Going Home

100 Human Paladin
He continued to play. "I thought you didn't want my companionship."

"Yes, well, you've suffered long enough."

He kissed her cheek. "Good. I hate suffering."

She patted his hand. "Me too."

They sat in silence for a while watching an owl cutting a path through the night sky. At last she broke the spell. "Commander, I got the impression you are not in favor of keeping the goblin at the Tenth Legion tower?"

"Tis your decision, lady."

"That's not what I asked."

He stretched his legs out and laid the rebek aside. "I think he should have been killed for what he's done. I don't know why you suffer him to live."

"I had planned on killing him until he started laughing when we captured him and said if we did I would never find out what happened to the owner of a locket he held."

He huffed. "A simple stunt to save his miserable life."

"So I thought also, but I didn't want to condemn an innocent woman. Then, two days ago we got the message. It was a letter from a woman with the same initials as the locket. She was being held by Meshqa's men."

"He thinks to trade his life for one woman?"

She stared out into the night. "No, his men are going to kill every woman he holds if he isn't released."

"Trade the goblin for the women and then we'll hunt him down again and kill him."

She nodded. It was the best solution and one she agreed with. "There's only one problem. We don't know how many women he has. It could be hundreds and I don't want to trade him for a handful while most of them stay captive. The ghosts are scouting his locations now."

Her hand reached over to take his. "Come to bed, husband. We can sleep alone another time."

"By your command, mi'lady."
Edited by Gentyl on 12/29/2011 10:54 AM PST
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82 Orc Death Knight
The Ghoul bounced its way past the gates, surprising many of the on duty guards. Agile for such an undead creature it fought with only one hand. Any guard foolish enough to get within range suffered bites and scratches. No fatalities suffered from the onslaught of this scourge beast. In Hearthglenn this was normal from time to time, being on the edge of the Plaguelands.The reason for its one handed attack became apparent after its death. It clutched a letter, protecting it from damage. It was addressed to Gentyl, Sepha of Pia Presidium.

Inside was a single square paper, folded into the envelope. Neat writing in common was written on one side.

" Meshqa has not been freed. Your actions have lead to consequence. Attacks are due upon posts of your forces. If harm befalls Meshqa slaughter of innocents will follow."

The back of the paper has a large black hand print.
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100 Human Paladin
The girl sat on the floor beside Mira, her face downcast as if she were afraid to look up. In truth, she probably was. Meshqa had done something to seal her eyes shut because he didn't like the way she looked at him. Even though she was safe now, and Mira had repaired her eyes, she still refused to meet anyone's gaze. Only time could heal some wounds.

Mira patted her shoulder as Gentyl sat down at the table. "Maata, tell Gentyl what happened."

Gentyl slipped her gauntlets off and poured a cup of tea, waiting patiently so as not to frighten the girl. Smoke from a nearby dwarf's pipe curled lazily through the air like a spring thaw serpent slowly uncoiling in the sunlight. A raucous laugh boomed across the room as a man slapped his friend on the back over a joke that had the group at the bar roaring over.

Kaellar grunted in pain as he shifted his and stretched his bad leg out, then reached up to readjust his eye patch. His ghoul watched intently, or as intently as a ghoul could, stretched out his leg, grunted and reached up to rearrange his eye. She tried not to watch as she squeezed a wedge of lemon into her tea.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Gentyl prompted.

She glanced up furtively and then back down, timid as a mouse. "A m-m-esseng-g-ger c-came to K-k-kaelar's house."

Mira patted her again. "Maata thinks it was a gnome. She told Maata to deliver a message. Release Meshqa immediately or suffer the consequences."

Gentyl dropped the spoon she was stirring her tea with. That meant they knew where the women they had rescued were being held. She inhaled sharply. "Can you tell me what she looked like? Did you know her."

"S-s-s-mall. She-e had a c-cloak with a h-h-hood."

"Was she wearing a tabard?"

Maata nodded. "It h-h-had a small b-b-b-black hand on-n it."

"Do not leave them alone, Mira. We'll double the guards."

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100 Human Paladin
The guard brought the wintercrystal plant to the tower. "Is Faithe around?"

Gentyl looked up from the leather breast collar she was tooling for Valor. "She's resting. Do you need her?"

He held out the plant.

"What is that?"

Turrick got up from his bed under the table and ambled over. "Is plant."

"I know that, Turrick."

