Guild Uniforms

100 Night Elf Warrior
Any RP or other Guilds out there try to have some sort of uniform? I know its hard with the many different varieties of armor...but IMO it is a neat idea.

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100 Blood Elf Paladin
The Stormwind Union (aka Stormwind City Watch), being a police force, has a "standard" uniform for each of its armor types; the Imperial Plate for the plate-wearers, for instance. The Lluchduu Ocheliad also had a uniform code of its own, but the LO has kinda dropped off the map since Imperon left. Beyond that, nothing springs readily to mind...
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94 Blood Elf Paladin
AAMS also has guidelines for uniforms. Both couriers and shields wear appropriate colors. Couriers will wear white with gold and the guild tabbard, where as a shield is identified with a full gray uniform with or without tabbard.
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100 Human Warrior
The Stormwind Union uses the following sets as uniforms for officers:
Plate: Imperial Plate
Mail: Felstone Mail (Nexus-strider set)
Leather: Glyphed Garb
Cloth: Darkmist Regalia (Twilight armor set)

I will note that we have elected not to use the transmog set from the garrison, as it would force members to level up to 100, get a garrison, and also put that particular building in it.

Tabards are worn at all times when in unifrom, of course, but never cloaks. Uniforms are provided to all recruits :) Non-officers, and officers that are off duty,of course, can wear whatever they like.

It makes sense to have us wear our uniforms when we are on duty so that we can be easily identified as such, but it's amazing to go into a raid or a guild group with everyone in matching uniforms. I love to represent.
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100 Night Elf Warrior
02/09/2016 01:40 PMPosted by Calent
The Stormwind Union uses the following sets as uniforms for officers:
Plate: Imperial Plate
Mail: Felstone Mail (Nexus-strider set)
Leather: Glyphed Garb
Cloth: Darkmist Regalia (Twilight armor set)

I will note that we have elected not to use the transmog set from the garrison, as it would force members to level up to 100, get a garrison, and also put that particular building in it.

Tabards are worn at all times when in unifrom, of course, but never cloaks. Uniforms are provided to all recruits :) Non-officers, and officers that are off duty,of course, can wear whatever they like.

It makes sense to have us wear our uniforms when we are on duty so that we can be easily identified as such, but it's amazing to go into a raid or a guild group with everyone in matching uniforms. I love to represent.

Very nice. How is the PvP Scene with Stormwind Union...and how are Night Elves considered?

Is Imperon gone for good? Or just till Legion....I miss seeing him outside the AH.
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100 Human Warrior
02/09/2016 01:53 PMPosted by Darkblâde

Very nice. How is the PvP Scene with Stormwind Union...and how are Night Elves considered?

Is Imperon gone for good? Or just till Legion....I miss seeing him outside the AH.

There aren't really any active PvPers in the Stormwind Union (and if there were, we would be allowed to wear the appearance of the guild uniform on battlegrounds and arenas, but not in raids of Orgrimmar and the like, in case it should appear that such an invasion is in-character). We would welcome any newcomers that enjoy PvP, keeping in mind that our first consideration is RP :) Night Elves are welcome as well, we will accept any law abiding citizen of Stormwind, which can include any race. We've had High Elves in our ranks before as well.

Imperon, I'm afraid has no intention of returning for Legion. I've missed seeing he and his crew hanging out in the trade district as well.
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