IPA Wants Your Priest or Holy Paladin

90 Tauren Druid
Recruiting a Holy Paladin or Priest Healer for our 10-man raid.

Ishnu Por Ah is first and foremost, a role-playing guild. But we are also casual raiders. Who says role-players can’t be raiders? Our group is composed of various individuals that have been around and raiding in the vanilla days of Molten Core. As a guild, we began our raiding career with Karazhan and worked our way through each new raid, ending with Ice Crown Citadel.

We are returning to the raiding scene in Cataclysm. IPA is currently in need of a Holy or Discipline Priest or a Holy Paladin to bring variety to our raid group. Our current priests and paladins are busy with real life and unable to raid with us. As much as we love our restoration druids and shamans, we have plenty of them in the raiding group.

You don’t have to be a role-player to raid with us. You are not required to leave your guild to come raid with us. If you are interested in joining Ishnu por Ah, then that’s a different story.

Be of level!
Be a thinker.
Be willing to learn.
Be willing to work for it.
You don't have to be a Cow.
Accept death. It's a part of life.
Be willing to help out your fellow man.
Be willing to accept constructive criticism.
Like RPers. Note-to instance with us does not mean you have to be an RPer, but you better not think we're lol.
We DO NOT have Vent! We HAVE Mumble. (more info on our webpage)

Contact Jindall to apply for our raids.

I can be reached in game or on our forums (http://wowforum.tabletopless.com/). More rules are listed on our forums. You must be at least heroic geared and can abide by our raiding rules.

I will test you to see how well you adapt to our group.

Now for the important details:

We raid twice a week. Our raids typically will go on for 2 – 2.5 hours, maximum.

Sundays @ 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM server time.

Wednesday @ 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM server time.
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71 Blood Elf Priest
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90 Draenei Paladin
i am interested, if it is still available. i would love to speak with someone further to see if this would be a good fit.
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90 Tauren Druid
Yes. I am still looking for someone to to fill that role.
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100 Tauren Shaman
04/26/2011 09:22 AMPosted by Columbine
i am interested, if it is still available. i would love to speak with someone further to see if this would be a good fit.

Columbine, find Redearth or Jindall Hordeside so we can chat. If you don't see us in game but see an Ishnu Por Ah member on, whisper them. They might be one of our alts or know where we are in game.
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