Going Home

100 Worgen Druid
Eidan Zherron awoke in the tavern in Booty Bay, feeling like a thousand pounds had been dropped on his head. As he moved to step out of his bed, he winced, his hand going to his stomach - feeling the bandages there. He remembered Taelanas tending to him outside the room - and Faithe being brought to the room next door. Stretching carefully, so as not to tear anything in his stomach, he stood and walked out into the main hall, looking in briefly where the exhausted priestess slept. He nodded to the guards left by Lord Wolfgaar and Sepha Gentyl to look over Faithe as she recovered.

"Packleader?" One of his lads was seated in the tavern nearby, coming up when he saw his Packleader move. "Are you alright?"

"Thanks to the skills of Master Taelanas, I think I'll mend. Just remind me not to go hand-to-hand with any more orcs. I'm a little out of practice." Zherron grinned. "Has Dera been by?"

"Yeah, she came by last night. She's gone back to Stormwind. Are you up for travelling?"

"Don't think I can do any shapechanging. At least, not yet." He was still in his human form.

"Amendera has your gryphon waiting outside; she made sure you had a ride out when she returned to Stormwind."

"Considerate girl. And Genevra? I know she was here."

"Went back home, I think."

Zherron nodded. "Alright. Head on out, I'll manage." As soon as the packmate left, Zherron picked up his leather chestplate, noticing it was new - probably to replace the one ruined by the orc axe, and cut open by Taelanas. A fresh tabard was also there. Moving gingerly, he redonned his armor and made his way out to where his gryphon, Almira, was waiting for him, to take him back to Stormwind...
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100 Human Paladin
((Excellent post Meriste and thank you for heading up the catch team.))
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90 Night Elf Rogue
The sun beat down without mercy as the team flew in a loose formation into the valley below Hyjal. Following the Southfury until they were close to the cliffs and maze of valleys surrounding the massive fortress of Orgrimmar, the team landed and stealthed, just out of range of the guards and wyvern patrols overhead.

Desmend led them deeper into the city and the smells and noise engulfed them all. Sathrasa was the only other non druid as she and Jazzy were able to sap guards if they noticed anything. Moving like the whisper of cold sneaking unseen through the night, they finally located Faithe. Her gasp of surprise quickly hushed as Jazzy set to work unlocking the shackles binding her. The magical lockpicks did their work and Faithe was free to move.

Then as they tried to lead her out, all heck broke loose and there were guards everywhere! Taelanas group landed and tried to stem the tide. Jazzy was forced to fight several guards and try to stick close to Faithe. In frustration she called out for the teams to attempt to hide in the deep caverns below Orgrimmar. She knew the caverns held dangers, but that the guards would not follow them there, probably thinking them trapped within.

Inside the cavern, Jazzy found a mage and a few others who were helping with the rescue. Using the hearthstone she called to others to bring Faithe to them and they would attempt to portal her out. Jazzy volunteered to go back outside the cave to form a distraction so Faithe could make it inside.

After what seemed ages, Jazzy finally found herself summoned to the cliffs on the Southfury. Shortly afterwards Faithe was also pulled out and gathered up in hugs and well wishes. She was stunned and battered, but alive! But there were others who needed help and Jazzy flew up to watch for patrols.

Finally they managed to get Faithe on a gryphon and hustled to Ratchet. Jazzy followed later, trying to watch their backtrail for pursuit. Several horde patrols passed by and jazzy watched them fly off in different directions. They were trying to find the trail and Jazzy did her best to distract them. Leading a group of angry horde down a canyon in a westerly direction, she managed to go around several bends in the maze of canyons.

As they got closer and almost upon her Jazzy landed and faced them. Taunting and laughing as they tried to surround her. A sneaky goblin tried to trap her, but Jazzy vanished and managed to sap the Death knight before making her exit into the river. Swimming downstream a ways before stealthing out of the water she watched as the patrol stood arguing a short distance away.

