[A]Seeking RP Opportunities

100 Draenei Monk
Recently I was thinking that perhaps if the server had a nice wide range for RP Hotspots and what they were. Perhaps getting something going?
Edited by Kyouren on 12/28/2015 3:24 PM PST
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100 Gnome Priest
Did'ya have anything specific in mind? :)
...anything general?
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100 Draenei Monk
Just for an example,
For the Alliance the Cathedral District or say Mage District in Stormwind
For the Horde Silvermoon City or the Taverns in Orgrimmar

Just places for us RP'ers to hangout in without any set in stone for times and whatnot...
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100 Gnome Priest
Don't take this the wrong way, but we kinda already do that. ^.^

Alliance side our usual hang spot is the Blue Recluse, though its usually only active around the weekends at peak hours, and even then crowds can be sparse unless there's something scheduled going on. Stormwind in general is usually a decent place to find people walking about, especially with the local city watch guild (Stormwind Union) doing random street patrols through the city and the kingdom as a whole. Other than this I'd suggest hopping over to ccsoe.org and registering. There's a calendar of scheduled events on that site as well that you can check out. There is usually at least one event happening each day of the week (iirc). Though if you're looking for something -right-now- then I'm afraid things might be lighter than usual with the holidays and all.

Horde side I know that they've scheduled a tavern day in Orgrimmar, though I don't know it well enough to remember where. I also know that they have a few scheduled weekly events too to check out. Rp red-side does tend to be a bit thinner than blue-side, so it's not uncommon for most people to head over to Silvermoon since it's crz'd. There's always the chance you'll run into one kind of rp or another there. When I do pop horde-side though I typically avoid it, but only because it doesn't make sense for my orc or undead characters to be hanging out in a posh elf city that sparkles...well, what's left of it at least.
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100 Human Rogue
I have also noticed that if you just walk into a crowded area (like SW trade district or the pandaland shrine) and just randomly start RPing, you'll find people will randomly join in! Do anything as an emote (orange text) that's indicative of an RPer, and I almost guarantee you'll get a least one RPer who wasn't doing anything to respond in kind.
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