*dramatic music*
Coming soon to a WoW near you...
Get ready for the most anticipated second season since Kael'thas moved into Magister's Terrace...
An educational experience like none you've ever seen before...unless you've been to one of these things...
Moar walking! Moar elements!
Moar about Shamansim than you probably think you need to know...
Walking with the Elements, 2.0.
That's right, Walking with the Elements will be making its spring (winter?) comeback, starting next week. In the near future, I hope to open it up to Alliance folks as well, but that's going to take some coordination that I haven't developed yet =\
- Friday, 15 January, at 6pm server time
Location still TBD, but will let you know here and at the .org when I figure it out
Need to catch up on last season? Visit wwtecc.tumblr.com. (I'll get the last couple up in the next few days, promise!)
Questions? Contact Thaettir in-game, or post here.
[Edits because I can't read a calendar ><]
Edited by Thaettir on 1/7/2016 2:27 PM PST