With a smirk Jazzy kept into the shadows until she was far enough away to call her gryphon. His ebony feathers silent as he landed next to her. Climbing on his back she gave him the signal and they lifted far into the air. Ther patrol was still on the ground arguing when she turned for Ratchet.

A few of the others were there waiting for the boat to Booty Bay. "Did she get away to safety?" she asked Sara, the druid who had come with her on the mission.

"She is on her way to Booty Bay, and safe for now, though she is badly shaken by her ordeal" was the answer. Jazzy breathed a sigh of relief as she watched the boat dock.

"Then our mission was a success, even if we had some serious injuries." as she looked down at her hand and realized she was bleeding from a cut on the back of her hand. Hastily wrapping it in bandages, she moved to the boat and soon found herself in Booty Bay.

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85 Draenei Death Knight
The battle had been brutal. Horde had come forth from the gate and crashed headlong into the awaiting Ocheliad and Alliance forces. Cyrus himself had been occupied with Oskor for the majority of the fight at the gates, seeing him as a large threat to his forces if left alone.

Througout the encounter, the Alliance had been giving ground to the Horde, moving back to the Ravine in an attempt to separate them from the guards that were bound to their posts. However, non-military Horde that were more than able to fight were more than happy too. Familiar faces were occasionally visible through the dirt being kicked up by the battling forces. They were faces Cyrus had no name for, but rather recognized from his previous fighting in the Barrens.

The Durotar sun was hard on anyone's eyes, so the seemingly organized strike to draw away the Horde had eventually devolved to a mass of fighting chaos. Dust, dirt, and every other imaginable projectile made giving direction to forces impossible for any one person.

Soon enough, a flare was travelling high in the air above Orgrimmar.

Faithe had been secured. Well, that or the teams inside had failed and were telling the distraction team to run for the hills. Either one was enough reason for this battle to end.

A mage among the Ocheliad or volunteers had recognized the flare and opened a portal behind them where they could cross in safely without harassment from the Horde. Cyrus had backed up after shouting "Retreat!" He was of the last to take the portal back to Stromwind.
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100 Human Paladin
((Thank you, Taelanas. For those who don't know. He was the leader of the parachute team. He, like all the leaders put a large effort into this and I am very grateful. Plus, it's a great post.))
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88 Gnome Death Knight

edit Aeldgyth said someone was asking for help to defend before the event. Unknown who it was and it doesn't matter.

((It seems worth clarifying, that's just what we observed in the HordeOOC channel. People were gathering defense in the half-hour or so leading up to the attack, though I believe they were massing outside the city.

No one from the AAMS was in any of the defense groups on that side; we pretty much just had people flying around and keeping an eye on whatever action we could spot. So all I know of the preparations is what was being discussed in HordeOOC, which was requests for a defense group.))
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85 Draenei Death Knight
((So, someone actually ratted us out? Or did I read that wrong?))
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100 Human Paladin
((I just talked to Cereal Killerz. They said they were responding to Valewalker and then the alarms in the cleft. They didn't know anything about an attack until the first alarms.

People from hordeooc said they heard the person trying to get people involved, but mostly ignored it because it wasn't ic. They said they didn't think anyone really responded. I think it goes back to really bad timing because of the two raids on orgrimmar and Valewalker stirring people up.

It's like when someone comes over here and tells us a raid is coming in to "help" us. We mainly ignore it until something hits.))
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100 Worgen Druid
((The reason I - and probably everyone else - thought we got ratted on was how complete the Horde's camping was. The gate was totally blocked, the zeppelin tower, the Cleft too. It was like they were expecting us in those specific spots. We had Horde swarm us all over the Cleft, and it made me think "we've been had!", heh.))
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100 Human Paladin
((It was because of the griefer who had been hitting all over. Several people have gone horde side and confirmed he was the reason everyone was congregated.))
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100 Human Paladin
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100 Human Paladin
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100 Human Paladin
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100 Human Paladin
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100 Human Paladin
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100 Human Paladin
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100 Human Paladin
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100 Human Paladin
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100 Human Paladin
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100 Human Paladin
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