[H] Blood DK LF Light RP/Casual PVE Guild

100 Blood Elf Death Knight
My name is Valysera, and I am looking for a guild.

Since I was freed from the grasp of the Lich King, I joined the war against him in Northrend, and after that I fought in the War against Deathwing. Around that time, my core group of companions went their separate ways and I was left on my own. I’ve spent some time as a mercenary recently, but it is a lonely existence.

I excel in holding back groups of foes or standing toe-to-toe with large enemies while my allies bring them down.

If you think I might be a fit for your organization, please consider contacting me here or by courier in my journeys across Azeroth and Draenor.

Blood Death Knight (Tank) looking for a light-RP guild: I’m thinking “dungeons and questing, in character”. I just hit item level 700, so I’m looking to do some Mythic 5-mans or casual Hellfire. But mostly wandering around in the world without a guild is pretty lonely.

I’m also a bit of an RP newb in WoW. I’ve been on Cenarion Circle almost since launch to partake in RP, but never really got around to it. Then I took a long break during Pandaria. Now I’m finally looking for a friendly, supportive place to explore that aspect of the game.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
(( Welcome to CC! Most of the guilds on CC generally don't do in character raiding, dungeons, questing - mostly because the world is vastly ever changing and it's hard to RP something that technically happened years/months ago. IE, RP killing ARchie when he's technically been killed already.

We have quite a few PVE guilds on this server, but RP guilds are somewhat far and in between. We have Modas (my guild) which is more evil then anything else. You can check us out at modas.ccsoe.org. There's also Doomguard, Da Doctas, and AAMS off the top of my head that are all active RP guilds. I think Doomguard is the only one that does PVE in groups.

There's also SAlvation who is the #1 Horde Guild on the server, we have a few RPers but we are basically focused on progression more-so than anything else. - I'm also in Salvation on my paladin (Araceli) and hunter (Micah).

If you have any further questions, feel free toa sk. ))
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