Like RP? Come See Scenic Cenarion Circle!

90 Human Warrior
Honestly it's quite the change of pace. The community really is close thanks to the chat channels and inter guild events. You can easily play without joining a group and still find plenty of RP if you interact in the chat.
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13 Human Priest
I started this priest and would really love to have someone rp and level with me! I have a specific way I want to do this and would appreciate anyone who wants to join me. I would especially like to partner up with a protector of sorts. Someone who likes to stay in character.
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100 Undead Priest

I created this character, and 8 others (one of each class) at the beginning of BC. The only reason i didnt create on CC was that it wasnt on the oceanic server list. Along came WoTLK and 9 becomes 10. (I just had to have one of each class at max level :p)
While i have made a few friends, good friends, on Nagrand, i often wonder how things would have turned out if i had started on CC instead.

Most of my friends have now moved on to different games and my 2 sons have stopped playing also. While its a difficult thing to let go of 10 characters i have put a lot of time into, maybe its time for me to move on.

I may just have to roll on here and try it.

Take care and Have fun!
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74 Draenei Shaman
join us
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100 Human Mage
Abominus said stuff

The hilarious thing here, Abominus, is that Cenarion Circle has its own Abominus. He's an undead warrior. He's also one of the most famous and respected role players on the server.

Roll up a character on our server, absolutely, but if you do it Hordeside, be prepared to be weirded out at seeing your own name show up!
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I am thinking about moving to Cenarion Circle. I was wondering though, first for my question and then some advice on the topic. Question: Are there any guilds that could actually do with a Moonkin?

And for advice:
I want my character to RP as a Moonkin/Druid. But how would I communicate as one? Would I be able to find other people to RP with, despite the fact of me being a Moonkin?
Edited by Cil on 4/4/2012 6:13 PM PDT
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100 Human Mage
Cil, we've had a number of exceptional role players on Cenarion Circle who role play as moonkin. Plainswander is probably the best known moonkin Hordeside. Allianceside, I believe Liabelle role plays as a moonkin as well. Within the Lluchduu Ocheliad Lomelon would be an excellent example of a moonkin druid.

I've never heard of anyone worrying about how they communicate. They talk, it's magic, just like a druid's shapeshifting in the first place.

As for guilds that would recruit you? Absolutely. You'd have a wide variety of guilds to choose from, in fact. There's even a new guild, Mihari no Hitoshi (I hope I spelled that correctly) that translates to English as "Guardians of Balance". Where better to be a balance druid, right?

You won't have any trouble finding the right guild, or finding people to role play with. I'd be quite happy to see a druid role playing as a moonkin. The three I named above the only ones I'm aware that do it. Of the three I can't be absolutely sure about Liabelle, Lomelon quit in Wrath and Plains is Hordeside so an Alliance moonkin would be wonderful.

Give us a shot, Cil. You'll find yourself welcomed!
Edited by Imperon on 4/5/2012 1:28 AM PDT
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85 Human Paladin
By the Light, where did all these guilds come from?

I can say personally the RP scene is growing steadily here at Cenarion Circle, with a lot of new guilds popping up and looking for members. Just on Alliance-side I see new faces like First Stormwind Regiment, Esoteric Darkshire Cabal, Crimson Blades, Azure Crusade, Masquerade, Tales of Eirnin, the Ebon Sanction, and Mihari no Hitoshii. Of course, there's also the old goodies like AAMS/AAMS Alliance Branch and Stormwind City Watch that are taking names, too!

And of course, Terra Incognita. Hey, I got this far without making a shameless plug! Sort of. Kind of. Not really. Oh, nevermind...JOIN US! You know you wanna.

Come on down, give us a shot, and don't forget to visit our community site at See, look, we have a jingle! See! We're that cool. Yesssss.

Have you heard the word on the streets of town?
Come on down!
They say it’s a way to spread news around.
Come on down!
If you wanna be in the know,
It’s the coolest place you can go.
So come down and say hello
At the dotOrg!

And I'd better get back in my box before my guildies wonder about the trails of cookie crumbs and stolen Netherweave Bags. AHEM. Catch y'all later.

( The music to the jingle itself can be found on the news page of the above site. Kudos to Derscha of <AAMS Alliance Branch> for donating to us some of her musical talent.)
Edited by Lahkin on 4/28/2012 9:14 AM PDT
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90 Goblin Priest
This thread is really tempting me to make a server-transfer...or at least roll a character on CC.

