Where Everybody Knows Your Name

100 Draenei Warrior
A woman with the appearance of a draenei sat quietly in a chair behind the bar of the Recluse. She was unmoving accept for her eyes which slowly moved, observing the familiar surroundings. Every inch of the tavern she knew. Every scratch and mark she had imprinted in her mind. Some of which were of her own doing. She rose and walked slowly from her chair, her hand ran softly across the serving bar. It had been an unexpected surprise when she had first become its owner. Something that she’d always wanted but thought she’d never achieve. Now times had changed, she no longer had the time to spend on its supervision. It wasn’t fair to her customers or to the community for her to try and hold on to her dream. The books now showed in the red, her own coin was paying her employees, she had tried but this wasn’t to be.

She wasn’t about to allow others to see how she truly felt. She let her hardened exterior show to others and walked confidently through the rows of chairs and tables. She paused as she stood facing the exit. Every muscle in her body ached, as if forcing her to turn around, but she willed herself to take the step forward out the door, she would not look back. Noikona turned and unrolled a parchment she had rolled up in her satchel. She carefully tacked it up next to the painted window that Alexithima had created two years ago. The sign was simple and conveyed its message bluntly.

For Sale

((Yes that’s correct. The Recluse is for sale. No real coin please. All I ask is that the Recluse stay open to all (No racism or guild favoritism, these are rules I pass down from Alexithima). Ownership isn’t real of course and you must be willing to work with others that wish to have events and partake in its continued legacy. As of late the Recluse has become very quiet. I tried allowing other guilds to manage their events there, but perhaps having a single owner caused some questions of who truly can do what they want. Single owner, guild ownership, multiple owners or just open it up to NPC ownership is all acceptable. Currently the Recluse does have a real player cook and there are rules but the new owner would be able to do as they please. I just want it to become the RP hub it once was.))
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100 Human Paladin
I believe this is the video you were looking for. It is 4 years old but the sentiment is the same.

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100 Worgen Warlock
You think we should step in, Genevra? Somewhere to shoot the breeze after sermons, perhaps.
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100 Human Warrior
((Maybe Orwyn should buy it. :D
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100 Worgen Warlock
((Perhaps it can be a Gen-Orwyn partnership?))
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
((Or perhaps I can buy it and rob the Alliance of all their funds? ))
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100 Dwarf Paladin
*wonders if now is a good time to get into the tavern business*
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100 Draenei Warrior
((To help settle some confusion. The Recluse is still 'owned' by Noikona. Noikona did lose it for a few days, but did finally fork out what she owed Brandon.

The rules that have been passed down from owner to owner have not changed....

There is really only three
  • No hunter pets or Warlock pets (Companion pets are allowed if they behave).
  • No drawn weapons or magic is allowed unless in self defense. (Fists and yelling is acceptable)
  • Events shall not be biased all should be welcome unless the Recluse is being used as for a guild event, then everyone should respect those present and attempt not to disrupt their meeting.

All in all there really isn't an 'owner' the Recluse is a landmark and is available to all to have fun with. Just because there is a grouchy draenei behind the bar doesn't mean it shouldn't be open to everyone. If anyone wishes to to have their events there nothing should stop that. Just because I've been labeled the 'owner' doesn't mean others can't manage it. Lets bring life back to this iconic place))
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100 Human Warlock
Betaith glances over Dolingen's shoulder and reads the rules notice. Her nose scrunches up and a frown creases her lips as she steps back and crosses her arms. Dolingen, in all of her splendor and bluster, set about a tirade with arms flapping wildly.

"Who do they think they are denying a perfectly gentle woman? Bey has done less damage than the druids. Crazy cats. Matter of fact, we've done no damage to the Blue Recluse. Who is the owner? We need to speak to him, her, turtle, whatever!? I don't care. This is unacceptable."

For her part, Betaith smiles softly, adjusts her glasses and tie, before setting about trying to stop her partner's flappy bird impersonation with matching squawking.

"We'll go to the Slaughtered Lamb, even though everyone there is a creep! And their mead tastes like sawdust. We'll show you. OW!"

"You should not have kicked the stone wall, miss."

And that's when Dolingen stopped hooting and hollering, well at the Recluse at least, as Betaith guided her to the medic to check to make sure her foot wasn't broken.
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100 Undead Warrior
The Maggot Lord skitters through the sewers of Stormwind, fresh blood on his blade. He stops at a familiar section of wall, and presses the secret Horde-installed button, opening a door into the cellar of the Recluse. Slithering up to the kegs, he deftly inserts a new batch of Maggotize(tm) into one, then leaves the way he came.
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