Like RP? Come See Scenic Cenarion Circle!

88 Gnome Death Knight
There's a good support network in place for new RP guilds, too...we've been helping lots of new ones get up and running! If you've got ideas, Cenarion Circle's a great server to come try 'em on.
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90 Worgen Death Knight
Can you name any good Alliance side military rp guild son that server?
Also, what about stuff like kingdom/town rps? Are there any guilds that do those?
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Hello!! I too love this server! So much I have a full roster of toons to play and have a hard time deciding which one will attend which event!

I also created another guild, Azeroth College, for new roleplayers to get their feet wet! We will be a basic leveling guild and plan on offering classes and seminars on rp, class mechanics, battlegrounds and other pvp. Also anyone who feels comfortable teaching these classes is welcome to come join my staff.

I noticed that many of the role players on the server are gone after midnight, so if there are night owls out there or Aussies who are looking for rp, I heartily encourage you to roll an alt here and make the night time shine with rp!
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89 Human Paladin
Can you name any good Alliance side military rp guild son that server?
Also, what about stuff like kingdom/town rps? Are there any guilds that do those?

Pillar of Honor is a really good, really active military guild. Feathers of Iron is a mercenary band, so they've got a military side to them (although they also have a bartender side to them :P). Stormwind City Watch is guards, so that's sort of militiary. Pia Presidium is militant, but we're actually a holy order rather than a military organization.

I haven't seen much from Sons of Lordaeron of late, but I think that's the only one that fits with the kingdom/town type RP. There's plenty of room for those though, I'm sure we'd love it if someone made a guild like that!

Haggerty, the reason a lot of us leave around midnight is because a lot of us are actually east coasters. When we log off at midnight server, it's 3 in the morning over here. :P
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90 Worgen Death Knight
Alright. How many organized events are there, and how much of it is random rp?
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85 Night Elf Druid
Is there good town and royal RP? I like any kind but town is my favorite :) Also I played a blood elf to about level 20 and I still haven't seen much RP. So it looks like the Alliance is more active
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88 Gnome Death Knight
If you look to the first post here you'll see a couple channels on each side that most roleplayers use -- one in-character and one OOC. Those are a much easier way to find RP than wandering around hoping to bump into someone with FlagRSP (the IC channel also lets you RP while you level and quest, which I always liked).

Events are pretty much nightly during the week. Less so on weekends, since people tend to either be raiding or have real life social engagements (and ne'er the twain shall meet). If there isn't something going on on one faction there probably is with the other.

I'm not really sure what "town RP" means, so I can't answer that question. The AAMS periodically sets up in-character "Renewal Projects" in various ruins, though, filling the buildings with player characters who serve as vendors, quest-givers, etc. for the evening.

EDIT: Okay, whoops, the chat channels are actually listed in the second post. Here they are again for the lazy:

/hordeooc and allianceooc - OOC chat for roleplayers. Often used to announce RP events or just see if anyone wants to get together face to face somewhere.

/hearthstone (Horde-side) and /hearthstoneic (Alliance) - In-character chat. Roleplay from anywhere, the assumption being that everyone's hearthstone can communicate as well as take them home, sort of like CB radio gone Azeroth.
Edited by Aeldgyth on 5/21/2011 4:20 PM PDT
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62 Troll Death Knight
Are there any good goblin Cartel guilds out there? I recently created a goblin rogue known as Maxmilion on Cenarion Circle and have been wanting to get into a guild. Any recommendations.
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90 Blood Elf Priest
05/21/2011 04:55 PMPosted by Alcatraxx
Are there any good goblin Cartel guilds out there? I recently created a goblin rogue known as Maxmilion on Cenarion Circle and have been wanting to get into a guild. Any recommendations.

There have been several since Cataclysm launched, but I couldn't say which are still active. You'd probably be best off asking in the "HordeOOC" channel -- there'll be people there who've been in one or another at various points.

And you can always start your own!
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"Town RP" would probably have to be set up in one of the channels. CC doesn't have a lot of places where people just stand around and wait for random walk-up RP. We're much more likely to have random RP in the /hearthstone channel (or /hearthstoneic on the Alliance side) or to set up a spot to meet in the /hordeooc or /allianceocc channels.
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89 Human Paladin
Willason, there's a solid amount of random RP but it can be pretty hard to find excepting for in RP hotspots like the Blue Recluse in the Mage's District of SW.

....and I'm not really sure what town RP is so I'm going to guess we don't have it? But, seriously, you can always start your own. We'll always help out any way that we can.
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77 Orc Warrior
So this "Cenarion Circle" is where its at?

Thats funny, because I made post about looking for a new server, and then found a thread about how awesome a server is. Whats funnier is it looks as awesome as it sounds.

