Operatic possibilities

100 Blood Elf Monk
Hey everyone,

Got a couple of questions for the community at large. Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

For some inexplicable reason, I've got it in my head that I'd like to write an in-character opera. I'm envisioning something on the scale of one of Irilin's plays (5 or 6 short scenes). I'm talking actual music, not just the libretto.

So, for the community, two questions:

1) Any suggestions for stories from WoW lore that you think might make a good opera? Keep in mind that it shouldn't involve too many characters, and that a chorus probably isn't in the cards for a piece like this.

2) Would anyone be interested in providing a voice? I want to actually record this thing, should it be written, so that people can listen to it while watching folks perform it in-character. Don't have to be professional singers or anything, just able to hold a tune and know roughly what your range is. The people who sing wouldn't need to be the same people who perform in-game, they'd just be providing the audio.

Let me know! If I can figure this out, I'd be really excited to try and make this a reality!
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100 Blood Elf Mage
I think this is a great idea. I can't think of an answer to your first question, but to the second: I can do it! I do theatre (including musical theatre) and I have a background in music - about 5 years in voice, 10 years in violin. I have a recording microphone that I can use. I'm a soprano - my range is about G3-G6, if that helps at all. If you send me sheet music, that's how I learn best. :) I'm happy to help, and I hope this happens!
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100 Human Rogue
sigh. Okay, so I originally wrote this long post in reply, and then hit preview, and the forum wiped everything I had. So here's the short version:

The Last Guardian - (Khadgar's apprenticeship to Medivh, eventually leading to Medivh's downfall)
Pros: Very few characters, room for a few extras, climactic scene at the end only involves 4 people.
Cons: All but one character is human.

Day of the Dragon - (Destruction of the Demon Soul, freeing Alexstrasza from the Dragonmaw Orcs)
Pros: All the dragon mounts! But only a few main characters for most of the story. Play it right, and the climactic scene also only involves four people. Only two main characters are Alliance races, everyone else is playable by horde.
Cons: Lots of extras, so you either have some talented folks dressed up as multiple people, or you have a ton of people. Would also need a big stage for lots of in-air fight scenes.

Rise of the Horde - (How the orcs fell to corruption, but one clan stood out)
Pros: Hit the heart of every orc-lore-lover. Only races involved are orcs, ogres, and draenei. Even then, only two draenei were important.
Cons: LOTS OF ORCS. So not really open to too many races, but costumes are a thing.

Illidan's rise to power in Outland - (don't have a book for this one, sorry)
Pros: Would be an intro to demon hunters if your play is released after Legion (you'd only need 1), and you'd have orcs, nagas, blood elves, and demons in it.
Cons: I don't know a book that actually tells this story, or if the story is actually out there. Might find a summary on WoWWiki, but that's all I can tell you.

And yes! I would love the opportunity to voice act and sing for this :) But I am a female voice (range is about C3-C5 safely).

I would also recommend (from XP) having a separate camera person to simply sit there and record the show with their UI off so you can still direct. I would volunteer for this too.
Edited by Cerulana on 2/9/2016 2:03 AM PST
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