"Did not. Asked what was. Am squire. Am helping. Is plant." He huffed at her as if she was completely clueless.

"Aye, Turrick. You're my squire. Thank you for your help."

The nearly feral worgen was a devoted member of Pia and he had attached himself firmly to Gentyl for whatever reason. She had recently taken him as a squire in hopes of teaching him a bit more about the ways of the order. At times she wondered if the battered creature wasn't teaching her a bit about life as well. He was definitely teaching her to choose her words carefully. He took everything very literally.

The guard shrugged. "A blood elf delivered this to the gate. He said it was for Faithe and that if she meditated with it nearby, it would heal her soul."

Gentyl raised an eyebrow in curiosity then covered the leather with a damp towel and got up. She walked over to the guard and examined the plant. Her mother was a renowned herbalist, but Gentyl had never seen this plant. "Who is it from?"

"The ranger gave me this note." He handed it to Gentyl, who read it over.

Dear Faithe

Take this Wintercrystal plant and use it to help in your troubled time. Find within it the path of healing and refreshment of your spirit. Keep it in your room and meditate with it a few moments a day.

Astaraa Wintercrystal
Order of Wanderlust

"I wonder why Astaraa didn't deliver it herself. Give it to me. I'll have someone check it out."

She held the plant in her hands for a moment, examining it. She could feel power within it, but it unsettled her. Maybe she was just being paranoid after the gnome had stuffed Cray's pockets full of small gifts and then demanded he marry her since he had accepted her wedding gifts. That had taken a good bit of talking to get him out of an unwanted marriage and they still weren't out of the woods. Now she was suing him for emotional trauma or some such nonsense.

This gift, however, could have far more important effects for good or evil. She wasn't going to allow it near Faithe until she verified what it was and that it had indeed come from Astaraa. She wrapped it in the towel she had laid over the leatherwork. "Take it to the mage tower and see if they can shed light on it."

"But what if it can help Faithe?"

She glanced at the plant and then the guard. "Then we shall know the truth and give it to her. I'm not taking chances now with them trying so hard to get Meshqa back."
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100 Human Paladin
Gentyl finished tooling the breast collar she'd been working on and laid the damp leather side to dry. She'd dye and oil it later.

Horses had an amazing knack for recognizing the sound of their masters from a distance. She could hear hers nickering from the stables long before she got there. Cats were also astute, but she was convinced they responded to any human, or otherwise, footstep that belonged to anyone who might feed them. And, unfortunately, many well-wishers had gifted cats to Faithe in hopes of replacing Snow, the kitten she lost in Orgrimmar. The cats, some of which Gentyl suspected were pregnant when they arrived and had now exploded the cat population in Hearthglen. You couldn't walk without stumbling over a cat. On the plus side, if they were ever attacked the army might be sprawling at the gates before they reached the tower from tripping over cats.

She haltered Traveler and grabbed a keg of cherry grog. There was thinking to be done.

Traveler buried his nose in the cherry grog as soon as she pried the top off the cask. "Gods, horse, leave some for me."

He lifted his head, dripping the scarlet drink and looked at her. His tongue cleaned the grog from his muzzle while she dipped out a large tankard. What to do with this plant? Two cats ran toward her, up her and continued up the tree she was leaning against. "Damnation!"

Traveler's ears pricked at the yowling coming from the cat fight in the limbs above.

What to do with this herd of cats?

She drained another tankard and the solution came to her in a flash, rather like the flash of orange tabby streaking down the tree. The horde. They needed cats. Where was Suni? The AAMS could deliver cats. They'd have to put the standard non-edible, non-kill enchants on the cats, but that shouldn't take long.

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83 Gnome Mage
The runic circle at Astaraa's feet began to glow blue, first signs that her image was traveling the Astral paths to its destination of Hearthglenns magic tower. Opposite of her a fine young blood elf mage formed out of blueness. He bowed before Astaraa and she curtsied back.

" I am glad you could get back to me quickly Master Astaraa. The matter concerns the Pia Presidium." The blood elf mage said.

" I got to Daralaran as soon as word got to me. How may I help?" Astaraa said.

" It concerns a Wintercrystal plant .. sent to Faithe with a note from you?" The Blood Elf mage said.

Astaraa's eyes grew big." A wintercrystal plant is very rare." She started then shook her head as if understanding the whole of what the mage asked. " I sent no plant, I have never seen one myself, though our family name is given to it because of our great great great grandfather being its first finder. It is a very magical plant but not harmful. Would it be helpful if I sent a letter with its information?" Astaraa asked.