So it looks like the Horde's going to have an extra orc in Guild Recruitment in about four hours.

I'm sure most of my questions can be answered by going through the other 4 pages of thread, but I do have one.

Is ICC/BC content still something people run? As in, If I needed an item for my rp set from Naxxramas or Mount Hyjal, would I be able to assemble a group of raiders for the soul purpose of acquiring these items?

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85 Night Elf Druid
Hm. I've been to Cenarion Circle. Perhaps it's time to dust off one of my old toons from there, eh?

I just cant decide what Race/Class I want to be for the aweomeness I just read about.

Might go Worgen, they're exceedingly fun to RP.
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100 Human Mage
If you join up, Hexkor, make sure to join our OOC channel Allianceside.

As for the questions about "Town RP". From my brief foray on Moonguard when I was trying to catch up with some former CCers, Town RP is when people gather at a specific in game town (like Lakeshire or Darkshire) and RP as the citizens of that town. It appeared to be closed off from most role playing in that were this character to go, I wouldn't be Imperon the robber baron as I am normally, I'd be role playing as Imperon the inn keeper or Imperon the town drunk etc.

If my time on Moonguard let me really understand Town RP then no, CC doesn't have that. Our story arcs and characters are much longer lasting than that. We have story arcs going now that involve characters who first classed (cross faction no less) back in Classic and are still looking to *get* the other people. We don't just switch personalities on the fly.
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89 Human Paladin
05/27/2011 09:22 AMPosted by Frugen
Is ICC/BC content still something people run? As in, If I needed an item for my rp set from Naxxramas or Mount Hyjal, would I be able to assemble a group of raiders for the soul purpose of acquiring these items?

Absolutely. I don't know if you would necessarily be able to get a group of all RPers, but there's plenty of raiding and dungeoneering of *every* instance, as far as I can tell.

As for town RP... it's true, we usually don't switch who are characters are on the fly, that's not to say no town RP could happen ever. We've got people who RP living in Darkshire and Lakeshire. And I'm sure plenty of people haven't really thought about where their character might live, they could decide to live in a town for town RP. (Although, many of us reside in our guild-provided housing, and we wouldn't likely be able to participate in town RP.)
Edited by Crayauchtin on 5/28/2011 1:20 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Well, if that's what's meant by "town RP," we do have the AAMS Renewal Projects from time to time. Those aren't pretending to be someone different from your usual character, but it is the AAMS inviting all the existing characters to come volunteer as shopkeepers etc. for an evening somewhere. So basically the same idea.

Been a few weeks since we've done one, but we're probably going to be doing Caer Darrow next week.
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89 Human Paladin
Oooooh, you have to make sure we all know when Andelia! I love the Renewal Projects!
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There are plenty of goblin cartel guilds on CC namely Payload Inc.(Though I haven't seen a whole lotta them recently, heard rumors they disband..could be wrong and hope I am) ))

KABLOOEY INCORPORATED!!!!!!!11!!!!eleven!!!!!..sorry got a little carried away :P Kablooey Inc. isn't so much its own cartel as is a corporation based upon the own-all do-all business..however I must warn you I was recently hacked and they stole EVERYTHING from the G-bank and disband the guild /tear we are currently trying to recruit new members..we have two A.T.M. myself and Truxxick, the co-GM))

Hope I helped CC is one of the greatest realms out there not a lot of random RP mostly event based but There is no finer quality of RP'ers and I am glad to call myself one))
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89 Human Paladin
Rilvix, I recently rolled a Goblin Warlock alt.... I haven't done much with him yet (like, did some leveling, haven't really made a character yet.... sorta working on it but he's *really* an alt), but I would be more than happy to join your guild with him!

...and yeah, I actually don't remember his name off the top of my head, but I'll look you up next time I log in. :P
Edited by Crayauchtin on 6/1/2011 9:57 AM PDT
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88 Gnome Death Knight
There's a Renewal Project event next Thursday, Cray, June 7th -- starts 7:00 PM server time, which is Western Time in the U.S. and for god's sake don't ask me how it stacks up to the Greenwich Meridian.

These are very good events for people who are completely new to the server, so don't be shy about stopping by -- it's out at Caer Darrow (the island where the Scholomance instance is located), which you can't run to safely, but we'll have warlock summons and the island itself doesn't have hostile mobs.

The thread with all the details is here:

I encourage everyone considering a visit to Cenarion Circle to stop by on Thursday a week and speak up in the HordeOOC or AllianceOOC channel to ask for a summon! The AAMS will be happy to help get you out to the RP event, one of the larger ones planned for the immediate future. And we're on both factions, so you can visit as whatever character you please!
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