RP Guilds?

90 Night Elf Druid
Hi! I'm going through all the realm forums in search of finding a somewhat active RP guild on a small server.

I saw a few things here on the CC forums, but I'm not sure how current they are. Are the listings up to date at all?

I'm open to Horde or Alliance and am not too picky on theme since I'd be rolling a new alt (and possibly using a boost) for this. I'd just really like to try something new. Thank you!
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Listings should be mostly up to date, but I haven't done my regular "go through each guild spring cleaaning thing" yet. I should be able to do that tomorrow.

Off the top of my head...

AAMS, Conclave, Terra Incognita, Modas il Toralar, Doomguard, Doctas are all active.
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100 Worgen Hunter
CC is a great realm to RP, at least in my honest opinion. Its much smaller and less active than it once was, but the folks you see, you always see, and everyone gets to know each other. I personally like it here and it lets me be as active as I want or as solitary as I please. Most of the folks that read this probably don't know or remember me...but I know you. mwahaha.
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100 Human Warrior
There are many fine guilds on Cenarion Circle for you to choose from! Which one you choose should depend on what your character is like.

I'm not terribly familiar with what guilds are active hordeside, but some of the more active alliance guilds are:

In alphabetical order!

AAMS: Neutral guild with branches in each faction, specializes in cross-faction delivery and translation services.
Contact Derscha (alliance) or Kezrin (horde)

Conclave: Seekers of knowledge, and just about anything else! They are one of the most inclusive RP guilds I've heard of, not many characters are a bad fit for their theme.
Contact Genevra

Crimson Blades: Mercenary type guild, they are active in-game, and also very prolific forum RPers!
Contact Adrazel

Feathers of Iron: Mercenary type guild, they also host tavern night in Booty Bay every Tuesday night.
Contact Franziskah

Pia Presidium: A holy order, they are the quintessential lawful good paladin type guild, complete with knighting ceremony. They are currently going through a change in management, but they are still hosting troubadour night and clinic night on alternating Mondays.
Contact Zephilyn or Freediction

Stormwind Union: *attempts not to gush too much* Law enforcement guild, accepting all roles of law enforcement, including patrol officers, coroners, lawyers, K9 officers, forensic technicians...and just about anything else (we have a regular citizen rank). Lawful good, of course.
Contact: Orwyn (or I'll be happy to tell you more if you poke me in-game.)

Terra Incognita: Mercenary type guild, does what needs to be done for the good of Azeroth. Mostly ignores conflict between alliance and horde.
Contact: Kordrion or Ketlan

Hordeside guilds... uh...

I only really know of AAMS, Da Doctas, and Doomguard. And Modas, if you're into being evil.
The most fantastic thing about this server is that you are not limited to interacting with only the members of your guild, our community is very tight knit, and in many ways it's like the entire roleplaying community is its own big guild, and the RP guilds themselves are just smaller, more specialized cogs in the machine :)

Good luck!
If you grab me in-game, I will be happy to tell you more about any of the Alliance guilds :)
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Here is a link with a list of Horde guilds, their contacts, and their websites.

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90 Night Elf Druid
Thanks so much! I really appreciate the help!
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100 Night Elf Priest
Also bear in mind that we do a lot of cross guild RP through events and other activities. Feel free to join /allianceOOC and get to know people. They'll be able to help you find whoever might be on that's a fit for you since we all tend to flow between the various guilds.
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