" Indeed, but I believe Sepha Gentyl was concerned more of if you sent it." The Blood Elf said.

" No … but I would love to see it. Perhaps I could come down there to talk to Gentyl. Matter of fact .. let her know I will be there soon." Astaraa said and stepped from the circle releasing all connections.
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90 Worgen Druid
Finnaeus watched from the crowd as a few goblins removed the corpse from the flat in Booty Bay. The dried blood caked in the warm heat, and the flies already buzzed around the goblin's mouth. Finn narrowed his eyes, watching as the goblins carried the stretcher passed him. Finnaeus got a good look at the face, both the good and bad eyes staring lifelessly up at him, almost as if it was an accusation.

You did this to me

It was an odd instinct that he had, checking up on Jorbo. In part it was trying to check the strands of his actions and making sure there were no loose ends. But mostly it was a suspicious feeling that something else was going on behind the scenes. While resting in Mardenholde, Finnaeus heard the whispers of some action to get Meshqa back. The death of his chief informant seemed another indication that, while they held Meshqa in their grasp, the Pia was not through with the trouble he was going to cause.

Narrowing his eyes, he saw a few other goblins chattering about something or other. Finnaeus pushed his way through the crowd until he saw what they were chattering about. Gripped in one of the goblin's hands was a piece of parchment with one symbol on it. A black hand.

He didn't know what it meant. But whoever left it was making a statement. Finnaeus twisted into his crow form and sped off towards Stormwind.
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49 Blood Elf Rogue
((Nice addition Finnaeus ))
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100 Human Paladin
Furious alarm clanged loud at the gate, drawing every soldier to position. Gentyl strapped on her sword and raced to entrance where a crowd of men surrounded something lying on the ground. They opened a path for her when someone yelled make way. She looked up to the gate house tops to the sentries, but they gave no sign or cry of warning.

There, in the center of the men was a ghoul that had been hacked to pieces. One of the men held out an ichor-covered note. "We wondered why he was fighting with one arm. Whoever sent him must have ordered him to keep the note safe at all costs."

"Any injuries?"

"A few minor ones," he replied. "Nothing serious."

"They're all serious when they come from these abominations. Get the physicians to clean them well and bind them." She unrolled the note and read it.

" Meshqa has not been freed. Your actions have lead to consequence. Attacks are due upon posts of your forces. If harm befalls Meshqa slaughter of innocents will follow."

On the back of the letter was a large black hand print. Why was the Black Hand so interested in him? What did a slaver and !@#$% monger have to offer them? She rolled the parchment up and stared at the remains. Did they know Meshqa was here? They had to guess. Either way, they knew who had him. The cell where he was being held had been damaged by Cyrus' rampage. A well aimed bomb might well spring their prey and she wasn't about to let him go. At least not yet. Not until their intelligence reports were in regarding the numbers of slaves he held. They might trade him for the women and then assassinate the goblin later, but she had no intentions of just letting him go.

"Take that thing out and burn it," she said. "Prepare to move out a heavily armed patrol by nightfall."
Edited by Gentyl on 1/6/2012 4:05 PM PST
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100 Human Paladin
(Thank you, Astaraa and Finn. Wonderful as always.)
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100 Human Paladin
The Regent Saldor Tenwit of the bloody Tenth Legion was supposed to meet Gentyl in the Recluse to discuss transfer of the prisoner. There were still several who were all for killing him on the spot and being done with it, however, Gentyl wanted to trade him for as many women as she could and then quickly hunt him down and dispatch him.

Mataa, one of the girls they had rescued when they took Meshqa prisoner, sat in the Recluse with Gentyl, her gaze downcast as always. She leaned forward on the table. "S-so d-do you h-have t-the g-goblin, or d-does T-tenwit?"

"We are transferring him tonight," Gentyl said after looking around the inn to make sure it was empty.

The girl stare at the wood intently and then mumbled without looking up. "C-could I s-see h-him b-before you d-do?"

"He's being held at...a safe place, but yes. May I ask why you want to see him?"

"It's h-hard t-to explain. I n-need t-to s-see t-that h-he c-can't h-hurt anyone else."

Gentyl frowned a bit and squeezed another lemon wedge into her tea. "I don't think Faithe has even gone to see him. If you think it will help you heal, you're welcome, of course."

