Like RP? Come See Scenic Cenarion Circle!

85 Night Elf Druid
On the first character I ever created, a 70something druid came to me and asked if I wanted any help. Later, far down the road I became an officer of this guild. This is how many people (that I have ran into) act within the roleplay community.

A simple "Hey can anyone help me with..." and you'll normally get a response. I know that I would respond, perhaps not be able to help at the current moment (ie: last night, was farming Sunken Temple and my "too many instances" lockout was coming up; but then logged onto my main parked closer to where the person needed help.)

04/15/2011 08:24 AMPosted by Shauraria
And at times, we might be overly friendly.

Holds true!
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90 Blood Elf Priest
There's quite a few RP events geared toward welcoming new players. Homeland often hosts "Welcome Walks" that had out armor and potions in the starting zones, and for Children's Week we'll be having a charity event involving lots of guilds handing out low-level gear on both factions. All good reasons to try CC out!
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85 Gnome Priest
Yay Moon Gua-- err... I mean Cenarion Circle! Any RP server that still has active roleplay is wonderful and something I will support with all my gnomish heart. So my hats off to you, my friends.

Huzzah RP!
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90 Human Paladin
04/15/2011 08:24 AMPosted by Shauraria
And at times, we might be overly friendly.

Holds true![/quote] <--- Totally butchered quote.

I don't know, I kinda like how friendly y'all are. Thanks to all of y'all being helpful, you all are fantastic!
Edited by Dawnsinger on 4/18/2011 4:28 PM PDT
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36 Troll Priest
Hm, I'm new to RPing in WoW (I've roleplayed a few times on MG, but it wasn't anything on this level). I'm thinking of rolling a toon on this realm in the near future to try it out! I'm excited :D
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85 Night Elf Hunter
Welcome! We always like eat--I mean, MEET! Yes, meet--newcomers!
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36 Troll Priest
I'm thinking of either rolling a Gnome Priest or a Goblin (Not sure what class yet)
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89 Human Paladin
Another Gnome?! Gentyl will be so pleased! Just be careful, she tends to have exploding animals.....
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Glad to see some people stopping by and mentioning this thread when they visit us -- hope you're enjoying the server!
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94 Draenei Paladin
Alright, between all the kindness in your channels and the sort of activity I see here and elsewhere on the forums I'm sold. I'm going to be moving my 85 shadow priest over as soon as I can. :) I really need a break from my usual server and this seems like the perfect place!
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90 Human Rogue
04/20/2011 05:05 PMPosted by Kisryn
Alright, between all the kindness in your channels and the sort of activity I see here and elsewhere on the forums I'm sold. I'm going to be moving my 85 shadow priest over as soon as I can. :) I really need a break from my usual server and this seems like the perfect place!

I was the EXACT same, and I have no plans to ever go back to the drama that is Hardcore raiding. Cenarion Circle is my new home, I don't plan to leave it.

(By the way, speaking of overly friendly, if you roll alliance, Shadobrite will make you laugh hysterically)
Edited by Arlston on 4/20/2011 5:27 PM PDT
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89 Human Paladin
And we're so glad that you don't plan on leaving, Arlston! You've been a joy to RP with -- and I'm sure in a few days I'll be saying the same thing about you Kisryn! :)
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Now, now, don't let all the hard-working folks from Pia Presidium and AAMS Alliance Branch convince you it's only good times over there...the Horde's plenty friendly too!

Plus I think their AAMS branch needs people more anyway. Hint, hint, hint!
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89 Human Paladin
..............*shifty eyes*....

Don't listen to Arjah, the Horde-side of AAMS is ebil! Besides, they'd hardly have any work at all if it weren't for Pia Presidium -- now, would you rather do all the work delivering exploding animals or watch other people deliver them?

That's what I thought. :P

DISCLAIMER: This post is pure propaganda. :P
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22 Blood Elf Warlock
From all my characters - Zosime, Gromthurg, Eridien and the deceased Melankholy... I love and approve of this server! It's been an excellent time, and I'm just about to kick it Alliance-side. I am relatively new to Alliance, but I already know so many wonderful and intelligent people! I will be welcoming to all new people.

On the subject of friendly... I was welcomed by almost being set on fire.
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92 Blood Elf Warlock
Do you guys have a Scarlet Crusade/Brotherhood of the Light type "Zealot" guild? Is there a guild full of motherless Forsaken to purge from Lordaeron? If not I am more than willing to start one-I was always the type of guy who'd play an evil paladin.
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86 Troll Shaman
There used to be a Scarlet guild, but I haven't heard from them in a while. Modas Il Toralar is pretty evil, and I think there was a guild for Forsaken Apothecaries, though I forget the name.
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85 Human Warrior
This sounds great! I want to start a human here and roleplay.
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89 Human Paladin
Gilaras, there's a few newly created truly bad-n-nasty guilds on our server, Alliance-side, if that's where you want your baddie to be.

Aifre, we'd love to have you!
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Hm, this thread got a bit slow over the holiday weekend, didn't it? Time to start saying nice things about the server again...
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