100 Tauren Paladin
<Remnants Gaming> is selling Archi+Manny Heroic Carries as well as complete 13/13 Heroic Hellfire Citadel Carries! If you're interested, feel free to add Montblanc#1820 to book a date/time with us as we have limited spaces available.

About Us:
<Remnants Gaming> is a long standing established guild on Barthilas 13/13M.

Prices & Times
Heroic HFC
Melbourne (Australia - VIC) Sunday, at 1:00:00 PM AEST UTC+10 hours
Perth (Australia - WA) Sunday, at 11:00:00 AM AWST UTC+8 hours
Adelaide (Australia - SA) Sunday, at 12:30:00 PM ACST UTC+9:30 hours
Auckland (New Zealand) Sunday, at 3:00:00 PM NZST UTC+12 hours
Los Angeles (USA - California) Saturday, at 8:00:00 PM PDT UTC-7 hours
Dallas (USA - Texas) Saturday, at 10:00:00 PM CDT UTC-5 hours
New York (USA - New York) Saturday, at 11:00:00 PM EDT UTC-4 hours

13/13H Full clear Heroic HFC
Includes all gear that drops for your main spec
Grove Warden mount from Heroic Archimonde!
Ahead of the Curve feat of strength HFC Achievement + Heroic HFC Achievements
Takes around 1~2 hours.
Full Clear Heroic, Master Loot, Vanq, Conq, Prot, Only
Price is 150k gold.

Heroic Archimonde + Mannoroth Only
Grove Warden mount from Heroic Archimonde!
Ahead of the Curve feat of strength HFC Achievement + Heroic HFC Achievements
Takes around 20 minutes.
Personal Loot
Price is 30k gold.

Q: What do I need to do during the boss fight?
A: You're more than welcomed to participate with us during the fight, however for some of the harder bosses, we might ask you to jump off and die after you've tagged the boss. You don't have to bring anything, we'll give you clear instructions prior to each boss!
(Note: If you do not tag the boss you will not be able to receive loot! Bring Seals for extra chance at loot!)

Q: How is payment handled?
A: We expect a 20% upfront deposit to secure your spot in the run. The rest will be required to be paid -before- the run begins. If you do not leave a deposit, your position will not be secured. If you fail to attend the run, you will not receive your deposit back, however we may organise a date to reschedule your carry.
(Note: If for whatever reason the run has encountered issues such as: disconnects / server maintenance etc, you will be refunded the amount proportional to what has not been cleared and we will work with you to reschedule your carry!)

Q: How will loot be handled in my run?
A: We run Personal Loot in our Archi+Manny carry, Master Loot in 13/13H clears to ensure you have the best chance to get the loot for your spec(s).
Note: Bring Seals for extra chance at loot. Must Tag Boss to register on Loot Table.


Edited by Montblancc on 4/15/2016 2:10 AM PDT
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100 Pandaren Monk
this is a really amazing thing these guys are doing it went great no wipes what so ever well spent 30k i give them 10/10 stars of awesomeness bizzard should pay these guys for what they are doing i am very well happy with there services and grinding more gold right now for more services thank you guys plenty thanks
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100 Blood Elf Mage
I paid 30k for Heroic Mannoroth & Archimonde kills, earning the mount and one piece of i726 gear.

Summary: Remnants Gaming was professional and organised. I died a couple of times due to my own fault, but was resurrected immediately after the kill so that I could loot. Addons were in use to illustrate tactics, and the hosting guild certainly knew what they were doing.

When I asked for the run, the recruiter sent me his ID rather than asking for mine, and asked for some details for their records (character name, confirmation on run desired).

On the day of they were running slightly behind due to a technical problem, but communicated the issue and were close to their 20 minute delay estimate.

Regarding complaints:
If you're considering buying a raid carry, it is probably not about the gear. Like me, you probably want a unique mount and don't currently belong to a guild big enough to run current content. The only reason that you might complain is due to the price, so let's talk about that.

First, in WoD 30k gold is not that much. If you play a single level 100 character for 10 minutes per day, you should be able to earn 30k in a month from Garrison & Shipyard missions alone.

Second, there are already mounts in the game which cost more than 30k directly, and at least a dozen crafted ones which cost 20-30k in materials alone. That's not even getting to in-game trading of TCG mounts, let alone the purchase only mounts in the store. For a mount collector, 30k is practically a bargain.