Mataa looked up, her eyes wide. "F-Faithe?"

"The Guard he bought. One of my men."

Mataa blinked several times. "B-bought? H-he b-bribed one of y-your m-men?"

"When someone takes their vows with us they are called men even though they may be women. Faithe is one of my priests. An orc captured her and sold her to Meshqa."

She nodded. "I've h-heard of h-her, t-though I n-never s-saw h-her."

Gentyl set her cup down in surprise. "What did you hear?"

"T-that s-she g-got away. And t-that she w-was M-meshqa's f-favorite." Mataa closed her eyes and shuddered.

"She did get away. We rescued her."

"L-like y-you d-did us."


The draenei fingered her cup tracing her finger up and down the handle as a frown creased her brow. Finally she asked, "Is s-she ok?"
Gentyl smiled softly, offering reassurance and comfort where there was none. "Yes, she's quiet, but healing. I think anyway. She doesn't talk much."

"Y-you s-should h-have h-her t-talk t-to the d-dwarf. S-she's a g-good l-listener, and s-she d-doesn't j-judge."

Gentyl sipped her tea. Not to judge. Did it make any difference that no one else judged Faithe when she had already judged and found herself guilty. "That may help," she replied. "She hasn't spoken about what happened."

"I d-don't b-blame h-her."

"Nor I."

Mataa stood up and gave Gentyl a small, awkward bow. "I've g-got t-to g-go. It's t-time f-for t-the g-girls t-to eat."

"Yes, ma'am. I will come by soon."

"I'll t-tell K-Kaellar."

The Regent Tenwit sauntered in shortly after Mataa left. He was, as usual, immaculately dressed with a sumptuous royal blue brocade vest/ Across his stomach was a heavy gold watch chain with a glittering, jewel encrusted fob dangling from his watch pocket. He bowed deeply. "I think you messaged me about an meeting ms Gen? Should I arrange our normal...meeting spot?"

Gentyl frowned. What the deuce was he talking about. "Normal meeting?"

Tenwit waved it off in dismissal. "Elwynn, I was thinking, where you showed me that glorious view of the falls."

"Ummm, no that wasn't me. You persist in spreading rumors about me meeting you in secluded places. Desist. There is a reason I prefer public areas."

The gnome looked dismayed. "Was it not? Fie, my mind is softer by the season." He looked her up and down and then smiled slightly. "Lovely landscape. I think it's custom among your folk that I press your hand with a kiss, Lady. I dare not shirk custom."

"That's very kind." She extended her hand a bit, anxious to be on with the business.

He bent to kiss her hand and lingered to offer a tender nibble before she gasped and jerked her hand away.
Edited by Gentyl on 1/10/2012 1:29 AM PST
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100 Human Paladin
Tenwit poured a glass of wine, spilling it over, drank half and filled it once more. "As requested, I am present. Let the thinkery commence. Of what service can I be?"

Gentyl stared at the gnome as he drained another glass of wine. "I need you to hold the goblin."

"I see no goblin to hold," he remarked as he dabbed at his mouth with a monogrammed handkerchief.

Taelanas joined them and huffed. "Little, if that us your usual method of drink consumption."

Tenwit waved the handkerchief. "Fie, I have a prodigious capacity for spirits, paladin." he turned back to Gentyl. "The Tenth Tower is prepared, my Lady."

She leaned forward. "The Commander says your tower is impregnable."

Tenwit looked away from Gentyl, as if he hadn't heard her. "Taelanas, have you trimmed your beard?"

"Aye, it grew too long in my sick rest."

"A good look for you, sir." He at last turned his attention back to Gentyl. "Commander?"

"Turncutt," she responded, irritated that he continued to ignore her husband.

He gasped in surprise. "Turncutt? The dotard yet lives?"

Gentyl glared at him. "He is alive and well, thank you."

Taelanas scowled. "I should think so."

Tenwit cut a lime and offered a wedge to Taelanas and Gentyl.

"I am not taking tea at the moment sir, thank you," Taelanas said.

Gentyl ignored the lime which was said to be good for the romantic humours. "I wonder about your forces."

"Well, dear Gen," the gnome said, sucking on a lime and gazing at her, "how deep is your concern? If you have another prison for your goblin, I will not stand in your way." He broke the appraisal and looked to Taelanas. "I am suspicious of a man who will not drink wine. Or eat limes."

