(( Theater Canon ))

100 Worgen Hunter
(( - The Post in my Guild's Forum . . .


. . . -

(( This thread is to host a discussion between various movers in the WoW RP community on the topic of establishing a working "head canon" for Theatre in WoW!

To start! This idea formed in my head when I began writing my course guide for the "Rag Time" class where I would talk about various theater superstitions.

In an attempt at cohesion and accountability for various western (IRL) theatre traditions I started to compose a "brief History of Theatre in The Eastern Kingdom" paper.

I then realized, why labor away on my own when there are other great RPer's still engaged in the theatrical angle of WoW.

SO! Here I present a space to discuss and develop a working "head canon" that all of us can pull from! ))

So - If you'd like to contribute, know someone who might, want to read up on the discussion once I "publish" the final work, head over to that link.

There has been some confusion to posting on our guild forum, let me clarify . . .
You do need a Gamer Launch account (register like any other board) to post as a guest on the forum, you do not need to apply to Stormwind U.

Please join in, I've invited numerous RPers from cross-faction, cross-realm, even other regions (shout out to the EU Rpers!) but unfortunately only my fellow guildies have chimed in so far.
Thanks! ))
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100 Tauren Druid
You may want to throw a line to Tirisfal Theater Troupe (Atos), if you haven't already, Horde side. There are also the Succulent Tarts (Avalaste) on Horde side, and the Silent Road Caravan (Waldern) Alliance side, oh and Dreyfusxano on Alliance side who hosts a stand-up show.

These are all theater type guilds that host shows and might be interested in this sort of thing. I used to run a faire guild way back when, and I am part of the TTT so I will take a look if I get a chance. :D
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
They have gotten in touch with me, and I've regrettably been extremely busy all week. I will make an attempt this weekend to join in on this, though.

Terribly sorry about the delay! A complimentary bump as my apology.
Edited by Atos on 1/28/2016 1:35 AM PST
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100 Worgen Hunter
Yes! Thank you Lindiwe, your recommendations are appreciated. I will reach out to those that I have not already. (Atos and Xano have been contacts for some time. "Cause in Theatre, it's who you know!")

And no worries to slow replies, I feel this is a hefty enough subject for something that is "fun" and don't want to rush such an ambitious undertaking.

Thanks again!
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TENTATIVE! April 15th, 6pm Server HORDE SIDE, outside RageFire Cavern, so that we may group up and go inside (min lvl 10, you wont aggro the first group of mobs unless you go stroll up to them, I've tested it on my lvl 10 prot war in Def stance to make sure, max aggro was up) and there is plenty of room for a good number of people to chat without everyone standing on top of each other.

An OOCly chat to flesh out some of what we've discussed and get some one on one with a few people who've had issue with posting on the Stormwind U forum.

This date and time MIGHT change, but I'm going to try to stick to it. When you log on to Horde side Wyrmrest Accord, you're going to want Meecham, my Horde Side Storyteller, send him a tell, He'll be parked outside the instance. LETS CHAT RIDICULOUSLY NERDY THINGS!

I hope after this pow wow to finalize a bit and post a summary thesis so us thespian wowers can have something to reference before summer, and def before Legion!

Hope to See you there!
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Please read the post directly above this for information on the "summit"
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Some things to consider for this eve’s discussion, chat soon!

Who Started theatre as we know it (characters, lines, performance space)?

Timeline wise? Where does that fit in?

The guild. (Karazhan)

ETC? (or are they just thier own “thing”)

LEGION SPOILER:! (technically, but not really, though)
Apparently, dude is in Ironforge, but is a steamy romance novel author, nothing to do specifically with theatre, also the “STAR” of most of the novels is an NPC as well, so I suppose they know each other, or at least Bill knows of Marcus in detail, not entirely relevant if you ask me.

I still think a “bard” character can be headcanon, who wrote most of the Shakespeare library.
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100 Orc Warlock
I'd have actually read this thread if the title was Theater Cannon.
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I apologize for the lack of explosives.
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Shout out to Lestuu/Dey for joining myself and Atos of THE Tirisfal Theatre Troupe for an IN DEPTH discussion. Great strides were made.

Below is a rough outline of what we agreed upon with some embellishment by me. IF there is no further discussion by the end of the month I will be able to finalize a more coherent and, hopefully, entertaining paper on the subject.

Note: This is a focus on "Eastern Kingdoms" theatre and it's roots. If you wish to engage in a discussion about Trolls, Orcs, Dreanei, Tauren, Pandaren, or OTHER, please feel free to start one and let me know, I am well aware there is VERY RICH soil to till there from a variety of traditions.


Thesp’iel Highchorus, first to speak lines as a character. The progenitor of “Eastern” Theatre. Is “The Ghost” of Theatre

Pre-dates The Sundering

(( OOC refrence: http://www.wowhead.com/sound=26026/vo-woe-azshara-spell-03

The queen mentions puppets. Puppetry IS a form of theatre that dates back to the greeks, like Thespis himself.

Also, more proof the pre-sundering elves are the Greeks:


night elf artifacts that tell the fateful story of Pyramond and Theleste. ))

Aries’totael Fargaze, well known, Elven philosopher, composed The Poetics,


which detail much about performance theory and is still used today.

1 sundering and 1 exile later, the High Elves bring magic to the other mortal races, the magic of theatre!

Some time after the 7 Kingdoms formed, a batch of works became popular all around Azeroth. They are attributed to the same author, though much debate abounds whether or not this is true. They are referred to as works by “The Bard” and many claim their race produced the author. The most commonly accepted author is a human by the name Wilhem Lancerattle.

“Romulo & Julianne”

The Dwarvish Play “MacBeth”

There were theatre guilds across the continent during those hey days of the mortal races. Everything prospered as the dwarves had settled into their factions, gnomeregan had not yet fallen, there were indeed 7 kingdoms, the High elves and humans traded goods, culture and magic. The dark things stirred behind the scenes.

There are actors ghost’s reported in Karazhan wearing attire that evokes Orcs. Was this after or before the Opening of the portal, or was Medhiv using this as positive propaganda to ease humans into their new overlords? Mysteries abound in that tower.

The portal opens, the three wars stimey all but military research across the Eastern Continent.

The Humans and High Elves are decimated, turned into entirely new incarnations in many cases. Gnomeregan falls, and the dwarves spread themselves in attempting to assist everyone while “finding themselves” and the height of their performance art is now drinking songs and battle hymns, nothing wrong with that.

Today we continue to battle many enemies, the most relevant to this, the idea that performance is inessential, and so we strive to rebuild, and champion the theatrical arts!
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