- RP site survey

100 Human Paladin
Hey folks. While I am in the middle of working on some updates/upgrades to the site I thought that I would get some input from the community. If you have a minute, please fill out the survey and let me know what we can do to make the site better.

Afterall, it's a site for all of us here in the RP community.
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100 Draenei Warrior
For those that don’t really know what is, it’s a site where CC and SoE can come together to discuss RP, create stories, share knowledge and display information you wish about your characters. It replaces the old site that we once had.

The old site was great, but due to technology getting ahead of us and the combining of CC and SoE, its days were limited. The new site offers much of what the old did, but most importantly it allows both realms to contribute. We shouldn’t be split, we are one big community and this gives us the tools to be just that.

Please give a little bit of your time and fill out the simple survey that Genevra has put together. She’s done a ton of work on the site and it will only get better with your all’s participation and ideas. This is your site after all, you will not find anything else on the web that offers what Genevra has done for free.
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