Gentyl shook her head. "No, I'm sure it will do fine. Do you need more men, though?"

Taelanas snorted. "I drink wine, when business is not being conducted."

Tenwit picked up another lime and raised it to his lisp slowly. "Aye, send me Fallenrose and Rinhold, my stomach laments the loss of Rin more than I can say. And Rose, we know her worth when someone needs cooked."

Gentyl stiffened, aware Tenwit was still stinging about the loss of Fallenrose and Rinhold who had followed the commander to Pia. "I regret to say they are assigned elsewhere."

He tossed the spent lime rind on the table. "Fie, then who? As I recall, the rest of your people are more suited for the parlor, or diplomacy. I certainly don't want the dotard."

"My men are all well versed in war. sir," she replied, refusing to rise to his bait.

He poured another glass of wine. "Very well. I will take a dozen."

"A dozen?"

"I should say, if you only mean to send me bubble men, I would prefer your best women. If not a dozen, six, I only deal in measures of six." He stopped his explanation of numbers and began another careful appraisal when Erelyn walked in. "Oh my...she can come.

"I can send six good men," Gentyl said.

Tenwit frowned. "Men." He smiled widely at Ereyln, "Pleased to meet m'lady, I am Tenwit, Lord of the Tenth Legion."

"Erelyn," she responded, bowing slightly.

"Erelyn, it is, lest I someday become... some--" He trailed off lost in some fantasy Gentyl preferred not to think about.

Crayauchtin stopped near the table. "What are we sending men to do, Sepha?"

Tenwit blinked at Crayauchtin. "Gods, all your men shine like the rising sun, Gentyl."

Crayauchtin nodded politely to Tenwit. "Regent."

Taelanas laughed. "We do not hide on the field, to be sure."

Ronnad, who had stood quietly at guard all this time snorted. "Sendin' lads tae guard th' little snot demon."

"Guard Meshqa at the Tenth Tower," Gentyl replied. She frowned when Tenwit poured Cray a glass of wine. The Regent knew Cray didn't drink.
Edited by Gentyl on 1/10/2012 2:06 AM PST
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100 Human Paladin
Crayauchtin eyed the wine, glancing quickly at Gentyl and Taelanas.

"A dozen or a half, what is it, Lady? Either way, it will stress my ledger, indeed." He looked anxious as he began to calculate the costs of housing the men.

"A quarter, to ease your stress," Taelanas offered.

Erelyn looked at Taelanas. "Is the small man a friend of yours?"

"An acquaintance."

Tenwit waved to the newcomers. "Cray, Erelyn, take a chair, put your boots up."

"Six men should suffice," Gentyl replied. "We will pay their expenses."

"Aye, expensive, yes, is that what you asked, m'lady?"

Taelanas nodded at Erelyn, "Take a seat."

Tenwit frowned with disappointment at his winterspring cub and prodded it with his staff to move it off the chair so Erelyn could sit next to him.

Crayauchtin stared at the glass of wine in front of him, as Tenwit poured another glass for Ronnad.

"Now you look like someone who's not shy on the battlefield," Tenwit said to Ronnad and handed her the wine. He smiled at Gentyl. "I owe you an apology, ms Gen, your host is strong these days."

Ronnad glanced at the wine dubiously. "Er, thank ye kindly Sir and not a bit shy."

Tenwit frowned with disappointment at Joachim Brenlow. "Now if he would open his pockets for a minstrel, the taps would be flowing."

"Minstrels may come and go as they please, though I will tell Z," Taelanas said.

"So, when do I get my goblin?"

"We'd like to move him tonight, sir. If you're prepared."

"Ah, perfect. Have we any sense how long I'm to hold this creature?"

Taelanas frowned. "Your goblin?"

"Only until we can arrange a trial," Gentyl said. "No more than two weeks certainly."
The gnome smiled and nodded. "Am I given liberty with this goblin? I could mine a little information from him, if you please."

"If you like," Gentyl replied, not really wanting to know how he intended to glean the intelligence.

"How would you be extracting that information?" Cary asked.

Tenwit puffed with pride. "I am a hand with phrenology, as you know, and if it requires a more intimate scrutiny, I can certainly go there as well."

"I didn't realize you could learn anything of value from that."

"Oh, Cray," Tenwit exclaimed, "the body tells all the secrets of the soul! I will extract all the little slaver has ever known, or desired."

