AAMS Clothing Drive: Now 'Til Children's Week

90 Blood Elf Priest
The approach of Children's Week turns all our eyes to the young and needy. To help the charitable efforts of both factions, the AAMS is requesting donations from those who have found profit in their ventures.

We are collecting raw goods to be turned into essentials for the young: basic clothing for the younger; armor and supplies for those old enough to be taking on dangerous jobs. The finished goods will be made available for any guild or group that wishes to distribute them, Horde or Alliance. The AAMS will distribute the remainder equally.

To make a donation, simply contact our office or send supplies directly to our central address. Orders can be processed by Andelia (Horde Branch) and Aeldgyth (Alliance Branch), or they can be sent to any AAMS courier from either branch. We accept any donations that can benefit the young and inexperienced, but prefer to work in the specific lots listed here:

    - 20 Linen Cloth, 4 Coarse Thread and a scrap of Light Leather makes a full kit for a youth or adolescent: robes, trousers, boots and gloves.
    - 24 Light Leather and 16 Coarse Thread provides a vest, trousers, boots and gloves.
    - 32 Copper Ore, 14 Rough Stone and two Fine Thread will outfit a young warrior or paladin in an armored vest, leggings, gauntlets and boots.

Organizations that wish to distribute these outfits may simply contact their faction's branch of the AAMS. We will be happy to provide as many sets of clothing or armor as you believe will be needed. Materials will be drawn from the charitable donations of all contributors: items given by members of the Horde may supply the needs of children sheltered by the Alliance, and vice versa. Each faction will receive its equal share until supplies are exhausted.

Questions or requests should be directed to your local branch office of the AAMS. We are happy to discuss special arrangements for anyone with a charitable project in mind. Donors will be listed on our roll of "Generous Contributors," unless anonymity is specifically requested.

Andelia Windtouched
Communications Officer, AAMS Horde Branch


((OOC: As the note says, we're gathering raw materials and turning them into "sets" for new, starting characters to use. We'll turn the sets around and give them to any guild who wants to spend an hour or two in the start zones, greeting any new character they see and offering them some starting armor.

Please consider participating, both by donating (we'll list all donors here on the forums) and by taking some armor sets to the start zone. This is a great way to make sure that people are exposed to roleplaying from get-go -- and it's good recruiting too, I can tell you from experience. Just a half hour to an hour of greeting new characters in the start zone gets you a startling amount of good RP from interested people.

We're happy to let folks use these for already-established "giveaway" events as well, such as Homeland's Welcome Walks or the Clinics on either side. Just let us know.))
Edited by Andelia on 4/16/2011 8:28 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Priest

Andelia - AAMS Horde Branch
Dreadsong - Infusion
Nanawe - Homeland


Anonymous - Guild Withheld
Anonymous - Pillar of Honor
Aziriel - Lluchduu Ocheliad
Ciellia - Lluchduu Ocheliad
Crayauchtin - Pia Presidium
Guild Donation - Warcraftier
Jern - Lluchduu Ocheliad
Meriste - Pia Presidium
Verogoth - AAMS Alliance Branch
Wolfgaar - Manus Ignota
Edited by Andelia on 5/3/2011 3:12 PM PDT
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90 Human Death Knight
TO: All interested parties
CC: AAMS Management and Staff
FROM: Rillik Verogoth, AAMS:AB Senior Courier
RE: Children's Week Clothing Drive

To help get the ball rolling, I am donating the materials for and completing 3 sets of clothing for youths or adolescents. These sets will be kept in company storage for the time being, and then, as Ms. Windtouched said, be made available to any and all persons who wish to distribute them during Children's week.

Additionally, I am officially offering my services to take the raw cloth materials and tailor them into sets of clothing for any parties interested in donating to the clothing drive.

Sgt. Rillik Verogoth
Senior Courier
AAMS Alliance Branch
Edited by Verogoth on 4/16/2011 9:21 PM PDT
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96 Tauren Hunter
Dernes read the notice a few times over before bursting out in laughter. He glanced over at Nightshade with a wicked grin, "What was it I told her... She mentions my name and I hire her to distribute all the packages? Well what do you know, she did a good job of not mentioning anything about us."

He shook his head and looked at the piles of leather sitting in the hall and remembered the night before in the Crossroads. "Well then, now we know what to do with all of this stuff eh?"

Dernes shook his head and picked up a small piece of paper, writing a quick note.

Dear Andelia,

I see you do not wait long to put ideas into to place. I am however saddened to see you still flinch the idea of 'stepping on people toes'. The point of being charitable is doing, and meeting the young ones in need, simply because your heart tells you it's the right thing to do. Don't forget, you helped with one person last night.

