We killed heroic shannox...silly nerfs are silly
CC Tier 13 Cataclysm Raiding Progression.
Nerfed Domo + Aly (25)
Merry Band of Misfits
Baelroc and Alysrazor downed last week.
Baelroc and Alysrazor downed last week.
H: Domo to <Reprise> 25
Heroic Shannox to OF
Nerfrazors HM to AfterDark.
Beth HM to After Dark
Rag, Heroic Rhyo and Heroic Shannox to Joser's Heroes (Ævolution)
KNN has 3/7 HM, Shannox, Rhyolith, and Major Domo.
H Baleroc (25)
H-Alysrazor to Reprise.
H Baleroc 10 to AD, now 6/7 HM
FoE has downed Heroic Domo, Shannox and Rhyolith
Heroic Domo and Bale to Joser's Heroes (Ævolution)
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