It all sounds too good to be true, heh.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
It is all true, we are in desparate need of Hordies!! Come join us! Check out my guild, you don't have to be in the challenge to join us, but we are rpers as well and have quite an involved storyline going now.
Edited by Karamia on 4/28/2012 10:45 AM PDT
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100 Human Mage
No doubt, Raztokk, those of us from Cenarion Circle may overlook our server's less than fine points...but I don't think we do it badly. Let's see...what about Cenarion Circle may be less than perfect. Ah, I know...

1) It's an old server. In fact it's one of the original role playing servers. We have a lot of non-role players on Cenarion Circle. By and large they're respectful of role players (some of the largest raid guilds still support RP even if not many of their members actively take part). However, it does mean you can see names and guild names that silly or outright stupid.

2) Our community isn't as large as some role playing servers (say, Moonguard or Wyrmrest Accord). I think we more than make up for it with our activity, RP events that are open to everyone and high level of community cohesion...but you won't find nearly as much random, walk up RP as would be ideal.

That's really about it, at least off the top of my head. Many of our RP guilds are combating both of these issues by recruiting people who don't RP, but are interested in it. We as a community are combating #2 with threads like this. We want more role players on Cenarion Circle. We're proud of our community and its long history.

Cenarion Circle isn't perfect, Raztokk. But it's an amazing community all the same. Roll up an alt, join our channels and find our for yourself. But stay away from the Hordies, they're mean!
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
What? We are not mean...we are...proud SIndorei...or gobby's, orcs, tauren, trolls and forsaken...We need more Hordies so we can gang up on Imperon's army and...and...well...fight!!

(snicker-Jazzy alt here)
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100 Orc Shaman
04/28/2012 10:06 AMPosted by Karamia
It is all true, we are in desparate need of Hordies!! Come join us! Check out my guild, you don't have to be in the challenge to join us, but we are rpers as well and have quite an involved storyline going now.

We are no means "in desparate (sic) need of Hordies," but we're always ready to welcome more good RPers (or folks who want to learn to be good RPers)!

Edit: By that, I mean we've got a strong RP base on both sides of the faction fence.
Edited by Oskor on 4/28/2012 4:23 PM PDT
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Hi Oskor. I am just trying to get more Hordies for my guild, I have yet to see much Horde side. I know you guys are there, but don't see much rp happening? And I don't want to hang out in Orgrimmar, it is not my style to hang out in the Wyvern's Tail. Although if you still have clinic and rp by the Earthen Ring there we might stop by.

I hear Thunder Bluff is a hot spot, but again, I have no IC reason to hang out there. I am leveling and only pop into cities occationally. Right now trying to get Karamia into Outland.
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100 Orc Shaman
Well, since CC is largely event- and hotspot-based, if you don't go to those events or those hubs, you'll see less RP.

That said, I'd suggest asking OOCly in HordeOOC or (preferably) ICly in Hearthstone if folks want to meet up for whatever reason. Usually, it's not hard to get a bite if you've got a compelling-enough reason.

Edit: I think most of the crowd who usually frequented the Wyvern's Tail have relocated to the Ratchet tavern. I don't know if that'd be a place you'd be more likely to visit.
Edited by Oskor on 4/28/2012 5:19 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Basically what Osk said.

CC is a great server, absolutely.

That said, there's no sense in lying about it - CC has a much smaller population than WrA and MG. RP here, as Oskor said, is event/channel/guild driven, with a few small hotspots.

If you like huge-numbers RP, or walkups 24/7, CC is likely not the server for you. That isn't to say it's a bad server - it's a great one, I've been here for years.

But it is definitely a different sort of server than MG and WrA, and if you come here expecting that, you'll be disappointed.
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90 Goblin Priest
I mainly RP as Horde characters, but my selection was due to the nature of the realm I belong to's very disappointing to me...the lack of rp such that I have to RP in close-knit groups.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
I have characters on Alli side and I like CC, but I went to MG and was not as happy there. Too many of the rpers tend to be either very cliquey or vary bad at what they are rping...and I prefer quality and friendliness over huge populations.
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100 Draenei Paladin
Hello good people of CC, after actually reading EVERY post of EVERY page of this thread. I have decided to throw a character or two (one Horde, one Alli) in to what sounds like a good place to RP with teh potential of making friends. Look forward to meeting you all soon! I will post in the "Special Hearthstone Chat" that I am from the forums.
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