Like RP? Come See Scenic Cenarion Circle!

1 Blood Elf Rogue
Is this generally an accepting server of people who are new to RP?

I guess what I'm asking is if there are people who will help you get started, teach you proper etiquette, etc.?
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Very much so CC is an EXTREMELY helpful and friendly realm i have even seen an OOC meeting where a tauren was telling newbies about lore.
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100 Human Paladin
Normally, I don't trust goblins, but in this case, Rilvix is right.
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Quiet Gentyl! Goblins are as trustworthy as anyone *Cheesy 80's grin*
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85 Goblin Shaman
I was brand spanking new to WoW RP when I started on CC, and shy to boot. Not only did the fine players on this server bring me out of my shell and welcome me, they have become an extended family to me, whether they know it or not.

I, in turn, have made it a sort of personal mission to, in turn, be as welcoming to newer players as I can be. I will show you around as time permits, fill you in on the latest storylines to the best of my knowledge, and make suggestions for guilds that your character may fit into.
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52 Goblin Warlock
Why is Zizz suddenly better-dressed and higher-level than me?

Also, come see scenic Cenarion Circle. And all that good stuff.

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85 Goblin Shaman
07/06/2011 05:43 PMPosted by Loxxi
Why is Zizz suddenly better-dressed and higher-level than me?

'Cause after that "Biker-Butt in Booty Bay" column in Miss Manners of Azeroth (( )) I've been paying more attention to my appearance. Can't let all the boys out there think I'm letting myself go just 'cause I gots me a cushy job, after all. Leveling and a well balanced diet work wonders, sister.
Edited by Zizzikky on 7/7/2011 7:14 AM PDT
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87 Blood Elf Hunter
Post Deleted.
Edited by Lavitt on 7/8/2011 12:45 AM PDT
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100 Human Paladin
Just a quiet cup of tea, that's all she wanted. Quiet was in short supply, but at least Joachim always had good tea, so off to the Recluse she went.

Gentyl had just finished squeezing a wedge of lemon into her tea when the tiny gnome known as Rhumple hopped up on the table. She tried to ignore him. It should be easy, after all, he was barely taller than the schmerf jam jar sitting on the table.

"Hi, test subject AQ48!"

He never called her by name. She was always referred to as her test subject number. The test were varied, unusual and had caused a temporary lapse into some lizard form he claimed no responsibility for.

"Hi, Rhumple."

"I heard you're negotiating for someone to bear children with."

Gentyl choked on her tea. "Not that I know of. I'm not even married."

"Let me handle that for you. You were always one of my favorite test subjects. What are you looking for in a mate?"

"Someone who likes to fight, is always in a good mood and wants twelve children." That should keep him busy for a while.

Rhumple whistled innocently and meandered over to Kaellar. "Oh, hi. I didn't see you sitting there. Tell me, sir. Are you virile?"

Gentyl raised her hand. "Umm, excuse me, Someone not dead and single would be good also."

Rhumple shushed her. "Let me handle this AQ48."

Kaellar blinked. "Virile?"

Rhumple nodded. "Virile. Virile enough to spawn twelve children and then raise the fruit of your virility. Children are kind of like pets only they live longer and are more trouble."

"I like to think I am," Kaellar said.

Rhumple hopped off the table and scooted back over to Gentyl. "We're very close, AQ48."

"He's married, grouchy and dead."

Rhumple sighed. "You're going to be difficult again, aren't you?"

Come to CC for the roleplay. On CC it's never what you expected.
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90 Blood Elf Priest

Come to CC for the roleplay. On CC it's never what you expected.

...and often more than your poor little chat window can keep track of too!
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While I don't play on CC anymore due to friends being on Wyrmrest but I can vouch that CC is awesome! Ive also had the pleasure, despite being on a separate server, to have dungeon RP in randoms all from CC (And WrA but those numbers are a tad smaller ><)! You don't get that often.
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I thought it prudent to clarify, as I have seen some iffy statements made on other threads, that:

1. Cenarion Circle is not an "emerging" RP server. It is actually one of the original RP servers from launch.

2. RP on CC is not limited to "guild RP". I have toons that are in non-RP guilds (for leveling reasons) that RP quite frequently with plenty of others, guilded or not.
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85 Human Warlock
I'm desperate. Why? Sort of a long and/or short story...

I first started playing on Borean Tundra about... 2 years ago, nice people and all, but then friends from school wanted me to switch to Sargeras, so i did. Now all of my friends that were on Sargeras have either moved away to different realms or just flat out quit. I was searching the forums for some other place that would be willing to take me in, give me food, and put clothes on my back (Not so much those last two, but still...) and I happened to stumble upon this rather.... more like very, detailed thread about Cenarion Circle. Point is, I'm just looking for some place to settle down yet again and possibly meet some new friends in the process. Think you guys could maybe... help me out here? I'd like to find some place thats not all business, and business all the time. Either faction, I'm neutral!
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I made an alt on CC, and when I asked where the RP was on there, I was laughed at. >.>
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90 Night Elf Rogue
Hey there, Solnis. I have been on CC for quite awhile, I like it very much, however it seems to be more Alliance than Horde. Not that the Horde side would not welcome rpers, more like you have to go out there and talk to people. Get the add on called MyRp and look for others who have it. go on the OOC channel and talk. Dont sit back and say no rp here when there is no one talking, start something!

@Bokutan, are you planning on transferring or rerolling? Roll an alt and get out there. I know on Alli side if you say something in the allianceooc channel, that you are new to the server. You will get some replies and sometimes if the right people are on some bags and a little gold.
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100 Dwarf Warrior
Solnis I am extremely sorry about that however CC for the most part isn't like that only trade chat is. Join channel Hearthstone or hordeooc(Horde) or Hearthstoneic or allianceooc (Alliance)
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88 Gnome Death Knight
07/17/2011 06:47 PMPosted by Bokutan
Either faction, I'm neutral!

...well fancy that! We just-so-happen to have a neutral GUILD!

Stop on by and give us a nod in the /allianceOOC or /hordeOOC channel. You'll meet lots of roleplayers. And maybe someone can bend your ear for a bit about the Anytime & Anywhere Messaging Service, Cenarion Circle's only cross-faction guild!

Just a thought. *discreet cough*
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52 Goblin Warlock
..but just so everyone's clear it's the whole SERVER that's wonderful. Not just the AAMS.

Though we are pretty wonderful.
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28 Gnome Priest
I think every RP server can agree that they have become diluted with non-RPers. This is an ongoing problem which leads to people thinking that RP is dead. I can assure you, on CC, despite what might be said in /trade, RP is not dead. It is very much alive and well. Indeed, walk up random RP might not happen as much as one would like but RP is still very active and available.

At this point in time, I have a completely full friends list of people who are Role Players. The absolutely best thing to do is to join the OOC and IC channels in both factions.

OOC = /allianceOOC
IC = /hearthstoneIC

OOC = /hordeOOC
IC = /hearthstone

There are always people in those channels and they absolutely enjoy welcoming new players to the server. Starting anew, testing the waters with an alt, or looking for a new home for your main; the channels are the 100% best way to get to know the RP community.
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2 Undead Warlock
Hello there.

I'm totally new to RP, but I'm totally in love with Warcraft lore, so why not try this out? Anyhow, I just made this alt and I'm wondering if you think the Horde side is as good as Alliance when it comes to RP?

Thanks. See you in Brill.
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