RP for beginners? Try Cenarion Circle!

90 Human Rogue
I joined CC about, 3 days ago (a short time considering how long Cenarion Circle's RP community has gone on)
It started with my boredom from the endless grind of a normal PvP server. So I clicked on "World's End Tavern" in my boredom. I read the CC promotional thread and decided it was worth investigation.

I thought up a quick backstory, rolled a rogue and joined the /allianceOOC channel. Quite literally, FIFTEEN minutes later, I was already warmly welcomed and asked to take part in an RP event. Fifteen minutes. I don't think I even had time to be nervous or even worry about which guild was an RP one or not.

Everything was carefully explained to me, and help was freely given, with advice and compliments tossed in. It made a HUGE impact on me.

When I first started on my PvP server, the big switch from a PvE server, Mannoroth was mostly pre-established (Just as Cenarion Circle is) with it's Hardcore raiding guilds, it's PvP guilds and it's more casual guilds. Nobody there really gave a hoot about a player new to the server unless they were already geared and ready to raid/PvP. It took about 3 months before I was guilded and successful in both PvE and PvP.

It took me less than a day to be accepted, welcomed and involved here on CC. Nobody was condescending, nobody told me I had to make my character a certain way, no guild was completely black and white. Every guild was a shade of gray that the back story I had dreamed up could have fit in. My creativity exploded! (I write personal short stories in my spare time, i'm up to about 32 different stories, and over 300 pages.) Cenarion Circle's RP community has probably left the best impression on me than any other aspect of WoW.

Sure, I'm new to the groups, I don't know the pre-existing storylines of any other characters, I don't expect to be the center of attention, but that's all a part of the fun. Diving into something new and exciting. Perhaps the new RP toon you created has a personality that fits PERFECTLY in somebody's story and you just happen to meet in the Tavern. The amount of creativity and interest you put into RP is returned to you tenfold by the RP community as a whole. The more fun and effort you put, the more you get out of RP.
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85 Human Death Knight
CC Is alway accepting, Although some may be a little nervous to speak in the OOC Channels ((I know I am)) it will still accept you. Lots of Small RP Guilds and Large ones, Those are always accepting new players to the server, RP or both. Being an In-game RPer for only a week or so with CC, I have to say it's the most Friendly and it's definitely under control, Unlike some of the other RP Realms out there. Personally I think anyone thats bored of PvP, PvE or of their own RP Server should come try out Cenarion Circle for awhile.
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89 Human Paladin
Awww, thank you both for the glowing endorsements!! :D
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15 Worgen Hunter
I've been thinking of rolling an alt on an RP server (test the water so I can feel comfy moving my main).

CC seems like as good a place as any, I'll check it out.
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90 Human Rogue
I've been thinking of rolling an alt on an RP server (test the water so I can feel comfy moving my main).

CC seems like as good a place as any, I'll check it out.

Please do! Having new people band together and share ideas is the point of RP! Just make certain to /join Allianceooc or /join hordeooc and introduce yourself! I guarantee you'll get at least 4 "Welcome to Cenarion Cirlce!" responses for both faction.

Find the tavern where the RPers hang out, sit down, and get to know people. We're all friendly (OOC all, IC the majority) and we enjoy hearing new stories!
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