(( - The Post in my Guild's Forum . . .
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(( This thread is to host a discussion between various movers in the WoW RP community on the topic of establishing a working "head canon" for Theatre in WoW!
To start! This idea formed in my head when I began writing my course guide for the "Rag Time" class where I would talk about various theater superstitions.
In an attempt at cohesion and accountability for various western (IRL) theatre traditions I started to compose a "brief History of Theatre in The Eastern Kingdom" paper.
I then realized, why labor away on my own when there are other great RPer's still engaged in the theatrical angle of WoW.
SO! Here I present a space to discuss and develop a working "head canon" that all of us can pull from! ))
So - If you'd like to contribute, know someone who might, want to read up on the discussion once I "publish" the final work, head over to that link.
There has been some confusion to posting on our guild forum, let me clarify . . .
You do need a Gamer Launch account (register like any other board) to post as a guest on the forum, you do not need to apply to Stormwind U.
Please join in, I've invited numerous RPers from cross-faction, cross-realm, even other regions (shout out to the EU Rpers!) but unfortunately only my fellow guildies have chimed in so far.
Thanks! ))
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(( This thread is to host a discussion between various movers in the WoW RP community on the topic of establishing a working "head canon" for Theatre in WoW!
To start! This idea formed in my head when I began writing my course guide for the "Rag Time" class where I would talk about various theater superstitions.
In an attempt at cohesion and accountability for various western (IRL) theatre traditions I started to compose a "brief History of Theatre in The Eastern Kingdom" paper.
I then realized, why labor away on my own when there are other great RPer's still engaged in the theatrical angle of WoW.
SO! Here I present a space to discuss and develop a working "head canon" that all of us can pull from! ))
So - If you'd like to contribute, know someone who might, want to read up on the discussion once I "publish" the final work, head over to that link.
There has been some confusion to posting on our guild forum, let me clarify . . .
You do need a Gamer Launch account (register like any other board) to post as a guest on the forum, you do not need to apply to Stormwind U.
Please join in, I've invited numerous RPers from cross-faction, cross-realm, even other regions (shout out to the EU Rpers!) but unfortunately only my fellow guildies have chimed in so far.
Thanks! ))