The Undermarket [H- RP event 3-25-16]

100 Blood Elf Paladin
The following signs are posted throughout the Horde cities:

The Undermaket
March 25th, 2016
6 bells in the evening

What: The Undermarket is hosted by Modas il Toralar. We will be offering our unsavory services and wares, everything from poisons to contracts, to plagues and everything in between. Discretion is a must for both purchaser and buyer. If your character is looking for goods, wares or services, or has some to sell this is a great place to do that.

Where: Exact location within UC is TBD
Edited by Trenetir on 3/15/2016 8:35 AM PDT
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100 Human Rogue
((Out of pure innocence: wouldn't the Horde guards notice these signs too and report such things to their leadership so they can conduct a thorough search in the UC to stop these criminals from selling unsavory acts against Horde law? I've always wondered how an evil guild gets their message and services known without giving local authorities enough details to find them and disrupt their stuff.))
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100 Blood Elf Warrior
03/18/2016 05:34 AMPosted by Cerulana
((Out of pure innocence: wouldn't the Horde guards notice these signs too and report such things to their leadership so they can conduct a thorough search in the UC to stop these criminals from selling unsavory acts against Horde law? I've always wondered how an evil guild gets their message and services known without giving local authorities enough details to find them and disrupt their stuff.))

((The main reason is because The Under Market, is a licensed and established business that has existed for years. It has a large merchant fleet that trades exotic fabrics and garments throughout Azeroth. Many of its clients are totally oblivious to the more shady services the corporation offers, because what the Under Market does on the surface, it does very well. The Under Market doesn’t draw attention to itself and conducts its business in plain sight. Fabric and garments names are easily coded to mean very different things which only certain clients will know. The Under Market also acquired a house cleaning business that operates in much the same way. ))
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
((Just a reminder that this is tonight.

We will meet in the open area of the Rogue Quarter in the Undercity.))
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
(( This went fantastically, thanks everyone for showing up! ))
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