[A] <Incite> has punch and pie!

67 Blood Elf Mage
I'm thinking about coming back to WoW and race/faction changing to the Alliance on this level 67 mage. I'm looking for a place that I can call an in game home where people don't ignore each other hehe. I'm looking for friends basically and people who will want to go out and do things with one another. As far as what I will be doing in game, as I am only level 67 on this character I would leveling hard to hit 85 as soon as possible. I love to roleplay, I love to do battlegrounds, and back in wrath I loved doing TOC and the first couple ICC bosses. If you're still looking for members please let me know! -hugs-
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85 Human Rogue
We are always looking for good folks..raiders and casual players alike. Go to see our sute at incitegaming.com, read the charter and fill out an app. Thanks!
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6 Night Elf Druid
Hey CC!
We are still in the lookout for more players. We have 3 full 10 man raid teams and the 4th is about to get underway. We are now a level 23 guild. Which means that we have all the nice benifits that a guild can offer. If you are interested, go to incite.guildzilla.com and put in an application. Have a great day/night whenever you read this.

Ummm yeaaaa. Their third team hasn't raided since inception because none of the members are geared enough yet. The weekend team has yet to even all be online at once. There are still only two teams and they are full.

While there are many great players in this guild, there are some that if you rub them the wrong way, no matter how petty, they will see to it that you are no longer wanted in the guild. No questions asked.
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85 Human Death Knight
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85 Draenei Shaman
I need proof of these 'accusations' you are claiming. Discussions with you are always an hour or more because you don't know how to sum things up in ONE paragraph and you repeat yourself to no end.

Before leaving Incite, I requested proof of my allegedly calling out guild members, complaints, and 'bad' attitude. Yet, you could not deliver any. You couldn't even give me names.

Just another nobody guild with a pompous GL. I wash my hands of this whole mess.
Edited by Mittzi on 5/4/2011 7:36 AM PDT
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85 Worgen Druid
I'm sorry, let me go back and take screenshots of every conversation I've had with every member of the guild who had a problem with you. As far as giving you names, I don't think the entry field for this forum post has enough space.

Here's a summation of your stint in Incite in one paragraph, though, only because you asked so nicely:

You are an elitist player who does not deserve to be elitist, will constantly bounce back and forth between guilds as they realize you are a horrible person to be around, have a cancerous personality, and truly offer nothing to anyone unless you feel you can wrangle some kind of public recognition for it. You would do well in a formed-for-progression raiding guild so you can be surrounded with other people who pick apart every little decision other people make in regard to spec, class, role, and ability choice. You will rapidly find you don't make the cut, and will once again be that little girl who gets picked on by the nuns at Our Lady of Horrible Raiders.

Good enough for you?

I love free bumps. Keep it up, please. You can wash your hands forever with all the water bills you could pay with my 9,500 gold, too.

And now, a word from our sponsors:

Hey Cenarion Circle, if you're unlike the above poster, we're currently recruiting casual, PVP, and RP players for a great guild with a great group of team players. Personality IS important to us, so don't be a Mittzi.
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85 Draenei Priest
Bump for intolerance of elitism and asshattery!
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