A discreet pamphlet has been seen circulating the homes of the wealthy...
The Government is Using Your Hard-Earned Money to Fund Its Wars!
Are you a hard-working citizen of the Horde or the Alliance? Have you earned your wealth in your own name? Unfortunately, your government says that wealth is not your own! They want to take it from you as yearly tax and tariffs and use it to fund their own programs.
Here at the AAMS we understand that individuals of means may resent paying part of their substantial income to fund programs that they personally disapprove of. We sympathize with those individuals who would prefer to temporarily move their wealth out of factional control -- just long enough to avoid the yearly taxes, for example, or to avoid tariffs on a favored import.
The traditional vehicle for offshore financing is the Blackwater Auction House and its subsidiary Steamwheedle Cartel investment agencies: these for-profit businesses move currency for a 15% cut, allowing the wealthy to transfer funds between Horde and Alliance banks at a steep price.
The AAMS is pleased to announce a one-time only Tariff-Day Special Offer for those seeking to avoid both taxes and fees!
Interested parties may deposit funds with either of our Branch Offices. Matching funds will be directed to the cross-faction party or institution of your choice. Initial transfers are restricted to five thousand in gold, but we are happy to discuss arrangements for multiple transfers if needed.
We are pleased to offer this service as a safe and legal way to avoid paying personal income into wartime coffers. Contact your local AAMS Branch Office or representative for details.
Andelia Windtouched
Communications Officer, AAMS Horde Branch
The Government is Using Your Hard-Earned Money to Fund Its Wars!
Are you a hard-working citizen of the Horde or the Alliance? Have you earned your wealth in your own name? Unfortunately, your government says that wealth is not your own! They want to take it from you as yearly tax and tariffs and use it to fund their own programs.
Here at the AAMS we understand that individuals of means may resent paying part of their substantial income to fund programs that they personally disapprove of. We sympathize with those individuals who would prefer to temporarily move their wealth out of factional control -- just long enough to avoid the yearly taxes, for example, or to avoid tariffs on a favored import.
The traditional vehicle for offshore financing is the Blackwater Auction House and its subsidiary Steamwheedle Cartel investment agencies: these for-profit businesses move currency for a 15% cut, allowing the wealthy to transfer funds between Horde and Alliance banks at a steep price.
The AAMS is pleased to announce a one-time only Tariff-Day Special Offer for those seeking to avoid both taxes and fees!
Interested parties may deposit funds with either of our Branch Offices. Matching funds will be directed to the cross-faction party or institution of your choice. Initial transfers are restricted to five thousand in gold, but we are happy to discuss arrangements for multiple transfers if needed.
We are pleased to offer this service as a safe and legal way to avoid paying personal income into wartime coffers. Contact your local AAMS Branch Office or representative for details.
Andelia Windtouched
Communications Officer, AAMS Horde Branch
Edited by Andelia on 4/18/2011 3:47 PM PDT