Caer Darrow Renewal Project - Th. 6/9 [RP]

88 Gnome Death Knight
((The short OOC advertisement first!

WHAT: A town built entirely out of player characters! Also dungeon expeditions, player-created quests, academic lectures, and more...

WHO: The AAMS hosts. Both factions come to take part! Everyone's welcome, with summons for people that need them. Brand-new and low-level characters are fine -- there's no dangerous mobs.

WHEN: Thursday June 9th. Starts at 7:00 PM server, but drop by any time after.

WHERE: The ruins near Scholomance, on Caer Darrow. "Questgivers" are right outside the instance door, academic lecturers are on the upper floor of the keep, and all the various businesses are in the town itself!

And now I'll let Aeldgyth do the talking...))
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88 Gnome Death Knight

AAMS Renewal Project: The Settlement at Caer Darrow

The AAMS is pleased to announce the third in its series of Renewal Projects. These are public events designed to bring life back to forgotten parts of the world: ruins and abandoned settlements neglected by both the Horde and the Alliance. Our previous efforts at the Ruins of Taurajo and the Stardust Ruins allowed us to test the basic model.

Now we are turning our attentions to the abandoned settlement at Caer Darrow, site of the cursed Scholomance. Our mission is twofold: to cleanse the evils still dwelling in the lower keep while simultaneously returning life to the town above. To that end, the AAMS seeks public aid in the following endeavors:

    - Expeditions to be mounted to the Scholomance with the intent of driving its students and instructors away. We encourage guilds to bring adventurers suited to the challenge, and will be offering rewards for anyone who braves the dungeon with no assistance from seasoned adventurers.

    - While the school of black magic is cleansed below, the AAMS will be hiring lecturers to provide academic offerings in the upper keep. We encourage schools such as Da Doctas, Alterac University, and Azeroth College to provide lecturers! Honorariums will be provided for all qualified academic lecturers.

    - The town below the keep of Caer Darrow has many empty buildings in need of public ventures. The AAMS will happily compensate anyone who wishes to launch a commercial enterprise. Restaurants, auction houses, banks, or anything else you can imagine will be welcomed and supported with AAMS investment!

The Renewal Project takes place this Thursday, June 9th, at the Isle of Caer Darrow in Lordamere Lake, Western Plaguelands. Interested in providing easy warlock transportation for either faction? Contact your local AAMS branch! We'll be offering compensation for every guest summoned...
Edited by Aeldgyth on 5/31/2011 8:31 PM PDT
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88 Gnome Death Knight
((OOC DETAILS: We're getting more ambitious with our Renewal Projects. For those that aren't familiar, this is a chance to briefly create a new "hub" made entirely out of player characters. We try to get as many people as possible out there playing quest givers, vendors, and other traditional NPC roles, as well as strolling the "town" and sampling all the offerings!

The AAMS will be providing the questgivers at the instance entrance (with rewards appropriate to the instance level, as well as some treats for higher-leveled characters). We're hiring as many other people as we can get our hands on to be the rest of the town! If you have an idea for something you'd like to do, drop us a line here or find us in-game.

This is a great chance to get creative with in-game items. We've had people show up as "profession trainers" by cleaning out all the low-level recipes and patterns from their guild banks, we've had cooks open restaurants with menus (created by mailing themselves the menu and then making copies), and of course there's always a brisk business in summons for warlocks.

We're also hiring "guest speakers" to keep the upper part of the Scholomance (outside the instance) functioning as an in-game school. Got a topic you want to talk on? Come join the schedule of lecturers! Just let the AAMS know and we'll slot you in.

DON'T BE SHY! We do this for the public -- the AAMS is a small guild, and there's room for everyone to come take part, even if you've never been to one of our events before. Like all AAMS events, this is cross-faction, with translators from the AAMS doing their best to keep everyone understanding one another.

Please come unflagged -- we prefer the slight unrealism to the inevitable confusion that happens when people have different interpretations of what "flagged" means in-character.))
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88 Gnome Death Knight
((Reserved for a Schedule of Events as we add speakers and more...!))
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90 Blood Elf Priest
((This happens tomorrow! There are still a couple positions we'd love to have confirmed people for, so stop by our "Caer Darrow Want Ads" to see what fun RP things you can get paid for doing:

And we'll see you all there tomorrow night!))
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88 Gnome Death Knight
((This is about to happen! Stop on by tonight -- let us know if you need summons; we've got warlocks there. Lowbies are welcome; there's nothing there that'll chew on 'em!))
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88 Gnome Death Knight
((Thank you to everyone who came out -- I was very pleased with the turn-out and with people's creativity in selling things and otherwise keeping the crowds amused! We'll likely be setting this up as a weekly event in the same place for at least a little while, giving people time to establish regular "shops" and word to spread. So keep those Thursday nights clear!))
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