I hope you find many volunteers to distribute the supplies.

Dernes Proudhorn
Warden of Ysera
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90 Human Rogue
*A plain looking package is left on the doorstep of <AAMS> Alliance Branch.*
SI:7 Personal Communique
Sender: -Classified-
Recipient: AAMS Alliance Branch
Subject: Charity Works

Your work does not go unnoticed. Aid freely given is a trait seldom seen these recent dark days. Those who aid the needy are greatly respected. I, personally, am not good with attention, so I thank you, for providing a front. Expect a similar parcel.

An anonymous Honorable Pillar
Edited by Arlston on 4/17/2011 9:07 AM PDT
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89 Human Paladin
Cray read the notice carefully. He wished he had come up with this idea -- although, he reasoned, AAMS would be able to benefit the needy of the Horde better than he. He imagined there were just as many orphans in Orgrimmar as Stormwind... and that was something he could sympathize with. To have lost both parents at a young age, it must be hard. Harder even than just losing one as an infant.

Cray frequently volunteered at the Stormwind Orphanage, but this was something else he could do to help out.

But, perhaps, it would do to take a significant break from the cemetery and mine enough copper ore to help children who might want to follow in his footsteps.

Cray's writing was scratchy and virtually illegible. Still, he left a note on the bottom of the AAMS notice:
"Expect a significant donation from the Pia Presidium. I, Cray Auchtin, also hereby offer my services distributing donations to children in need."
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85 Night Elf Druid
Ciellia looked over the AAMS' request. "Hmm. Fair enough. Plenty of little ones that need some helping." Ciellia remembered her early years, when she had just started her training to become a druid. She had been taken in by a druid in Ashenvale.

Quickly she jotted down the list of materials the AAMS were asking for and went to see what she could find. Although Ciellia is not a robber or a pirate by any means, she had no issues "acquiring" supplies to be put to good use.

She had only been formally introduced to Rillik Verogoth, so it was him that she was going to need to find. Ciellia took an inventory of what she had:
- 93 linen cloth
- 179 rough stone
- 71 copper ore
- 20 coarse thread
She had also prepared some other items, not on the list.
- 40 copper bars
- 7 leather balls
- 60 healing potions
- 6 bags for the orphans to carry their new items in

Ciellia stepped back to look at the large pile of supplies she had gathered. A lot from her personal stash of materials and some from bandits. The leather balls were a donation from one of Ciellia's friends.

Now to just track down Mr. Verogoth....
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90 Human Paladin
Crayauchin handed Wolfgaar the flyer. Wolfgaar looked down at the words "AAMS CLOTHING DRIVE" in large letters across the top.

"Hmm... and you say this is legitimate, m'lord?"

Crayauchin nodded convincly.

"Very well, then. I cannot say that this is something the Manus Ignota hath been involved with before, but I am earnestly seeking to use the power with which we have been blessed for good. If this is as you say, I will send an amount to these folks in the name of The Manus Ignota."

Wolfgaar the Aetheling opened a large chest holding the guild's fortune and took out five heavy bags of gold coins. I hope this will aid the good folks of the Realms.

-=Wolfgaar the Aetheling=-
Edited by Wolfgaar on 4/17/2011 9:15 PM PDT
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88 Gnome Death Knight

TO: Horde Staff
FROM: Aeldgyth Whistlespark
RE: Clothing Drive

Alliance support overwhelming. Still tabulating results, but early donations more than ample. Let us know if you're seeing similar results -- we'll transfer extras if Horde is coming up short. Keep us posted.

Aeldgyth Whistlespark
Branch Manager, Alliance Branch
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88 Gnome Death Knight
((As an OOC note, a couple of people have asked if they can send cash for this.

The answer is yes! We'll take cash and use it to buy supplies or finished crafted pieces on the AH depending on which is cheaper (there's often good deals on low-level crafted good from people power-leveling the skill who want to unload the results as a loss offset).

Whatever we buy gets turned around and handed out to any RP guilds that want to do in-character distribution, same as the stuff made from cloth/leather/ore donations.))
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43 Night Elf Hunter
Shauraria beamed with joy when she saw this notice. She had been working on her skinning skills before being taken to Stormwind. Now to just find someone to escort her outside of Stormwind so she can gather some skins...
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90 Blood Elf Priest
((Lazy OOC bump until I have time to write something better -- we're still collecting materials and turning them into items to be handed out next week. Let us know if you and your guild would like to take a turn handing out the charity!))
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92 Night Elf Druid
Aziriel drops out of flight form, landing light on cat paws beside a signpost. Looking up, she reads the slightly worn note carefully.

