Terran's Snowball Fiasco (A/H RP Event)

100 Draenei Shaman
I'm dreaming of a white Winter’s Veil
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the rooftops glisten,
and children listen
To hear chopper bells in the snow

I'm dreaming of a white Winter’s Veil
With every AAMS Secret Santa I write
May your days be merry and light
And may all your Winter’s Veils be white

I'm dreaming of a white Winter’s Veil
With every AAMS Secret Santa I write
May your days be merry and light
And may all your Winter’s Veils be white

Winter’s Veil may be coming to an end soon, but the snow still lies on the ground. And as all children of Azeroth know, snow makes one hell of a good projectile. all through out the season, members of all races have lowered their weapons and engaged in these harmless little fights of snow.

Terra Incognita would like to extend an invitation to all members of the Horde and the Alliance to the Snow Ball Fight of the YEAR! This year, Terran’s Snowball Fiasco shall be held in Hillsbrad Foothills

((OOC: A couple friends and I had noticed that through all the winter’s veil activities that we’d been collecting some serious stockpiles of those Snowballs and thought we’d just have a little fun with it.

Currently this Event is scheduled to take place AFTER Winter’s Veil is over on January 14th. I hope to use the area in the Ruins of Alterac, Hillsbrad Foothills where the Winter Veil dailies take you, since it should be devoid of mobs and such after the event ends.

So please, just come on down and enjoy yourselves and maybe even win some fun Winter’s Veil themed prizes!

There are calendar events on both factions, If you’d like to be added to it, You can poke Belpha Alliance-side or Merma Horde-side, alternatively my BTAG is Belpha#1597

Happy Holidays CC!))
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100 Human Rogue
(Come join us! Bound to be a lot of fun, we have well over 500 snowballs itching to be thrown and the number grows every day.
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100 Human Rogue
*looks side to side with an evil grin*

"Now to just find my gloves...."
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100 Worgen Warlock
Careful with Kord and his snowballs; I think he hoarded all the ones with rocks in 'em. Evil man.
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100 Human Rogue
12/31/2015 04:07 PMPosted by Valmy
Careful with Kord and his snowballs; I think he hoarded all the ones with rocks in 'em. Evil man.

HEY! We only have about a thousand of those...we have others too!
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100 Draenei Shaman
Belpha had just finished up the last of the invitations for the Fiasco, and was dragging yet another bag of snow to the magically chilled refrigerators at the Peak. Who knew that snow actually began to melt if it wasn’t cold enough.

Hearing a commotion at the entrance of the Peak, Belpha sighed and went to investigate. Upon arriving, he discovered quite the scene, a bunch of dwarves trying to wrangle a large beast that was clearly not going to fit in the Stables.

Turning on his heels, Belpha strode back into the peak, yelling “KOOOOOORD! What the fel are we going to with a freaking YETI?”
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100 Draenei Shaman
((Just under a week to go, prepare yourselves for all kinds of Winter Veil themed fun! Also, sad you missed out on the Grumpus mount this Winter's Veil? One will be raffled off at the end of the event! ))
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100 Human Rogue
*Kord poked his head out of his office at Belpha's yell then blinked*

Oh...Ah...guys? OI.

(A few moments later the rogue jogged out the door intent on heading off the dwarves.*

Hey! What in the fel is that doing here? Get it down to Alterac! Bloody hell...Fiasco is about apt for this.

(Just a reminder! 6PM server time in Alterac! Be there and have a bit of fun! All prizes are eligible by both sides, we will facilitate transfer or work with you to get it where you desire.
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100 Dwarf Paladin
I have saved a pile of yellow snowballs just for you Kord!
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100 Human Rogue
01/09/2016 08:06 PMPosted by Inic
I have saved a pile of yellow snowballs just for you Kord!

Love you too Inic *Sobs* I will be sure to save a pile with your name on it...
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100 Undead Warrior
*weeps as he will be away infesting Orlando and a Kingdom of Mice *
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100 Dwarf Paladin
is someone going to tell Abominus it's a kingdom of Ice? nah, he'll figure it out.
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100 Draenei Shaman
01/11/2016 02:14 PMPosted by Abominus
*weeps as he will be away infesting Orlando and a Kingdom of Mice *

It's okay, Abominus, we'll save a snowball for you.

((In other news, this event is TODAY! Yay!))
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100 Draenei Shaman
((I'd just to like to thank everyone, once again, who came out. It was chaotic, there was lots of snowballs and they sure went fast, but it was lots of fun, and I hope all of you enjoyed it as much as I did. I don't know how regularly these may get, but I do hope to host further "Fiascos" in the future, when the time is right for such shenanigans))
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