Stormwind Jockey Club- recruitment thread

82 Night Elf Rogue
This is an idea I have had for a long time. This seems the realm that would be a good fit for it!

Wallen Dovercliff is the Guildmaster, formerly a horse farmer in Gilnaes, he has always loved racing his horses. Unfortunately, the Forsaken took all his prize stock and Wallen and his sister Rosanth were left without a home.

So now Wallen is seeking to bring the fine sport of racing to Azeroth. He is in desparate need of race organizers, track Stewards, race officials and general labor. He will be a generous and open minded Guildmaster. Those who seek employment with the Stormwind Jockey club are encouraged to apply in game with Wallen personally.

((This will be a normal guild most of the time with group runs, repairs for group dungeons and a lot of rp fun! If you love horse racing or any type of racing and like to organise things This is the rp guild for you! Wallen is a warlock and in character is a smooth talking gentleman, the racing will be conducted as fairly as we can make it, side bets and bookies will have to operate outside of the guild. We will try and run an event with a cross country race at least once a month.))

The character here on the icon is not on Cenarian Circle, my main is Rosanth, her brother Wallen is the guildmaster and I also have my hunter Kaevelara on CC.

If you have any ideas or suggestions, please feel free to post them here. My theory is to race one rider from each guild who wants to participate. The riders will have to be equal as far as speed in mounts, and racing in colorful silks and no heavy armor or weapons will be allowed. The requirements will be posted in a subsequent thread as soon as we can get some organizers to help with the plans.
Edited by Jaszmin on 4/15/2011 2:39 AM PDT
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89 Human Paladin
I like the idea for this guild a lot -- it'll definitely give us some different kinds of events that we haven't seen before! :)

I'd also recommend posting about it here:

That's our realm's RP guild recruitment thread! :)

I did go ahead and put your guild's name and such up on our realm's RP wiki on the main page (that's but if you want to go put an actual article in when you have a minute, that'd be great!
Edited by Crayauchtin on 4/15/2011 9:28 AM PDT
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77 Worgen Druid
Thanks Cray!! I need all the help I can get!
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47 Worgen Warlock
@Cray, I looked at the wikia site and cant seem to find the realm rp forum you are talking about, can you give me a direct link? the one you list is invalid or just lists a general idea of the cenarian circle, not the realms rp community.
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89 Human Paladin
I seem to have confused you, oops!! :P

The realm forum is this, I was just suggesting you post in the guild/event thread -- which you did.

The Wiki is all about our realm's RP community. The front page, which is not pretty yet, has a list of RP guilds on our realm followed by a list of which characters are profiled on the Wiki. That main page has a link on it to the Stormwind Jockey Club -- but the link doesn't lead anywhere at the moment because the article needs to be created.

If the address I listed before wasn't taking you to the main page of the Wiki for whatever reason, this address definitely will:
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85 Tauren Shaman
((Do you think you could use a bookie? I guess in another guild if you don't want bookies in the jockey club. I've been looking for a reason to roll a worgen... ))
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47 Worgen Warlock
I am always looking for help, and I definutely want to keep the side bets quiet, so if you wish to join the guild I am hoping for new rpers to help. If you wish a bookie operation I suggest one of the other guilds who are known for underground activities.

I now have updated a short entry in the wikia site. I still need more people!!
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47 Worgen Warlock
There seems to be a dearth of hard working people...willing to set up the races. The Stormwind Jockey Club will focus on leveling as any normal guild, setting up runs and opening a guild vault for mats so members can exchange goods freely. We are seriously looking for members to round out the roster and get those nice guild perks. You dont need to slave away at the tracks to enjoy the perks.( RP is encouraged but not a necessary thing. )

Anyone new to the server and just looking for a leveling guild are more than welcome to join and help us grow. Interested applicants can contact Wallen in game or by the mail system.

Stormwind Jockey Club is an equal opportunity employer, offering bonuses and other encouragement for ambitious members to strive for.
Edited by Wallen on 4/26/2011 1:25 PM PDT
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90 Human Death Knight
*A notice can be seen hung around Stormwind, Ironforge, Darnassus, and the Exodar*

The AAMS is proud to announce its partnership with the Stormwind Jockey Club for a one-time-only event coinciding with our own Children's Week Clothing Drive. On Saturday, May the 6th, at 3 bells past noon, during the distribution of donated gifts to young adventurers near Goldshire, the Stormwind Jockey Club will be hosting a crafts fair to raise money for the Stormwind Orphanage Fund. Craftsmen are encouraged to contact either the AAMS or the SJC for more information and to sign up for a booth. Additionally, the SJC will be hosting a scavenger hunt for youngsters, with prizes for all participants, and a grand prize of 100 gold pieces, provided by the AAMS.

((OOC info: Saturday, 5/6/2011, 3 PM server time, in the small field where the Darkmoon Faire is normally held. Craftsmen (and women!) are needed to ply their wares for whatever prices they deem appropriate. The scavenger hunt, which begins at 3:30 PM is open to all characters level 15 and under. Prizes will be provided for all participants, with a grand prize of 100 gold for the person who completes the hunt first.))
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