[A] <Incite> has punch and pie!

85 Worgen Druid
<Incite>, a level 16 guild, is looking to recruit raiders and casual players alike for raiding, PVP, roleplay, and everything in between.

We take great pride in our guild culture, and personality plays a large part in whether or not an applicant makes the cut. As a result of our two-month pledge process, we have one of the most close-knit, helpful, and drama-free memberships on the server.

We are currently running two successful 10-man raid groups (both 3/12 with 5/12 likely by next week), and are looking for two exceptional tanks and three qualified healers to round out a third raiding team. Our raid teams are formed from former hardcore raiders who simply got tired of all the drama and finger-pointing. We excel at what we do and maintain respectable progression in only six hours per week of raid time.

Our current raid times are 6-9 p.m. server, Wednesday and Thursday, for both raid teams. Both teams are currently considering expanding to a third day (Tuesday), and the third raid team's schedule will be decided once the raid is filled, pending desires and availability of its raiders.

In terms of casual membership, PVP and roleplay, we are looking for personable people who enjoy running battlegrounds, dungeon running, and just getting together on offnights for some roleplaying fun. Laying dormant while we geared up to begin raiding, The Crimson Vanguard, our RP contingent, is looking to reform and lay a foundation to carry us through the rest of Cataclysm.

If you are interested in joining one of the best guilds on the server, and wish to enjoy Cataclysm and all it has to offer in a supportive, friendly, family atmosphere, please apply at http://www.incitegaming.com, respond to this post, or contact me in-game.

Thanks for reading, and I hope to meet some of you soon!
Edited by Elgaen on 2/28/2011 5:36 PM PST
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85 Worgen Druid
Bump for more great guildies!
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85 Draenei Paladin
Woot...We are level 18 now...almost 19..wut wut in the gut
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85 Dwarf Paladin
What...no cake?
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85 Worgen Druid
We are now Level 20, 5/12 with 7/12 very close at hand in two raid teams, and are still on the hunt for casual players, raiders who wouldn't mind being on rotation until a third raid team forms, folks who wish to run rated BGs, and more interested folks for arenas.

Once the daily guild XP cap drops off at guild level 23 we will likely be chain-running guild group heroics to hit the level cap fast.

Come see what we're about!
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85 Dwarf Paladin
Incite's 3rd 10man raid team is on the brink of being ready to go, please visit our website at
www.incitegaming.com for all of our updated recruitment needs. In addition you couldn't find a better group of people to run heroics/raid/pvp/fly in circle in Stormwind with.
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85 Worgen Druid
Level 21 and our doors are still open to good-natured folk.

We particularly need a holy paladin to round out our third 10-man raid team, and more PVPers interested in running rated battlegrounds/mild arenas.
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85 Worgen Druid
Hey CC!

We're still on the lookout for people we absolutely will never, ever care about, use for guild experience, and will gratuitously flaunt our totally former hardcore membership and World 1,325,259st progression in order to land people new to the game that can fill a slot on a bench! </sarcasm>

Seriously, we're about to hit level 23, are 8/12, and we'd like to open the doors to more friendly folks that enjoy endgame and all the other stuff this game has to offer.

Crybabies, trolls, whiners, idiots, and Feral need not apply.

/waaaaaaaaaaaaaave Myrthelia! =)
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85 Night Elf Hunter
Not sure why I ended up on this post, but at least I was distinguished from those other horrible categories.

Don't really care of others view points; how people feel of one another is their choice and without question. In regards to that post on your other Ad, I did not make however. If I was capable of articulating such a intelligent flame, I wouldn't hide behind a level 1, I would take the credit deserved: good or bad.

I also, however, would not risk my posting privileges with such a derogatory post. I don't really expect this to be any consolation, but I felt defending my stance would suffice.
Edited by Feral on 4/2/2011 11:16 AM PDT
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85 Human Priest
04/02/2011 11:02 AMPosted by Feral
If I was capable of articulating such a intelligent flame, I wouldn't hide behind a level 1, I would take the credit deserved: good or bad.

To that I can 100% believe. Not sure if Elgaen was implying that you are Myrthelia or not, but I'm sure he has his reasons for posting.

Although I will say Incite is AWESOME! I absolutly love it here, and I have ever since the day I joined. We've had some minor rough spots just like any other guild out there, but we excel in taking those incidences and learning from them to make us stronger. Full of fun and a drive to make what we want out of this game happen!
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85 Draenei Paladin
Incite Rules. Our 4th raid team that will be raiding weekends will be starting soon...We are still in need of more healers and possibly a dps that has a geared healing offspec. Hit us up at incite.guildzilla.com. We are number 36 on the server...woot. But seriously we are an amazing guild full of amazing people. We have a lot of achievement !*!%*s, AKA Aquaserge up above, so you will almost always have several people on.
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85 Human Paladin
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85 Human Paladin
Hey CC!
We are still in the lookout for more players. We have 3 full 10 man raid teams and the 4th is about to get underway. We are now a level 23 guild. Which means that we have all the nice benifits that a guild can offer. If you are interested, go to incite.guildzilla.com and put in an application. Have a great day/night whenever you read this.
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85 Draenei Priest
Now about a 1/3 into level 24!! :0D
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90 Tauren Druid
Alliance Folks: I can tell you this much, Elgaen and Lynore are a great pair.

Great raiders, great players, great people.

Any guild in their hands is a great guild to be in!

You're lucky to have them on your side.


I also think it's fantastic that we are at the exact same point in Tier 11... we just our first Atramedes kill last night, bringing us to 9/12 on the same night that your Council kill brought you to 9/12.

Let's kill Cho'gall together!
Edited by Surehoof on 4/15/2011 2:16 PM PDT
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85 Worgen Druid
Thanks Surehoof!

Halfway through 24 now, and looking to round out our third raid team with some excellent ranged DPS (locks and hunters highly desired).

As always, on the lookout for friendly folks who just want a fun, tight-knit place to call home for the game we all enjoy.
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85 Draenei Priest
*DING* Level 25! Congratulations, guys! We've all worked hard for this! Makes a mama proud! *tear*
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85 Human Paladin
^bump for the Awesomeness of level 25!
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85 Human Rogue
Let me also add we are really kicking up the pvp activity as well. Rated BG's are gonna be starting up and more of us are forming arena teams as well.
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