"All due respect Regent," Ronnad said, "ye sure ye wan' tae know th' little snotball's desires?"

"Aye, I am a student of such things."

Mira walked in with a gryphon hatchling at her heels and saluted.

Tenwit smiled warmly, once again admiring the landscape. "A fine little hatchling there, m'lady. A rare feather, indeed. Would you sell?"

Mira looked startled, then picks up the hatchling gently. "I ... I don't know if he'd take to another owner, sir. And I'm rather fond of him."

"Very well, should you ever change your mind." Tenwit smiled reassuringly.

Gentyl narrowed her eyes. She'd hear rumors the regent enjoyed fighting game animals.

She bowed. "Of course, Mister ....?"

"Tenwit, Lord of the Tenth Legion, 'tis a pleasure, a pleasure indeed. Take my chair, Lady Mira, I will swing from the rafter if needed."

"Tenwit is the Regent of the Bloody Tenth Legion," Gentyl said.


"The Tenth has a rich tradition in war," Gentyl explained.

Edited by Gentyl on 1/10/2012 3:06 AM PST
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100 Human Paladin
Mira sketched a deep bow to Tenwit. "Sepha Gentyl has spoken highly of you, and often. It's truly a pleasure." She smiled. "But you don't have to stand just for me..." She set the hatchling on the floor once again, where it wandered toward Ronnad.

Ronnad smiled and crouched down, holding out a hand.

Mira reluctantly slipped into the chair as the silence stretchedd on. "... Very well, then, sir. I hope I didn't interrupt anything, though."

Ronnad looked up at Tenwit. "Ye can have my seat Regent. 'm no' usin' it."

"And Ron may have mine," Erelyn said

Taelanas looked about. "Is this some game?"

"Such a mannered company," Tenwit said.

Ronnad shook her head. "No, thank ye lass."

Mira watched the hatchling nip at Ronnad's fingers. "Some call it 'musical chairs'... at least the children do."

Erelyn gave Ron a quiet "I'm bigger than you and I will sit you down" look.

Ronnad set a stubborn look on her face and crossed her arms.

"There's usually music for that game, Mira. Or so the orphans tell me," Cray said.

"Then I should get my guitar?" Mira asked.

"Only if we continue playing it," Cray responded.

"Yes! Yes! Play us a measure." Tenwit's eyes sparkled with excitement.

Mira smiled. "I'd be glad to, sir. Perhaps you'll be in Hearthglen soon?"

Erelyn reached down and hooked her hands into Ron's shoulder guards, lifting her up and setting her in the chair with a grin. "Just so you know I can," she whispered.

Ronnad yelped as she connected with the seat and shot a glare in Eri's direction, before quickly standing.

Taelanas held his hand up in warning. "Dont, ever, lift a dwarf Erelyn. It is considered quite rude."

Tenwit nodded. "How can I decline your invitation, Lady Mira? Of course."
"I look forward to it."

Tenwit poured Mira a glass of wine. "I suppose you know, Mira, that the brigands will use hatchlings like yours to fight, for sport. Keep an eye on that one."

Mira sipped at her glass, raising her eyebrows at the surprisingly good taste. "Anyone who touched him would have to deal with my wrath."

Tenwit nodded. "Of course, and as your friend, my wrath as well, but those brigands haven't two coppers worth of sense."

Mira smiled wickedly. "The Element of Fire can prepare food... or burn a thief."

Crayauchtin finally gave up staring at his glass of wine, lifted it hesitantly... then replaced it, untasted, on the table.

"Ye wan' some tea, Sir Cray?" Ronnad asked.


Tenwit glanced at Taelanas. "It is fine vintage. Pray, sir, begin with a sip."

"Is business concluded Sepha?" Taelanas asked.

Erelyn rested her elbows on the back of Taelanas's chair.

"Aye sir," Gentyl replied. "Regent do you require anything aside from the men and supplies?"

"Only a retainer, m'lady."

"How much of a retainer?"

Crayauchtin nodded to the Regent and sipped the wine tenderly. His eyes closed as he savored the taste and then he stood up hastily and begged dismissal.

Mira shifted in her seat and frowned in worry at Cray.

Taelanas nodded. "Well, Regent, it seems I am available for a glass, pray, pass the stuff."

Tenwit smiled genially and passed the bottle

Ronnad took another sip of the wine and set it down on the table, eyeing Eri.

