Fat Legs [RP]

1 Goblin Rogue

I'm a male goblin. I have trouble finding decent fitting jeans because I've got what the department store people call "bike legs". Basically, through playing lots of Soccer and working out, I can't fit jeans suited for my height.

Recently, and purely by accident, I found that women's jeans fit me better than men's jeans. They've got a slimmer waist, yet offer additional space for my fat butt and thicker thighs. I've been hesistant to buy them since I don't want to look like a gay goblin among my friends and peers.

My question, is it ok for heterosexual male goblins to wear female jeans?

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Dear Biker-Butt in Booty Bay,

Here's the good news for you right up front: you're in the Horde now, and in the Horde men wear dresses. They call them robes, sure, but let's call a spade a spade -- it's a tight top with a loose, skirted bottom. Where I come from that's a dress.

So you're in good company on the ladies' clothing front. Where you're not doing okay, BBBB, is in suggesting that women's clothing is designed for bigger butts! No amount of "thin waists" comments are going to save you if you drop a bomb like that in public. I'd worry less about trimming your trouser drop and more about trimming that vocabulary if I were you.

- Miss Manners Azeroth
Former Professora of Etiquette and Sorcery at "Da Doctas" School of Medicine
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100 Human Paladin
Gentyl sat down in the Recluse to catch up on the news and relax with a hot cup of tea. The usual crowd was there. A worgen worried about his cursed state of life. A deathknight wondered aloud if anyone would every forgive him. She assured him people would and he seemed to calm until the guard passed through and screamed, "Murderer! Someone get a rope!"

The Miss Manners column caught her attention as the deathknight fled the inn.

"Hmm, who knew. I thought women were supposed to have bigger butts than men."

She spent the rest of the evening studying butts.
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85 Goblin Shaman
(( I literally fell out of my chair reading the OP and responses so far... ))

With a smile on her face, Zikky walked into the AAMS offices, proud of the progress in her recent training. She sat down at her desk and began perusing the current events updates left on her desk. The petite goblin woman got to the Miss Manners Azeroth column and the smile faded slowly. She put the papers down lightly, stood up and walked to the full-length mirror on the wall, normally used for adjusting uniforms. She turned around slowly, inspecting her posterior, a slight frown darkening her features.

Nah, it's not that big. This guy has no idea what he's talking about... but, when I turn to the side...
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17 Goblin Mage
((Gnomes are supposed to be taller than Goblins.))

A goblin male walks in, honestly shorter than most goblins, he does however, have a huge six pack, that could put a wrestler to shame. Hearing the man's question. He walks straight to the man, and says with a straight face:
"May I suggest importing gnomes pants? Or getting ya pants tailored to fit? If ya have to ask, then maybe you shouldn't wear them. But that's just my opinion. Us tall men gotta stay together."

((Also - my goblin attempts to fry most people who call him short. And he's a good mage. >:) ))
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89 Human Paladin
Cray strode into the orphanage as per usual... but then stopped. He stepped backwards, out the door, to look at the sign and make sure he was in the right building.

The orphan matron was rapt, staring at her bottom in a mirror. The kids were running rampant. Cray approached her cautiously. "What's going on?" he whispered.

"Have you read Miss Manners?" she asked.

"Not ever," Cray replied, his eyes shifting to the newspaper on the nearby table, "Why?" The column was right on top, above the fold.

"Does my butt look big to you? I mean, I thought..."

"I'm going to stop you right there," Cray interrupted, "This column is about goblins, you can ignore it."

Unwilling to listen to more of this drivel, Cray walked away.... his head turned to watch himself as he went. Hm.
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1 Goblin Rogue
Thanks for the support ya'll.

With the confidence you've given me I summoned the courage to buy a few pairs of bright pink, ass fitting women's jeans.

I'm getting lots of interested looks already. I think I might get lucky tonight.

Thanks again,

Edited by Harassment on 7/13/2011 2:25 PM PDT
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