"Light leather," she murmurs, "I can definitely help there."

She stores a few letters in her pack, clearly forgetting any previous correspondence, or even why she came to the city in the first place. Running off, the druid bypasses a tailoring vendor in her rush to get out of the city. She takes wing again and her black and grey form blends in with the nearest building for a moment until she flies over the nearest building on her way to Elwynn Forest.
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100 Human Paladin
Gentyl listened to the thumps, one after another in the storage room. She set aside the maps and walked in there to find Cray, arranging mining bags into an ever increasing pile. "Cray, may I ask what's happening?"

"Orphans," he said breathlessly and tossed another bag on the pile.

"You're collecting orphans? In bags?"

He turned around, wiped his brow and stared at her incredulously. "What?"

She pointed at the pile.

"Oh, it's for the orphans. AAMS is collecting gear for the young ones. I've been mining."

Gentyl nodded. "Excellent. I've been thinking about holding our helping the young events again. Perhaps we can help with distribution as well as donations. Also, they need bags. There's just simply never enough room."

"I agree," Cray said and tossed another bag.

"Right, well, I'll go find Surabar and see if he can sew some more bags." Surabar would be happy to sew more bags she was sure, even though he had entertained the idea of having a thimble permanently implanted on his finger.
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90 Human Death Knight
*A notice can be seen hung around Stormwind, Ironforge, Darnassus, and the Exodar*

The AAMS is proud to announce its partnership with the Stormwind Jockey Club for a one-time-only event coinciding with our own Children's Week Clothing Drive. On Saturday, May the 6th, at 3 bells past noon, during the distribution of donated gifts to young adventurers near Goldshire, the Stormwind Jockey Club will be hosting a crafts fair to raise money for the Stormwind Orphanage Fund. Craftsmen are encouraged to contact either the AAMS or the SJC for more information and to sign up for a booth. Additionally, the SJC will be hosting a scavenger hunt for youngsters, with prizes for all participants, and a grand prize of 100 gold pieces, provided by the AAMS.

((OOC info: Saturday, 5/6/2011, 3 PM server time, in the small field where the Darkmoon Faire is normally held. Craftsmen (and women!) are needed to ply their wares for whatever prices they deem appropriate. The scavenger hunt, which begins at 3:30 PM is open to all characters level 15 and under. Prizes will be provided for all participants, with a grand prize of 100 gold for the person who completes the hunt first.))
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47 Worgen Warlock
Wallen nods as he reads the circular, "Excellent, now to make a list of goodies to give out as prizes and the scavenger hunt list. I think I will need a nice long list so it will take folks some time to browse the craft fair while the kids are out hunting"

(OOC- Thanks Verogoth! the list will be handed out at the event, it will be grey items normally sold to vendors, so if anyone uses an automatic grey item seller make sure to disable it before selling any items at vendors. Some items may be harder to find than others, in an effort to make it a challenge for all. The list will be 10 items, any contestant who completes the list will get a prize. The collection of greens and even some blue items for prizes grows daily. Rewards will be class appropriate when possible.)
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92 Night Elf Druid
Aziriel walks over to the mailbox with several large packages wrapped in plain brown paper, tied with thongs. She checks the signpost again, and marks each package with 'Aeldgyth, of the AAMS', then sends them off.

She sighs happily, "Leather. More leather." She then wanders off in the direction of the docks, shifting to cat form.
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90 Blood Elf Priest

Armor sets are now prepared and ready to donate! If you would like to volunteer to hand out armor sets to new adventurers, please let the AAMS know with a date and time. We will send a courier to meet you in the zone of your choice with an assortment of cloth, leather and mail armor!

As the majority of our donations came from Alliance contributors, AAMS couriers will be transferring goods to the Horde Branch to supplement the donations on that side. All materials will be shared equally between factions, as advertised.

- Andelia Windtouched
Communications Officer, AAMS Horde Branch


((OOC -- this is a chance for other guilds to RP with brand new people!

Just tell us when you'd like to do a little guild outreach this week (and realistically on into next week, or as long as supplies last, but it's SUPPOSED to be a Children's Week thing. We'll send a courier with a whole bunch of newbie gear to any start zone you pick, whenever you want (subject to our availability -- evenings are best, obviously).

Then just meet and greet every new character that comes past! Offer them armor, and give it to anyone you can get any sort of IC reaction from. Sets a good example for the server, gets new people involved, and it might just be good for guild recruitment too. And all you have to do is pick a time and show up.

Pretty easy, huh?))
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