Looking for a guild

100 Human Death Knight
Looking for a guild for my wife, two of my friends (a married couple), and myself.

We are all returning to the game after taking a good bit of time off. My wife and I haven't really played since Cata. We log in now and do some PvP or questing.

What we are all looking for is a family type guild that doesn't require raiding or anything like that. We just want a place to call home where we can have others to do dungeons with and such.

Thanks for your time.
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100 Night Elf Druid
Hi Dwent,

I think we have exactly what you're looking for. Our entire core group consists of couples and families, and we don't push gameplay on to anyone. We are friendly and we love to group together to just do whatever.

There's almost always someone online so give us a shout with any questions or to join.

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100 Night Elf Warrior
Did you guys end up forming your own guild? We be Jammin?
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