bring in new characters, new stories and new plots so we can enjoy the game together.

If you have any further questions, please, feel free to ask here, or join our website, or even message me in game. :-)

Thanks everyone!
Edited by Armaya on 12/21/2015 1:55 PM PST
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
12/21/2015 11:42 AMPosted by Armaya
(( Which site did you register on? You need to register on as well as the Two different logins which is weird. I don't see any other registered users since last night. ))

They are technically two different sites so the logins are not mutual, but rather exclusive. Glad you were able to get on and sorted, and if anyone needs any other help with the site(s) let me know.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
(( PSA: I'll be out of town and without WoW from the 28th til the 12th. If you need anything, send a letter to Trenetir; or post on our website. ))
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
((Iam back from vacation/afk tomorrow so I will be around. ))
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100 Blood Elf Warrior
(uh oh, maybe Tren won't notice the new graffiti on the side of his house))
Edited by Yuuko on 12/28/2015 10:30 AM PST
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100 Blood Elf Rogue
"Bedamned Priest, shut up."

The troll cackled, but listened. Instead of singing, now she was humming. Still loudly. Still annoying. REagan was tempted to stab her.

"I swear, if we get caught, I'm leaving your !@# behind."

"Oi, da elfie be so worried. Dere be no need for da worry. Da blood Gods be satisfied tonigh', dey enjoyed da murder, da blood, dey be happy."

"Fantastic... thanks for sharing." Reagan groaned as she leaned back in the shadows against the wall. Waiting. One dead guard was already stuffed into a box beside them. She straightened up as she saw the Orc come out of the shadows towards them. Syfka also stopped humming. "He be here."

"...Thanks, I didn't see him at all." Reagan sighed as the Orc dressed in guard where stumbled over to them. "Ya made a mess tonight, Bloodhawk. And your troll needs to be kept on a shorter leash. The deal was the children remained alive, not brutally murdered and hung in the rafters."

The priestess hissed. "Da Blood God required dey lives. De adults were not worthy."

Reagan sighed, tossing a bag towards the Orc. "The priest's leash is off because you didn't keep the deal. The kids weren't supposed to be there. Fate took their lives. Make sure the word of the murders gets around. And there's a guard in the box - yet another mistake you made. You said there would be no Guards." Reagan slid back into the shadows, disappearing. "Make your exit, Priestess."

"As my Lady commands." She hummed softly, staring at the Orc who stared back. "Let me see your mind, pet..." She whispered softly in Amani, and then the Orc remembered nothing and the priest was gone. He glanced around, but found and saw nothing. He cursed softly for letting the priest block his sight and set out the alarm, numerous guards came to search for the murderers who left the masterpiece; but of course no one would find them. No one would dare look for the Modas.

The house front door was left open, blood seemed to be smeared on every door, window and wall. Six bodies of orcs lay inside, torn up, destroyed and mutilated. The three children, seemingly aged from infant to young, simply had their heads removed and were hanging from the rafters. The adults, three of them, were mutilated beyond repair. They laid around a blood pentagram where candles were still burning. The bodies were missing numerous body parts but each torso had a silver dagger with a red hilt in the heart - the killing blow.

The body parts were found in various areas of the house and some of them had been scattered over the city of Orgrimmar. All of them had Modas carved into the skin, a warning to those and a calling card to others....
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100 Undead Warrior
Join Modasss or Die, yesss!
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