Erelyn crooked a brow, looking back at Ronnad with a feisty smile. "Arright."

Edited by Gentyl on 1/10/2012 3:50 AM PST
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100 Human Paladin
Taelanas poured himself a glass and sets it aside.

"This wine is excellent, sir. I don't often partake, but I quite like this." Mira smiled and took another sip.

Tenwit smiled back, "I will see that a cask or two is rolled to Hearthglen."

"That's very kind of you," Gentyl said.

Taelanas rolled his glass and took in the bouquet.

Tenwit grinned wickedly at Taelanas. "Embrace it, sir. I believe the g%@@# speaks to you."

Gentyl watched the two men enjoying their wine. She took out a jeweled dagger and sliced a lemon into four precise wedges.

Mira lifted the gryphon onto her lap, where it promptly falls asleep. "I'm Mira," she said, realizing that she'd forgotten to introduce herself.

Gentyl squeezed a wedge of lemon into her tea, pondering what they would do next. They had to buy time while her ghosts were searching for information about how many women Meshqa held.

"You should try some, Gen. It finishes well."

"I'm afraid I never really acquired a taste for wine," Gentyl replied to the Regent.

"But, Sepha, you do seem to have a taste for lemons." Mira indicated the three remaining wedges.

"Aye, I do."

Mira looked curious then. "Is there a reason you always cut your lemons like that?"

Gentyl looked up from wiping the blade. "I like order, I suppose and I like the same amount of lemon in each cup."

Taelanas looked puzzled. "Is there a reason to but them any other way?"

"The Regent is convinced limes improve the romantic humours while lemon is for the warlike humours."

Ronnad eyed the lemon. "Warlike humours, eh?"

Gentyl nodded. "So he says."

Tenwit nodded in agreement. "I find the limes invigorate the romantic humours, enliven the senses and--"

"Aye, well, I will stick with my lemons."

Tenwit winked. "I could offer you some limes for the dotard if you wish, Miss Gen."

"He needs no limes, but thank you. I am content with my lemons."

Mira considered this. "Then we're off to battle soon, Sepha?"

Erelyn agreed. "Yeh. They'd make me grumpy enough to fight."

"I'm not sure what you think you're going to learn about Meshqa by examining the bumps on his skull, but whatever. We will move him tonight."

Tenwit smiled. "By your leave, Lady. I look forward to receiving our guest." He straightened his vest and hopped down from his chair. Sauntering out in fine humor.

"I can put more bumps on the skull if he needs more of them to read," Erelyn offered.

"That's what I wonder. Does it change the reading if the bumps are recent additions."

Erelyn smiled. "In the name of science, Sepha ...."

"In the name of science, Erelyn."

And what in the name of justice? How long before they served the monster up to the gallows and let him dance in the wind?
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85 Human Priest
Gentyl had allowed her to move back into her room near the top of the tower after they captured Meshqa. She thought the capture would ease Faithe's mind or perhaps she simply believed the quiet motions Faithe went through on a daily basis were an indication of normality. Faithe did all the things she was supposed to do. She bathed and brushed her hair. Her clothes were always neat and clean. She ate without being prompted to, but the appetite still remained missing. The act of eating was simply something to keep people from fussing over her. She tended her plants with Turrick and made her compounds and potions.

She smiled. She laughed at jokes when she heard them or comprehended them. More and more frequently her body did all the right things while her mind escaped to a void where she didn't have to think, or feel...or remember. Those were the golden moments when the void called more and more frequently.

And she always answered the call.

She sat at the window seat, brushing out her hair with a wooden hog bristle brush. Her eyes closed in pleasure as she let it caress her scalp. Meshqa had enjoyed brushing her hair. He crooned and told her how he loved her silver locks as he did so. Once she had woken up from a beating, both eyes swollen shut, to find him brushing her hair and stroking it gently with his hand. He worked the brush tenderly through the dried blood matting her hair as if he was afraid of pulling it and hurting her.

A sigh escaped unbidden and she frowned with disappointment. Sighs had been stifled when she caught people looking at her with concern. "No, sighing," she reminded herself.

She had thrown all her brushes away when she returned and only used combs. The return to a brush had been a small act of defiance against Meshqa. She was determined not to let him keep stealing her life away.

He was in the keep now. She hadn't gone to look at him, but they were moving him soon. If she was going to face the demon, it must be today.

