LF guarenteed Mythic BRF Mount run

100 Dwarf Hunter
I am looking for a Mythic blackhand carry for the mount (mount of course given to me for this deal). I am willing to trade a Plethora of rare pets in order for this to happen. Here is what I am offering...

Aqua Strider x2
Ashleaf Spriteling x2
Bronze Whelpling
Clockwork Gnome
Corrupted Nest Guardian
Death Adder Hatchling S/S breed, x2
Eye of Observation x3
Gooey Shaling
Gu'chi Swarmling
Gundrak Hatchling
Ji-kun Hatchling
Living Sandling x2
Netherspace Abyssal
Nightmare Bell x2
Nightsaber Cub
Purple Puffer
Savage Cub
Searing Scorchling
Servant of Demidos
Son of Animus
Tiny Blue Carp
Tiny White Carp
Widget the Departed

If we can work out some form of arrangement I would greatly appreciate it. Please contact me at Lloyd#1841
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100 Night Elf Warrior
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