LFM (A) - Serious 3v3, 5v5, and Rated BG

85 Human Priest
I'm currently recruiting 1 healer (pally / druid preferably) for serious 3's with me and F-Mage. Team is at 1909 and went 17-5 with none of us ever playing together before. I could potentially take a rogue as well and play disc myself.

LFM for a new 5's team - not yet concerned with comp, but will need 2 heals and probably 1 melee dps

10v10 rated BG
I have about 4 or 5 players so far and am mainly just looking for more people with vent and full pvp gear, but is not required. time it to be determined based on availably...

Feel free to contact me in game or on this forum if interested.
Also, for the 3's / 5's I'm going to prefer nearly full pvp gear or 3k+ resil.
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Hey Pyro, I'm also looking for a 3s team/RBGs, both on this character and my rogue. I'm essentially idling in 2s on both characters playing a few games for points each week (~1750).

My rogue (Fitzcairn) is better geared (nearly full Vicious), but Brizzie's gear is improving steadily. I know what I'm doing with both classes and would love to play as many arena games as you can stomach. :) I'm a PST player: 9pm ST or later is best weekdays, can be online earlier on Sundays.

Drop me a line if you're interested. Thanks!
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85 Human Priest
Sounds good, Hit me up whenever u are online and we'll try out some games... the 5's team is fresh and 3's is at 1900. We could play priest mage rogue if i switch to disc... may be the best comp.

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85 Night Elf Druid

I would love to try 3v3, if you would let me try without vent. I've played 2v2 and have had moderate success, with a rogue and another ret pally. I am over 2k resilence and have full pvp resto gear with three vicious pieces so far.

Hit me up in game, I am usually either on my rogue, Aviria or my druid, Noches if you're interested. I am up for anything- rated bg's, 3v3, 5v5- MST player so most times are good for me when I am not raiding.

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100 Orc Warrior
Free bump to the OP.

I've just about missed out on this entire season of arena because I haven't been able to find a decent combination of good players to form a team with in 3's. I feel the pain.
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85 Human Priest
Just transferred to play with a friend in PvE but he doesn't play PvP at all which is what I mostly do so this sounds great to me. Disc & Shadow Priest willing to do any of the 3 (and 2's as well).
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90 Human Priest
What times would you try to do the Rated BGs? I know of a few people who might be interested in farming up for rating for titles.
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I think you should get all priests based on the rponses, because I want in on rated bgs :-) 10 leap of faith = super fast wsg?
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85 Human Warrior
I am currently looking to join a 3s at the moment though whole issue would worry about is schedule. pst in game or send an in-game mail please :)
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