i really gotta stop leaving this thread for so long, takes forever to do the updates xD
CC Tier 13 Cataclysm Raiding Progression.
FoE has dropped heroic Alysrazor
Heroic Beth'tilac to Reprise.
FoE has downed heroic Bethilac 10 man and heroic alysrazor
Edited by Archeon on 10/20/2011 5:08 PM PDT
KNN 6/7 Heroic, everything except Rag down.
Epic Coalition - Completed Normal 10 man firelands. All bosses downed (normal)
Merry Band of Misfits
Completed Normal 10M Firelands last night. Rag downed.
Completed Normal 10M Firelands last night. Rag downed.
Heroic Rhyolith to OF
Heroic Beth downed by Joser's Heroes (Ævolution), Firebird then mount time!
FoE is now 6/7 heroics with only heroic Rag left obviously.
Dunno if it's my place, but as I was online last night when it happened and saw the OMGZACHIESSPAM, I'm surprised that no one has reported that...
Grats ES, but at the same time they should be moved to the 10-man section since afaik they're done with 25's.
Haven't updated in a while. As of tonight, the OES 10 has all normal FL and all heroic except Heroic Rag.
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