[Horde] Anyone need an HFC-N/H seat filler?

100 Tauren Hunter
Hello, Mingonashoba here. You might remember me from such things as:

* Winter Veil Radio Show
* Fleeing from Abominus
* Dropping from great heights into notable RP gatherings
* "Who's that weird bull wearing a Murloc suit?"

And many, many others. I'm here today to try and sniff out a spot to go after Hellfire Chasm. I've kind of hit a wall with LFR, and would like to move into Normal or Heroic. I'm at an iLevel of 703, and while I prefer to stay with my BM spec, I would be fine with dual-speccing into MM or SV if needed. The only thing that's a non-starter is leaving Ishnu Por Ah.

*croons* I'll do anything for lootz, but I won't do that. No I won't do thaaat.~

Ahem, anyway. My schedule is fairly open, Monday-Saturday from about 7pm server until 12am-1am. Sundays are iffy, since I play in a soccer league that has different game times each week.

So if you need a bull with a gun, let me know!
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100 Draenei Shaman
*slaps a gnome mask on Mingo*

*stands back and admires his own handiwork*

Ah, yes. Perfect. You can raid with us now, they'll never suspect a thing.
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100 Tauren Hunter
If only my Orb of Deception worked for longer than 5 minutes at at time!
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