As soon as she finished brushing her hair, she dressed in the simple white robe with pale blue embroidery she preferred. How dare she wear white, her mind chided. It was the color of purity and innocence. The dungeon was damp and dirty. It would be difficult to clean her white robes, so she put on a somber dark brown one instead.

Taliea nodded at her when she approached the stairs to the dungeon. "'ello, Faithe. Goin' to see the gob?"

Faithe nodded. "If I'm permitted."

"Course. Sepha said you migh' wan' ta see 'im."

She went down the stairs slowly. Meshqa was in the first cell. The torch on the opposite wall cast her shadow toward him as if she were reaching out to him. He was lying on a cot, his eyes closed when her shadow crossed his face.

His eyes snapped open and he looked toward her. His smile spread quickly, torchlight glinting off his gold teeth. "Dove. I knew you'd come. Even though you don't want to admit it, you know in your heart we belong together."

"I know no such thing," she whispered, revulsion gripping her.

He stood up and straightened his rumpled clothes, then walked toward her as if there were no bars separating them. She backed up involuntarily, until he stopped at the cell door.

"Do you see what those ruffians did?" He put his hand to a gash on his scalp. "Twas only from sheer superior reflexes they didn't take my head. Reflexes and divine providence. Even the gods know we are meant to be together. Even the gods, love."
Edited by Faithe on 1/10/2012 11:49 PM PST
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85 Human Priest

His eyes glittered with desire while his long, slender fingers caressed the bars, his eyes locked on hers. She shivered, unable to break the gaze.

"Even you know the truth," he said. "You belong with me. By my side as you are in my heart." He licked his lips slowly. "I will never stop looking for you and your friends cannot hold me. Return with me willingly and I will not seek vengeance on them. You know the truth. You know you can't escape. Save your friends and take your rightful place at my side."

She fled up the stairs, her robes flying behind her. She didn't stop running until she reached her room. Her breath came in frightened gasps. He was right. She would never escape. She tore the robe off and flung it across the room unwilling to suffer even the slightest trace of his presence. Tears of frustration and anger streaked down her face as she jerked the white robe on and collapsed onto her bed. At last, spent and weary she rose and walked over to the window.

"Even the gods know..." She crawled up into the window and stood, her arms outstretched. A cool night breeze pressed the cloth against her, fluttering slightly. Her eyes closed. Even the gods know. He was right, she would never escape.

In the distance she heard a forlorn howl. Turrick. He was calling a pack. A pack he longed for, but never found.

The mournful song faded. She stepped forward into the night air. Her robe whipped about her as she fell. Then, at the last moment her eyes snapped open and she whispered words of levitation.

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49 Blood Elf Rogue
(( Great additions Gentyl and Faithe))
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100 Draenei Shaman
Mira sat on a green hillside just west of Eastvale Logging Camp, lost in thought. She'd been posted there by the Holy Guard, tasked with helping the women rescued from Meshqa's clutches. Many of them were still afraid, but a few had started to get used to her.

She picked at the strings on the guitar, noticing that it needed a little bit of tuning. Bit by bit, Mira tuned her instrument. Then, she began to idly pick out a melody of sorts, the notes drifting on the wind.

It wasn't long before she spotted Kaellar, the death knight who'd given shelter to the rescued women, making his way toward the hillside where she sat. She smiled; it was good to see him, and good to have a short respite from her work.

"How are they?" Kaellar winced just slightly as he settled next to her, sighing.

"They do well," said Mira, her fingers picking out a slightly more hopeful melody on the guitar. "They're still afraid, but they seem to like music. Music has ... a healing touch." Mira smiled slowly, looking up at the big death knight. "Haven't you ever sat by the fire on a cold night, listening to the minstrels play?"

It was some minutes before Kaellar replied, and when he did it was with a heavy sigh.

"Mira," he said, "you forget. I don't feel the cold like you do." He shifted a little, wincing as his stiff leg protested the movement. "But," he added quickly as Mira looked distressed, "I do find the fire comforting all the same. And you play so well..." He added a gentle smile. "They listen to you practice, you know," he said. "They sneak around the corner and hide just out of sight."

"Really?" Mira's idle playing paused.

"Really." Kaellar nodded at her. "Don't let them know you know."

Mira nodded, then paused, an impish look coming into her eye. "Tell them what?"

Kaellar laughed. "Exactly."
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85 Goblin Mage
hey, I am Vusin as well, from Spinebreaker (PvP)!!
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