The other common complaint is what are they doing with all this gold? The answer is that it's none of your business. Getting to the point where a dozen people can carry a handful more through top level raid content requires a huge amount of time and work on the part of the guild. While you were doing quests, crafting, archaeology, reputation grinding, Tanaan dailies, playing with guildies, and having a life outside of WoW, they were grinding raids over and over. Now you get the chance to take advantage of their effort, and all they're asking for in return is a small portion of the gold that you've earned over the past year.

If I were in their guild, I'd suggest that the gold earned from carries be used first to buy game-time tokens for raiders, next to recover costs from crafted gear and repairs, and finally to backfill content -- that is, to buy all the mounts, pets, and special items from the expansion which they missed out on while running raids.

As far as I'm concerned, though, I got exactly what I expected to. I paid 30k gold, saw the final fight of the expansion, and got a mount. That's what I wanted and what I received. All good.
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100 Undead Priest
Thanks for your kind words and feedback/review Stiria!

Hope to see you around in Legion! :)
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100 Blood Elf Priest
What a nice review Stiria! We appreciate your words very much <3
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100 Blood Elf Priest
I booked and paid for my run with these fine people last week. It went off without a hitch. No wipes. quick and painless. They obviously know what they are doing in there. It was impressive. They were not only professional, but very friendly to boot. . Also, I just booked a second run with them and I'm taking a friend with me.
Thank you guys. See you next week!
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100 Troll Druid
I paid for a run for my guildmates today - Manny went just fine, quick wipe on Archi, but the 2nd time went super quick. Went great, well worth the gold. If buying in large quantities, ask for discounts; they were willing to work with us.

Thanks guys!
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100 Goblin Death Knight
I just got my unique moose mount from the run with these nice and friendly guys. My friend and me bought the run and we don't have any regrets or complains. The run itself went very smoothly, it was quick and organized very well. People really know what they are doing, and, honestly, the run with 2 bosses, a possibility of gear, a mount and an achievement, isn't it worth 30K? Thank you very much, guys
Edited by Elessea on 3/12/2016 9:33 PM PST
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
one shot on Manny and Archi. no fuss no muss. Great group of players to do this for others. THANK YOU!
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100 Undead Warlock
Breitling and Remnant Gaming,

Thank you for the no none sense advertising in-game on Cenarion Circle. I like the fact that i bought a carry for 30K gold and I got what I bought as if I bought it on the auction house. I received my awesome mount, a ring upgrade, an awesome staff, and gold on two bonus roll...lol...figures. If you could buy this mount on the AH, then I got it for a steal!!! As long as there is WoW, Gold to be made, there will be Carries!

Great Job Guys, Great in-game gold making!
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100 Orc Warrior
One Shot both bosses, great people very friendly 11/10
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100 Draenei Death Knight
No wipes on Mannorath, two (so far) on Archimonde. However, still worth it!.. Or, it will be.
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100 Draenei Death Knight
2 wipes on Archi total. Only complaint was that my run started 2 hours later than I was originally told.
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100 Tauren Paladin

Time Revised for Daylight Savings.
Full Clear Revised down from 200k to 150k
Edited by Montblancc on 4/19/2016 12:30 AM PDT
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100 Human Paladin
Ran w/this group last weekend for Manno & Arc, was smooth sailing. Going with them again for full clear this Sat and looking forward to it. Genuinly helpful group of people, you guys rock!
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
The run was great. The customer service is fast friendly and the prices are great!
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100 Tauren Paladin

30th August 2016 Leigion Launches
Mythic Archimond Mount SOLD OUT.
Full Clears Booked Out 23rd & 30th
20 Weeks Left to get your Ahead of the Curve Feat of Strength Achievement & Moose Mount.

Remind Your Friends!
Edited by Montblancc on 4/19/2016 12:29 AM PDT
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100 Goblin Warlock
Ran with this group not 15 minutes ago. HAD A BLAST! Stand up fellow and the entire group of runners was understanding and professional. Reminds you several times to bring seals so you get more loot, first time a person has cared enough to do that. Best 30k I ever spent. No wipes on Manni or Archi and it was amazing to experience. Well oiled machine, I can't say enough. 11/10 Thank you so much from both my wife and I. She's still zooming on her moose in circles lol!
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100 Human Warlock
Just completed a run with this group! They were awesome and can't thank you all enough for taking my lowbie horde alt with you.. LOL!! Just got the mount and Morganalefay got a piece of gear too! They were extremely efficient in getting the job done. As a friend of mine would put it. Manno and Archie went down like a Hooker in High Boots!! lol
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