[H] Walking with the Elements 2.0

100 Tauren Shaman
*dramatic music*

Coming soon to a WoW near you...

Get ready for the most anticipated second season since Kael'thas moved into Magister's Terrace...
An educational experience like none you've ever seen before...unless you've been to one of these things...

Moar walking! Moar elements!
Moar about Shamansim than you probably think you need to know...

Walking with the Elements, 2.0.

That's right, Walking with the Elements will be making its spring (winter?) comeback, starting next week. In the near future, I hope to open it up to Alliance folks as well, but that's going to take some coordination that I haven't developed yet =\

    Friday, 15 January, at 6pm server time
    Location still TBD, but will let you know here and at the .org when I figure it out

Need to catch up on last season? Visit wwtecc.tumblr.com. (I'll get the last couple up in the next few days, promise!)

Questions? Contact Thaettir in-game, or post here.

[Edits because I can't read a calendar ><]
Edited by Thaettir on 1/7/2016 2:27 PM PST
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100 Tauren Shaman
This week's lesson will be in The Park, located on the border of Mulgor and Feralas.

To get there, from Mulgore, follow the road southwest out of Bloodhoof Village until you reach the brambles that block the road. If you look up at the cliffs around Mulgore, you'll see some lush looking trees. The Park is just over that cliff.

If you need assistance reaching the location (it requires a flying mount), please let me know so I can arrange for transportation.
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100 Tauren Shaman
Friendly reminder that Walking with the Elements returns, this evening at 6pm server.

They may be lessons about Shamanism and the Elements, but anyone is welcome to attend--tell your friends!

Also, a map to the Park: http://ccsoe.org/images/photos/176/161/b3330cb2aed97d8ffb6bf9ac.jpg
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100 Tauren Shaman
This week, Walking with the Elements will be meeting in the heart of Timbermaw Hold, on the borders of Winterspring, Felwood, and Moonglade.

Friday, 22 January, at 6pm Server
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
That's gonna be tricky. Don't the Timbermaw still autoattack unless your rep is up? (Then again, we're usually near to top level when we come to these things anyway, so that MIGHT not be a problem.)
Edited by Ketiron on 1/21/2016 11:02 AM PST
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100 Tauren Shaman
01/21/2016 11:02 AMPosted by Ketiron
That's gonna be tricky. Don't the Timbermaw still autoattack unless your rep is up? (Then again, we're usually near to top level when we come to these things anyway, so that MIGHT not be a problem.)

Since Cata, you start at Unfriendly instead of Hostile, so you should be able to walk through with no problem. Just make sure not to attack anything!

If you want to improve your rep, the quests on the Felwood side give a pretty good boost, if I remember correctly.
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100 Tauren Shaman
This week, Walking with the Elements will be meeting near the village of Kamagua in Howling Fjord. Nearest FP is in the village. If you need help getting to Kamagua, please let me know.

Friday, 29 January, at 6pm Server
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100 Tauren Shaman
This week, Walking with the Elements will be meeting near the Kal'ai Ruins in Northern Stranglethorn. Nearest FP is Grom'gol.

Friday, 5 February, at 6pm Server
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100 Tauren Shaman
This week, Walking with the Elements will be meeting high in the Valley of Spears in Desolace. (Above the entrance to Mauradon.) Nearest FP is Shadowprey Village, Desolace.

Transportation assistance will be available for earthbound participants.

Friday, 12 February, at 6pm Server
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100 Tauren Shaman
This week, Walking with the Elements will meet just to the west of the Nethander Stead in the Hillsbrad Foothills. Nearest FP is East Point Tower.

Friday, 19 February, at 6pm Server.

There will be no Walking with the Elements next week due to another event. To catch up on the lessons you may have missed, remember to visit wwwtecc.tumblr.com.
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100 Tauren Shaman
This week, Walking with the Elements will be meeting at the foot of Halfhill, in the Valley of the Four Winds. Nearest FP is Halfhill.

Transportation assistance will be available for those unable to venture to Pandaria on their own.

Friday, 4 March, at 6pm Server
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100 Tauren Shaman
This week, Walking with the Elements will be meeting (reluctantly) near the Eye of the Vortex in Darkshore.

Nearest FP is Whisperwind Grove in Felwood if you can fly; Zoram'gar Outpost, Ashenvale by land.

Friday, 11 March, at 6pm Server
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100 Tauren Shaman
(Apologies for the late post!)

This week, Walking with the Elements will be meeting at the western Zeppelin tower in Orgrimmar.

Nearest FP is Orgrimmar.

Friday, 18 March, at 6pm Server

This is the last lesson for March, so people can visit the Undermarket next week; lessons will resume April 1st. To catch up on previous lessons, visit wwtecc.tumblr.com.
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100 Tauren Shaman
This week, Walking with the Elements will be meeting at the mouth of the Southfury River, on the border between the Northern Barrens and Durotar.

Nearest FP is Ratchet.

Friday, 1 April, at 6pm Server
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100 Tauren Shaman
This week, Walking with the Elements will be meeting at the shrine atop Frostblade Peak in Howling Fjord.

Nearest FP is Camp Winterhoof in Howling Fjord. Summons will be available (if enough people are there!) for folks with no Northrend access.

Friday, 8 April, at 6pm Server
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100 Tauren Shaman
This week, Walking with the Elements will be meeting on the shores of the Well of Eternity on Mount Hyjal.

Nearest FP is Nordrassil. (Or, take the portal from the Earth Shrine in Orgrimmar). Summons will be be available (if enough people are there!) for folks with no Hyjal access.

Friday, 15 April, at 6pm Server.
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100 Tauren Shaman
This week, Walking with the Elements will be meeting at the Vir'naal Dam in Uldum.

Nearest FP is Ramkahen. (Or, take the portal from the Earth Shrine in Orgrimmar). Summons will be be available (if enough people are there!) for folks with no Uldum access.

Friday, 22 April, at 6pm Server

This is the last lesson for April, so people can visit the Undermarket next week; lessons will resume May 6th. To catch up on previous lessons, visit wwtecc.tumblr.com.
Edited by Thaettir on 4/20/2016 3:00 PM PDT
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