Like RP? Come See Scenic Cenarion Circle!

100 Human Mage
Ah, Malifiron, you make me smile. Cenarion Circle has many awesome RP guilds, but we are rather short on the more villainous sorts. My own Lluchduu Ocheliad is one of the very few villain groups Allianceside. I'll keep an eye out for Luminos Mortis and Karpath now that I know to look for you!

Anyone rolling an alt on Cenarion Circle who decides to stick around, contact me and I can help you get some of the basic stuff such as bags and a lift across continents for those of you who like to level your night elf in Elwynn or your gnome in Azuremyst.
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85 Night Elf Druid
I don't think anyone'll ever tell you that you can't come RP because you're too low-level. Only problems you might run into, like Crayauchtin pointed out, would be events that are in higher-level zones.

And if you're dying to come to an event and don't have time to level a character, you could always plow through the DK start quests real quick and come as one of those!

Normally, if an event is about to happen and you ask nicely if someone to escort you there (by means of mage teleport, multi-person mounts, act) someone is willing to help.

I had an old GM that helped me turn in the Maraudon quests on my hunter before I had the rep to make it through the tunnel. He ran behind me, healing me the entire way through. Point is, we like to help.

I'm also willing to help the young fledglings travel and can help provide the low level cloth and leather armor.
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89 Human Paladin
04/12/2011 11:42 PMPosted by Malifiron
I hope you will be glad to hear that I recently created a human DK on Cenarion Circle named Karpath. Hoping to start a DK/Lock/Shadow priest guild called Luminos Mortis. Can't wait for some real RP! :)

Love it, love it, love it.

We are short on villainous guilds as Imperon said.... not necessarily short on villains, though! The Luminos Mortis would definitely be a huge addition to the server!
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27 Troll Druid
There's lots of guilds here that are happy to work with alts, too...Jazza here isn't my main and doesn't get nearly as much of my play time as she should, but she's still found a good home on Cenarion Circle!

It's definitely worth trying the server out on an alt, even if you've got active mains somewhere else.
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58 Human Death Knight
And here he is! Fresh out of the Death Knight starting zone,and looking for cruel,outcast,villainous people like him,Karpath the Merciless! Could always use some help starting a guild. There will be a council and a high council for the guild,but after the guild is really formed (as in,I turn in the charter) I will make a thread on either worlds end or Cenarion Circle forums. (Can't remember if there are server forums or not.))
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89 Human Paladin
There's server forums. We're pretty active on ours too, definitely check it out!

My alt could sign your charter if you need (after I get back from work) but I don't think he'd mesh well because.... well, because you'll have people other than him in it.... so I'd probably have to have him duck out. Maybe not though, something to discuss.
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30 Blood Elf Hunter
Well im gonna try and make an alt tonight most likely going to name him keloris as well
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85 Blood Elf Rogue
I love Cenarion Circle. I remember making an alt there, level one, just to check out one of the tavern events and ended up rping the entire night XD It also has the distinction of being the only rp server where I like both the horde and alliance side.
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88 Gnome Death Knight
04/13/2011 09:09 PMPosted by Loffe
I love Cenarion Circle. I remember making an alt there, level one, just to check out one of the tavern events and ended up rping the entire night XD It also has the distinction of being the only rp server where I like both the horde and alliance side.

In a shameless bit of self-promotion, I'll add that Cenarion Circle actually encourages interaction between Horde and Alliance: the guilds <AAMS> and <AAMS Alliance Branch> are always available to translate events involving both factions. That lets us do everything from treaties and diplomatic events and such to organized PvP events with neutral "judges."

I like to think it's one of the things that makes CC so unique, and has helped the server RP community function as a single whole rather than two discrete groups. So whichever side you roll on, there'll always be a way to meet people from the other...!
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85 Human Death Knight
Gonna try to make it to the Clinic, any room for a new In-game RPer?
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90 Tauren Warrior
I couldn't very well spot this thread title without stopping by and giving it a well deserved bump.
Cenarion Circle has been my adopted home for the better part of a year now and I couldn't be happier.

If you want hardcore immersion, casual RP with new-found friends or even just a place where real, literate people hang out in the global channels, you'll find what you're looking for here.

CC gets the Chataquo Stamp of Approval (tm)!
Edited by Chataquo on 4/14/2011 5:43 PM PDT
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43 Night Elf Hunter
We ALWAYS have room for new in-game roleplayers. Always have room for brand new roleplayers. And always have room for transfering roleplayers.

And at times, we might be overly friendly.
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85 Night Elf Hunter
04/15/2011 08:24 AMPosted by Shauraria
And at times, we might be overly friendly.

Rabidly so. I can attest to this. I'm running out of un-bruised limbs from being tackle-hugged so much!

If you want hardcore immersion, casual RP with new-found friends or even just a place where real, literate people hang out in the global channels, you'll find what you're looking for here.

I can attest to this as well. A scientific discussion about viruses, vaccines, allergies, and antibodies took place in the AllianceOOC channel just last night. Who'da thunk it?

In addition, the Spring Festival still has two more events to go: an open-stage bard night at 6 PM Pacific tonight, as well as a Steam Tonk Demolition Derby at noon Pacific tomorrow. Stop on by and meet some new faces!
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85 Night Elf Druid
04/15/2011 11:05 AMPosted by Dustwing
And at times, we might be overly friendly.

Rabidly so. I can attest to this. I'm running out of un-bruised limbs from being tackle-hugged so much!

I probably witness at minimum of 15 tackle hugs daily. And that would be on a slow day...
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89 Human Paladin
04/15/2011 11:08 AMPosted by Ciellia

Rabidly so. I can attest to this. I'm running out of un-bruised limbs from being tackle-hugged so much!

I probably witness at minimum of 15 tackle hugs daily. And that would be on a slow day...

I blame Amartu!

.....what? Amartu was the first person I ever saw tacklepounce, I feel like it set a trend. :P
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Hmmm...thread needs more Horde bumpage, methinks. Awesome RP opportunities on both sides of the server!
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I've been wanting to RP ingame, normally I just rp on the forums and I find it quite enjoyable. Although I can't pull myself to level a character because I hate having repeat characters. Lately though I find myself playing my pally less and less (actually haven't even logged on him like a month and a half) so I'm really thinking about rerolling a pally but I can't decide whether to go horde or alli.

I might roll on Cenarion Circle, but really, alliance or horde? I don't want to ask which side is "better", I just want to find which side I am more comfortable on.

Edit: Made a Human Pally - Dawnsinger - Would love to talk to some y'all, honestly I'm pretty new to RPing ingame.
Edited by Rezokuken on 4/16/2011 7:10 PM PDT
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100 Human Mage
Hey Rezokuken, I saw you, last night or today. I noted your name as one I hadn't seen before. Welcome to Cenarion Circle!
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89 Human Paladin
I'm definitely going to keep an eye out for you Dawnsinger..... as a fellow Paladin, I have no choice but to try to sell you on my guild! :P

Don't worry about being new, we're always glad to help.... and hopefully my Internet won't DC in the middle of helping like the last new Paladin we had on our server... *blush*
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100 Human Mage
Dawnsinger, if you're wanting a small boost to help you progress yourself through the levels faster, find me in game sometime and we'll see what we can do about getting you some decent bags and the like. Maybe we can actually pull some gear out of the guild vault for you as well. My Ocheliad are great about contributing to the vault, too great typically. I'll be happy to see if we have any gear that fits you taking up space.
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